Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, February 28, 2022

Facts & Fiction on Russia vs Ukraine | Guest: Josh Hammer


Will You Stand With Us In This War?


1 Corinthians 5:6-8: A Little Leaven


1 Corinthians 5:1-3: Not Even Named Among the Gentiles






Theodore P. Letis: Edward Freer Hills: The Life and Legacy of a 20th Century Burgonian


Theodore P. Letis: John William Burgon Rescued, Resuscitated, and Reconsidered


Theodore P. Letis: The Quest for the Historical Text, The ESV, and The Jesus Seminar


Theodore P. Letis: Lecture on the English Standard Version (audio only)


Pastor Jeff Riddle’s Review of White and Kruger on Canon and Text (audio only)


People should not break off fellowship or threaten congregational splitting over The Textus Receptus/text base issues.

I am very openly an advocate and proponent of the Confessional Reformed Text view. Based on all my research I do think the form of the TR/Textus Receptus or Confessional/Traditional text affirmed by the Reformers is the most accurate manuscripts of The Scriptures. 

However, I am not someone that thinks one needs to use the KJV only. Any properly done translation of the Traditional Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament manuscripts would be the most accurate versions. 

This includes a lot more than just the KJV or Authorized Version. It also includes the NKJV/New King James Version and Modern English Version/MEV. As well as the Gideons Only TR New Testament readings version of the English Standard Version. 

The Old Testament of any Formal Equivalent or word for word version such as ESV, LSB, or NASB in the Eclectic texts is no different really than the Old Testament of the TR Bibles as the TR is concentrated in the New Testament. 

I do not think that this should cause splits with fellow Christians that are on the side of Eclecticism. I will use a TR based New Testament and you will use an Eclectic test. Do I think the TR Bibles will be more accurate? 

Yes, however, that does not mean an Eclectic text is going to affect The Gospel and that non Confessional Reformed texts are somehow going to affect our Worship. Eclectic text people will think their version is more accurate and agree to disagree. 

We can and do worship side by side in my Church in love without the topic even really coming up. There is no reason for reasoned eclectic and TR proponents to not be mixed in the same Church. I disagree with the idea that we need to break apart from our fellow Christians or Church members over the textual issues. Nor should people be questioning the sanctification of Christians on either side of the issue. 

We Worship God not our translations of The Word of God. People whom put their translation over their congregation and over other matters are needlesly and unhealthily divisive on both sides of the issue. 

Pastor Jeff Riddle’s rejoinder to James White on the Ecclesiastical Text (part 2) (audio only)


Theodore P. Letis: The Women Taken in Adultery (audio only)


Pastor Robert Truelove responds to Todd Friel and KJV Onlyism


Pastor Jeff Riddle’s rejoinder to James White on the Ecclesiastical Text (part 1) (audio only)


King James Onlyism Heresy (Part 4): Which King James Version Is The Perfect Translation?

I agree we need to not make the translations into idols and go by which is the best text sources. 

King James Onlyism Heresy (Part 3): An Attack on the Original Scriptural Texts of the Bible

I agree that translations themselves are not inspired and double inspiration is a heresy.

King James Onlyism Heresy (Part 2): The Cult of Peter Ruckman - Ruckmanism

Rickman was and did lead others to heresy and Cultic behaviours. However, that is different from finding the TR is best manuscripts and the critical/Alexandrian texts are not. To think non KJV readers cannot be saved is beyond horrific. 

King James Onlyism Heresy (Part 1): Origins - A Seventh-day Adventist Invention

I agree that double inspiration theories are heresy. I do not agree with them portraying Edward F. Hills as being part of the movement they are calling Kings James Only. 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Who Are The Elect?


Steven Furtick is the Enemy of God!


The BEST way to KNOW you are saved?


1 John 5:1, Regeneration, Faith, and Tradition Driven Eisegesis


Debate Does the New Testament teach that Jesus Christ is God Hamza Abdul Malik vs Dr James White


The Doctrine of Total Depravity - Voddie Baucham


Correcting False Beliefs about Calvinism


Debate: Is The NT Evil? (White vs Silverman)


The Predestination Debate - White vs Brown


Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?


Does God Predestine People to Hell?


Response to Mike Winger, Who are the People Christ saved?


