Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Lassiez faire Godless Capitalism is not the Christians/Bibles/Word of God's friend!

I want to continue the economic discussion from earlier today by pointing out that the lassiez fairest agenda is an Antichristian Godless and possibly even Satanic agenda. It wants a world ran on The Old Man in its total depravity as depraved as possible with no rules at all. It should be called Anarchic Satanism/Paganism or Anarcho-depravity. It is from the Kingdom of Darkness and has no place working with the Kingdom of God.

God's Moral Law is still the same and Lassiez Faire refuses to acknowledge it just as much as our currently existing Governments do. It wants a world where everyone and everyone thing is commodities and up for the highest bidder. Sex work or drug dealing? No problem it is simply a market meeting citizens demands for sexual exploitation and Pharmakia. Whom are you to have any laws based around sexual practice or drug taking they say?

It has it's roots in Neo-liberal economics and not Christian Conservatism/Biblical Values. As well as in the Work of Atheist Anarchic Capitalists like Rothbard. The biggest influence of course was the Rabid Atheist and Selfishness celebrating Objectivism of Ayn Rand which was embraced by the Libertarian/Neo-liberal movements. The Globalists love her and her unfettered Selfishness agenda. She argued for completely open borders and a One World Market Order. The economic globalization agenda is assisted not harmed by embracing her views.

In addition, Lassiez faire is the agenda of The Church of Satan of Anton LeVay. It is Satanism put into practice on an institutional level. Satan does not want us or you to acknowledge and follow Our Heavenly Father. He wants us to follow his rebellion right on into Hell. A live and let live free market in everything is exactly what he wants us to aim for. Our current conditions are in part due to a rabid extreme individualism. This will get even worse under the lassiez fairest agenda the ideology needs to be avoided at all costs.