Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Will North American Christians be dealing with Martial Law?

I am not one to be into conspiracy and this is not an article referring to theories or speculation. Trudeau just passed an Emergency Measures Act over the Freedom Convoy. He is freezing the Bank accounts of those supporting peaceful protests he disagrees with. 

This is unseen in Canadian history and Biden supports this move. Truckers in the US are planning a similar protest in their Nation. Biden is not likely to listen to them anymore than Trudeau did here. One could see essentially a form of Martial Law within North America. 

This is something that the CT community have been warning against for decades. That by giving Government so much power we would get to the point it would turn on North American. While I am not endorsing said community they had a point and we have ignored it to our detriment. 

The Government big enough to give you everything is powerful enough to take everything from you at their whims. We are more enclined to do things now due to the COVID-19 experience than we ever would before. I was asked for papers just to get into an interview with a Career College earlier. Not just my Vax Pass, but, also my government ID just to talk to someone about taking programs for retraining. 

She might as well have said, "papers please." COVID-19 is emademic now and no longer a pandemic. The fact that I while all masked up and sitting on the other side of the room distanced still need to be vaccinated in order to get retraining information is beyond ridiculous. The vaccines are being used as CTers warned a form of creating a two tier society.

We need to remove all these restrictions and get on with living with COVID-19 like we do with the flu or the cold. However, the people that saw we were fine with these restrictions at a time we thought we needed them are doubling down. The Government is taking unprecedented power and using it against those they disagree with. Which is exactly what people said when the restrictions started that most people just ignored. 

Let us not ignore what is right in front of us now. Let us rethink a thing or two. In following Romans 13 we need to make sure that we do not mistake living peaceable lives with ignoring the red flags flashing that things very well could get worse for us before it gets better.