William Lane Craig vs James White - Calvinism vs Molinism on the Problem of EvilWilliam Lane Craig vs James White - Calvinism vs Molinism on the Problem of Evil


Transgender Debate: Dr. James White vs. Dr. Drew


James White absolutely CORRECTS Pastor Mike Winger


James White Baptismal Regeneration


Anyone Can Be Saved?


Sunday Gathering - February 27, 2022 AM


By Promise that We Might Be Justified by Faith


The Sovereignty of God: “My Counsel Shall Stand, and I Will Accomplish All My Purpose”


Saturday, February 26, 2022

God's Sovereignty: Chosen By God with R.C. Sproul


The Apostolic Preaching of the Gospel and Missions | Steven Lawson


The Sovereign Election of God and Missions | Steven Lawson — Session 13


Witnessing to a Gay Couple | One-to-one


The Sovereignty of God | John MacArthur & Josh Buice | G3 Interviews


Satan Among the Sons of Men - Charles Spurgeon Sermon / Read by Dr. David Mackereth


Twin Truths: God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibility (John 3:11-21)


Sovereignty and Freedom (Selected Scriptures)


An Explanation of the Sovereign Gospel


New Apostolic Reformation Exposed (short version)


The Story of Calvinism - Phil Johnson


Calvinism in a Nutshell (John MacArthur)


The doctrine of Election part 2


Doctrine Of Election part 1


The Doctrine Of Regeneration


Arminian and Calvinism Theology


Calvinism vs Arminianism: What the Bible Teaches


Calvinism vs Arminianism - John MacArthur


A Universe From Nothing – Dr. Juan Valdes


Tower of Babel: Origin of Races with Ken Ham


Big Bang: Exploding the Myth 💥 with Dr. Terry Mortenson


Friday, February 25, 2022

Q&A: Dr. Jason Lisle Science confirms Biblical Creation & Biblical Authority


Jesus is the God of the Old Testament


Bill Nye Tours the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham


Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham - HD (Official)


Refuting Modern Myths about Jesus Christ


The Age of the Earth: Thousands or Millions?


Genesis, Foundations, & Culture: Ken Ham


Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible - Creation Museum Live!


How to Present the Gospel in a Secularized Culture with Ken Ham


7 Lies Your Kids Will Believe Unless You Do Something - with Elizabeth Urbanowicz


Noah’s Ark and the Flood with Dr. Georgia Purdom


The Relevance of Genesis and Clarity of the Bible Beginning in Genesis with Ken Ham


Wherein I actually agree Bahnsen

I have written where I disagreed with Brother Bahnsen on politics, but, there is actually one thing he said that I do agree with on politics. "All civil governments must refrain from coercion in areas where Scripture has not prescribed their intervention." 

As part of general equity the Government is to refrain from using State power in areas where people are not outside of God's Moral Law. This leaves us with a society that is free, but, virtuous. God Given Rights are to be kept from being trampled on and we are to be free within the framework of God's Law.

For example; property rights and freedom of exchange. The right to self defense. Et cetera.

The Importance of Language


Town Hall meeting with Executive Director Joanna Baron: Emergencies Act challenge


Does the war between Russian and Ukraine have any connection to the end times?


Habakkuk 2:2-20


Perfecting the Saints


A Response to Genetically Modified Skeptic Part 2 — Stand to Reason Podcast


A Response to Genetically Modified Skeptic Part 1 — Stand to Reason Podcast


Trudeau is violating our constitution


MUST WATCH - Censure & Freedom Of Speech on YouTube: My Own Experience - Part 1 - 25 Feb 2022


How obedient is obedient?


Habakkuk: 1-2:1


How do I go from obeying God out of obligation to obeying Him out of love?


Thomas Sowell - Legacy of the Welfare State


Antichrist signs and wonders


How ungodly is the spiritual warfare of the WoF NAR


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Exposed


Contemplative Mysticism & Spiritual Adultery Part 2


Contemplative Mysticism and Spiritual Adultery part 1


CRT & Social Justice are Anti-Biblical, Anti-American, & Anti-Capitalist


Carlson Report: Is Capitalism Biblical?


Compassionate Capitalism a historical and biblical perspective


Freedom to Flourish


An Introduction to the Biblical Case for Economic Freedom


Does Your Work Matter to God?

Joel Salatin - Stewardship


What Christians Need to Understand about Income Inequality


What Christians Need to Understand about Wealth Creation


Why Economic Freedom Matters When Serving the Poor


What Is Economic Freedom?


Is Private Property Biblical?


