Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, February 28, 2022

People should not break off fellowship or threaten congregational splitting over The Textus Receptus/text base issues.

I am very openly an advocate and proponent of the Confessional Reformed Text view. Based on all my research I do think the form of the TR/Textus Receptus or Confessional/Traditional text affirmed by the Reformers is the most accurate manuscripts of The Scriptures. 

However, I am not someone that thinks one needs to use the KJV only. Any properly done translation of the Traditional Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament manuscripts would be the most accurate versions. 

This includes a lot more than just the KJV or Authorized Version. It also includes the NKJV/New King James Version and Modern English Version/MEV. As well as the Gideons Only TR New Testament readings version of the English Standard Version. 

The Old Testament of any Formal Equivalent or word for word version such as ESV, LSB, or NASB in the Eclectic texts is no different really than the Old Testament of the TR Bibles as the TR is concentrated in the New Testament. 

I do not think that this should cause splits with fellow Christians that are on the side of Eclecticism. I will use a TR based New Testament and you will use an Eclectic test. Do I think the TR Bibles will be more accurate? 

Yes, however, that does not mean an Eclectic text is going to affect The Gospel and that non Confessional Reformed texts are somehow going to affect our Worship. Eclectic text people will think their version is more accurate and agree to disagree. 

We can and do worship side by side in my Church in love without the topic even really coming up. There is no reason for reasoned eclectic and TR proponents to not be mixed in the same Church. I disagree with the idea that we need to break apart from our fellow Christians or Church members over the textual issues. Nor should people be questioning the sanctification of Christians on either side of the issue. 

We Worship God not our translations of The Word of God. People whom put their translation over their congregation and over other matters are needlesly and unhealthily divisive on both sides of the issue.