Economic Freedom is the Best Hope for the Poor


Why Economics Matters


Hasn't Christianity Always Opposed Capitalism?


Biblical capitalism & the beauty of a marketplace | Kings & Priests


Godonomics: Chad Hovind gives Biblical Case for Free Market Capitalism to Glenn Beck


Socialism & Biblical Capitalism - What does the Bible say about Socialism?


False Teachers Exposed (Edited Version)


10 Items Christians Should NOT Own


Self defense with a fire arm is a God Given Right


Ben Shapiro on the Welfare State


How Should Christians View Welfare? - "Point of View" with Josh and Justin Barnes


Freedom: Benefits of a Basic Income Guarantee vs. Welfare - Learn Liberty


An Alternative to Welfare


Negative Income Tax - a Libertarian Welfare Proposal // (Briefly Explained)


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Stand With Warriors Update


More on General Equity and The Decalogue

This is a continuation on general equity and The Decalogue/Ten Commandments for today's Nations. First I need to list off all Ten Commandments that God commands us to follow;

1“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.

2“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.

3“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

4“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

5“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

6“You shall not murder.

7“You shall not commit adultery.

8“You shall not steal.

9“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.”

Some of the commandments are easier to apply than others. For example; theft is already recognized as well as murder in most legal codes. However, I would argue for the death penalty for murderers as it was instituted as the punishment for murder as a universal law and not just for a certain people.

You shall not commit adultery can and should be enforced. Adultery referred to not just people cheating on spouses, but, to sexual offenses in general. Any sexual predation (pedophilia, rape, etc cetera) should be punished also with the death penalty. 

You shall not steal requires restitution to the person stolen from and could result in jail time depending on the theft.

You shall not bear false witness would be covered by things like libel, defamation and slander laws. As well as punishments for making false claims of criminal activity or wrongfully accusing someone whom was innocent.

The 10th command and the shall not steal overlapped when it comes to coveting things. Covet a spouse would be considered adultery and how to or if we even can bring authority to bear on such things is a discussion to be had.

The Nations act on the first 4 commandments by acting to defend at all times the freedom for us to follow our Christian Values and protecting the Church from prosecution by the non believer. By protecting the right to worship as The Word of God dictates. While not in anyway dictating or interfering in the Sphere of The Church. 

Of course these are not the only laws that would fit under the general equity principle. There is much more that could be listed as to what would or should be legislated based on transcendent Moral Law.

For example; making sex work and pornography illegal and making or trying to distribute it punishable would also fall under adultery. As even thinking a lustful thought is considered adultery. This command also requires abolishing no fault divorce and requiring different standards for divorces. As well as reinstating marriage as being between one man and one woman within the law. Banning sexualized advertising and getting the smut off TV/Radio, et cetera. Getting LGBTQ propaganda out of our schools and things like these. Abolishing C4 as well. 

You get the general drift of where I am going with the idea of general equity and the Laws of Nations. I will continue on this subject as thoughts on it arise. 

Russia vs Ukraine: What's REALLY Going On? | Guest: Jason Buttrill


Russell Brand's View of God Examined | MEGIDDO TV


The Catastrophe of Canada | Rex Murphy and Jordan B Peterson


Purity in Older Women, Titus 2:3


"How The Mighty Have Fallen!" - The Sad Story of Greg Locke


Dangers of Legalism (Legalism) | Legalism and Moralism


The Heart of the Christian Life - Part 1 Tom Pennington | Romans 12:9-21


The Heavy Hand of God (Part 1 of 2) — 02/24/2022


What Does It Mean to Be Loved by Jesus?


Don't Forget God -- Isaiah 8:1-10


Doesn’t Everybody Do Good?: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul


The Vanity of Pride | Pride and Humility | Daniel 4:29-33


Christlike in Conflict - Moses


Dinosaurs Refute Millions of Years!


So This Is What We Are Calling An Apostle Now?!


The Truth of It | Expelling LGBT Students | COVID Convoys | Finding Peace


Trudeau revokes emergency. but now must answer in court!


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

"Objective Truth," Reformed Bible Study, Pastor MacLaren, First Church OPC Perkasie, PA. 02/02/2022


"Jesus the Only Way," Reformed Bible Study, Pastor MacLaren, First Church OPC Perkasie, PA 2/9/2022


The Second Epistle General of St. John - William Burkitt Bible Commentary


The Origin of Life: Creation or Cosmic Chance?


That’s Not Normal! (Part 2 of 2) — 02/23/2022


That’s Not Normal! (Part 1 of 2) — 02/22/2022


Podcast: Pagans Know Best


This 1 Thing Stops Ben Shapiro From Becoming a Christian


What is Critical Race Theory? | Eric Hovind & Cindy Quinlan


Defending Genesis: So They Believe When We Speak of Heavenly Things


What is the Difference in the KJV and CSB and HCSB?


What is the Difference in the KJV and NLT?


How is the Sufficiency of Scripture Denied by Modern Spiritual Warfare Experts?


In Defense of the continual General Equity of God’s Moral Law/Natural law

I will here defend the continued General Equity of God's Moral Law/Natural Law on all Nations for all times. 

This is not an argument for Christian Reconstructionist/Theology/ideology as I am not in favor of what Bahnsen calls, "the starting presumption that the Old Covenant judicial laws given to Israel have not been abrogated therefore all civil governments are morally obligated to enforce them (including the specific penalties)."

The above statement was a major twisting of the term theonomic or theonomist to mean one that is for brining back OT Isreal and all its laws including their penalties from simply meaning God's Law. This was due to a serious error in and misunderstanding of what Cornelius Van Til meant when he said, "you are either autonomous or theonomist.” Van Til was simply asserting that God’s word is authoritative for every sphere of life. It did not mean recreating Christendom nor did theonomist mean making all Nations OT Isreal.

Bahnsen, North and Rushdoony took the term theonomist and replaced it with a new definition under the label Theonomy which also became known as Christian Reconstructionist. However, entymologically theonomy simply means God's Law. This is not the same thing as reinstating OT Isreal in the modern Nations or enforcing Christendom. Using a traditional pre-corruption meaning of theonomist vs Reconstruction Theonomy all Christians are theonomic and thus theonomists.   "Dr. R.C. Sproul notes that Christian ethics are theonomic, that is, governed by God’s law. This does not mean the church is called to institute a theocracy in the civil realm. It does mean that no correct ethical decision can be made apart from reflection on God’s law. Many Christians neglect the study of the law of the Lord, but if we do not seek to understand His commandments, we will lack the wisdom needed to discern between right and wrong in our decisions."

Or as explained in more detail below; "According to Scripture, ethics are theonomic — determined not by the self but by the Lord. God’s standard alone provides the absolutes for our conduct.

This standard exists outside of us and is binding upon all, regardless of whether or not one believes Scripture. 

All men, because they are in Adam (Rom. 5:12), are bound by the covenant of works and will be judged according to their obedience. We may choose to disregard this relationship’s obligations, but we cannot destroy them.

Scripture reveals to us a transcendent law that remains binding upon all and is based on our Creator’s holy character. These stipulations do not exist outside of Himself; they are part of His eternal nature. This law, often known as the moral law in the Reformed tradition, is the “law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2) and can be found in the Ten Commandments and in the ethical imperatives of the apostles.

Finally, when we say all Christians are theonomic, we are not endorsing theonomy, a movement that says the old covenant’s civil penalties remain in force. Believers may legitimately debate this issue, but all must be “theonomists” in the sense of affirming the permanent validity of God’s moral standards (1 Cor. 6:9–10).

Thus, I would be a "theonomist,” in the sense of affirming the permanent validity of God’s moral standards (1 Cor. 6:9–10). However, I am not a "theonomist," in the sense used by Bahnsen, Rushdoony or Gary North. "The starting presumption that the Old Covenant judicial laws given to Israel have not been abrogated therefore all civil governments are morally obligated to enforce them (including the specific penalties)."

My defense is of the abiding of God's Moral Law and that governments should be applying principles of Classic Reformed General Equity to the Laws of Nations. This does not entail going backwards to OT Isreal and its judicial laws. Instead it requires enforcing the general equity of God's abiding Moral Laws namely found in the Decologue of the Ten Commandments and within The New Testament. Something which comes right out of all Reformed Confessions. 

I.As the ceremonial law was concerned with God, the political was concerned with the neighbor.

II. In those matters on which it is in harmony with the moral law and with ordinary justice, it is binding upon us.

III. In those matters which were peculiar to that law and were prescribed for the promised land or the situation of the Jewish state, it has not more force for us than the laws of foreign commonwealths.

In other words...

1. God gave to Adam a law, as a covenant of works, by which he bound him and all his posterity to personal, entire, exact, and perpetual obedience, promised life upon the fulfilling, and threatened death upon the breach of it, and endued him with power and ability to keep it.

2. This law, after his fall, continued to be a perfect rule of righteousness; and, as such, was delivered by God upon Mount Sinai, in ten commandments, and written in two tables: the first four commandments containing our duty towards God; and the other six, our duty to man.

3. Beside this law, commonly called moral, God was pleased to give to the people of Israel, as a church under age, ceremonial laws, containing several typical ordinances, partly of worship, prefiguring Christ, his graces, actions, sufferings, and benefits; and partly, holding forth divers instructions of moral duties. All which ceremonial laws are now abrogated, under the new testament.

Contrary to the Post-Bahnsen Theonomy. .

To them also, as a body politic, he gave sundry judicial laws, which expired together with the State of that people; not obliging any other now, further than the general equity thereof may require.

The civil and ceremonial categories were intentionally temporary. The moral law reflects the character of God in a way that the civil and ceremonial laws did not. It is necessary to love God with all one’s faculties and one’s neighbor as one’s self but washing one’s hands because of ceremonial uncleanness? That’s not a permanent law. Leaving the camp because of a discharge or the death penalty for picking up sticks on the Sabbath? Those are not abiding laws grounded in the nature of God. They did not exist until they did, i.e., they were not in force under Noah and Abraham and they expired with the death of Christ. Thus, evidently they belong to a different class than “love God and love neighbor.” After all, our Lord himself said, “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matt 22:37–40).

It’s not that the civil laws have no application but they apply only insofar as they are expressions of the moral law. The moral law is the natural law. It is permanent. The civil and ceremonial laws were peculiar to the Mosaic (old) covenant. 

"Judicial laws may be judicial and Mosaical, and so not obligatory to us, according to the degree and quality of punishment, such as in Deuteronomy 13, the destroying the city, and devoting all therein to a curse; we may not do the like in the like degree of punishment, to all that receive and defend idolaters and blasphemers in their city. And yet that some punishment by the sword be inflicted upon such a city, is of perpetual obligation; because the magistrate bears the sword to take vengeance on ill doers, and so on these that are partakers of his ill deeds, who brings another gospel, I John 5:10. . . . . Because the slaying of man, woman, infant, and suckling, ox and sheep, was temporary, and cannot have a perpetually obligatory ground in the law of nature or natural justice obliging us. . . . . No man but sees the punishment of theft is of common moral equity, and obligeth all nations, but the manner or degree of punishment is more positive: as to punish theft by restoring four oxen for the stealing of one ox, doth not so oblige all nations, but some other bodily punishment, as whipping, may be used against thieves."

The judicial laws of Israel were part of the old covenant that passed away with the establishment of the new covenant. Under the new covenant, the judicial laws no longer apply because now the universal promise has been realized, that Abraham will be a blessing and a father to all nations, and this does not require them to become Jews who must observe the judicial and ceremonial law of Israel. The moral law, which is written on the hearts of all people still applies and provides a curb against evil, but how punishments against evil are applied by the customs of the nations is no longer bound by the judicial and ceremonial laws that governed Israel.

Does the fact that I am for general equity and a Van Tllian theonomist mean I fall under the label General Equity theonomist? Absolutely not if you mean by Theonomy, "The starting presumption that the Old Covenant judicial laws given to Israel have not been abrogated therefore all civil governments are morally obligated to enforce them (including the specific penalties)." As defined by Bahnsen and others. However, yes, if by general equity theonomist you instead mean the following;

"General equity theonomy as in the legislation of civil laws based on God's transcendent and abiding Moral/Natural Law, not, imposing the particular OT laws or penalties."

Unlike the ceremonial and judicial precepts, moral commands continue to bind, and are summed up in the Ten Commandments. Only the moral laws of the Mosaic Law, which include the Ten Commandments and the commands repeated in the New Testament, directly apply to Christians today. Ceremonial laws, in this view, include the regulations pertaining to ceremonial cleanliness, festivals, diet, and the Levitical priesthood.

Advocates of this view hold that, while not always easy to do and overlap between categories does occur, the divisions they make are possible and supported based on information contained in the commands themselves; specifically to whom they are addressed, whom or what they speak about, and their content. For example, a ceremonial law might be addressed to the Levites, speak of purification or holiness and have content that could be considered as a foreshadowing of some aspect of Christ's life or ministry. In keeping with this, most advocates also hold that when the Law is spoken of as everlasting, it is in reference to certain divisions of the Law.

I would agree with Hicks that general equity must be found in the moral law. 

"John Calvin identifies the term “equity” with moral law. “It is a fact that the law of God which we call the moral law is nothing else than a testimony of natural law and of that conscience which God has engraved upon the minds of men. Consequently, the entire scheme of this equity of which we are now speaking has been prescribed in it. Hence, this equity alone must be the goal and rule and limit of all laws” (Institutes 4.20.15-16)

Calvin’s successor in Geneva, Theodore Beza, wrote, “Although we do not hold to the forms of the Mosaic polity, yet when such judicial laws prescribe equity in judgments, which is part of the decalogue, we, not being under obligation to them insofar as they were prescribed by Moses to only one people, are nevertheless bound to observe them to the extent that they embrace that general equity which should everywhere be in force . . . . Because it follows natural equity, and expounds that perpetual precept of the decalogue, Thou shalt not steal, to this extent all are bound to fulfill them both” (De Haereticis a civili Magistratu puniendis Libellus, Geneva: Robert Stephanus, 1554, pp. 222-23, italics in the text are mine). Beza clearly linked general equity to the decalogue and natural law.

William Perkins wrote, “Judicial laws so far as they have in them the general or common equity of the law of nature are moral and therefore binding in conscience as the moral law” (A Discourse on Cases of Conscience in The Whole Works, London, 1631, 1.520).

Thus, the historic meaning of the term “general equity” refers exclusively to the moral law, summarized in the Ten Commandments, which is also revealed in the law of nature. The crucial thing to understand about the general equity of the old covenant judicial law is that the judicial law’s general equity is not first to be found in the judicial laws themselves. If there is general equity in any given old covenant judicial law, it is first found in nature, in creation and conscience, and it is also summarily taught in the Ten Commandments. Therefore, we should not approach old covenant judicial laws to discover distinctive or new principles of law, which are not already revealed in creation, conscience, or the decalogue. Old covenant judicial laws do not establish timeless principles of law; rather, to the extent that there is any general equity in them, it is based on the larger trans-covenantal moral law of nature, which is found outside of those laws.

If “general equity theonomy” means that the core principles of the judicial laws remain in force, but those principles do not necessarily entail God’s transcendent moral and natural law summarized in the Ten Commandments, then that definition of general equity is contrary to the Reformed confessional tradition and patently unbiblical. I would not want to be associated with such a movement or structure of political ideas. 

Any version of “general equity theonomy,” which does not look for prior transcendent moral law within the judicial law, which is summarized in the decalogue and/or revealed in nature, uses a hermeneutic contrary to the New Testament. The issue at stake is the controls on our interpretation and application of judicial law. 

Take Deuteronomy 22:8 as an example. It says, “When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring the guilt of blood upon your house, if anyone should fall from it.” It’s crucial to understand that the general equity of the law of the parapet isn’t merely a matter of the essential principles of that particular judicial law. The general equity of the law of the parapet is nothing other than the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder” (Ex 20:13). Does the law’s general equity require a railing around a second story deck to protect the lives of people who go up there? Absolutely. But railings on second story decks are not required because of the law of the parapet itself. Rather, general equity requires a railing on a second story deck because of the transcendent moral law, summarized in the decalogue, which stands behind the law of the parapet: “You shall not murder.”

Understood properly, the general equity of the law of the parapet requires us to protect other people’s lives, and not merely do what is expedient, cheaper, or more convenient for ourselves. The general equity of the law of the parapet applies in a number of circumstances. People who use guns should practice gun safety principles. If you have a deadly illness, take precautions not to spread it to others as far as it depends on you. Salt your sidewalks after an ice storm. Drive safely so as not to endanger others. Don’t leave live electrical wires exposed in your home. The sixth commandment requires that you not be concerned merely for yourself, but must always live so as to protect the lives of other people. That is the general equity of the law of the parapet, the sixth commandment, “do not murder.”

Any understanding of the term general equity, which neglects the decalogue, or natural law revealed in creation or conscience, as the essence of general equity is not accurately defining the term according to its historic and confessional sense. Any version of general equity theonomy that does not look for a moral law that transcends Old Testament judicial law but instead sees Old Testament judicial law as itself a subset of moral law that remains binding is not following the example of the New Testament.

The greatest mistake of such a hermeneutic is that it does not begin with the universal transcendent norms of natural and moral law, summarized in the Ten Commandments, seeking to find those moral principles within judicial law. Rather, it begins with the judicial laws themselves and tries to uncover the essential principles within those laws, wrongly assuming they are all moral, in order to apply them universally."

I am totally opposed to Bahnsen, Gary North or Rushdoony Theonomy. Which is why I would not associate myself with the corrupted term Theonomy. Instead I would just go with general equity proponent or advocate. Continuing in the great Reformed Confession tradition that God's Transcendent Moral Laws will not pass away. However, if general equity and theonomist are both properly understood historically as meaning the abiding moral law and God's Standard of Ethics I do not mind being considered one of a Paleo variety.

What is the Difference in the KJV and MEV?


What is the Difference in the KJV and NIV?


What is the Difference in the KJV and ESV?


What is the Difference in the KJV and NKJV?


Why Are They Changing the Bible?


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Kim & Kanye, 'Conscious Co-Parenting' & Disrupting God’s Order | Guest: Delano Squires


Vince Krivda: Which TR?!


Charlie Kirk: Practicing and Protecting Religious Freedom | FULL INTERVIEW


1 Samuel 24 "David Loves His Enemy"


1 Corinthians 1:20-31 "The Comforting Gospel"


Will North American Christians be dealing with Martial Law?

I am not one to be into conspiracy and this is not an article referring to theories or speculation. Trudeau just passed an Emergency Measures Act over the Freedom Convoy. He is freezing the Bank accounts of those supporting peaceful protests he disagrees with. 

This is unseen in Canadian history and Biden supports this move. Truckers in the US are planning a similar protest in their Nation. Biden is not likely to listen to them anymore than Trudeau did here. One could see essentially a form of Martial Law within North America. 

This is something that the CT community have been warning against for decades. That by giving Government so much power we would get to the point it would turn on North American. While I am not endorsing said community they had a point and we have ignored it to our detriment. 

The Government big enough to give you everything is powerful enough to take everything from you at their whims. We are more enclined to do things now due to the COVID-19 experience than we ever would before. I was asked for papers just to get into an interview with a Career College earlier. Not just my Vax Pass, but, also my government ID just to talk to someone about taking programs for retraining. 

She might as well have said, "papers please." COVID-19 is emademic now and no longer a pandemic. The fact that I while all masked up and sitting on the other side of the room distanced still need to be vaccinated in order to get retraining information is beyond ridiculous. The vaccines are being used as CTers warned a form of creating a two tier society.

We need to remove all these restrictions and get on with living with COVID-19 like we do with the flu or the cold. However, the people that saw we were fine with these restrictions at a time we thought we needed them are doubling down. The Government is taking unprecedented power and using it against those they disagree with. Which is exactly what people said when the restrictions started that most people just ignored. 

Let us not ignore what is right in front of us now. Let us rethink a thing or two. In following Romans 13 we need to make sure that we do not mistake living peaceable lives with ignoring the red flags flashing that things very well could get worse for us before it gets better. 

"The Covenant-Keeping Christ," Exodus 19:7-15. Pastor MacLaren, First Church OPC Perkasie, PA 2/6/22


"Man is nothing - God is everything"


Governor Cuomo's Daughter Selling Magic Jewelry on Etsy!


How Can Geology Erode Christian Spirituality?


Monday, February 21, 2022

Man's Free Will: Defined and Refuted


Halloween and Kirk Cameron's Dangerous Compromises


Does Michael L. Brown Have Spiritual Discernment?


Saved or Self-Deceived: Are You a Christian?


William Lane Craig Sees Former Pope Benedict XVI as a Defender of the Christian Faith


William Lane Craig's Ecumenism and His Weak Response to Roman Catholicism


Word-Faith Theology and Luciferianism


Acts 2, Multiple-Inspiration and Gail Riplinger


Bible Versions: The Supernatural Claims of Gail Riplinger


An Introduction to the Bible Version Issue


Billy Graham: A History of Deception and Apostasy


Glenn Beck, Ecumenism and the Social Gospel


Pope Francis, The Jesuits and the Biblical Doctrine of Antichrist


"Why our church no longer plays Bethel or Hillsong music," Pastor explains false teachings


The Debate Over the End: Pre-Millenial vs. Post-Millennial


The end time, the antichrist, and the rapture. Eschatology with Sam Storms


What is the Millennial Reign of Christ in Revelation 20? Amil, Premil or Postmil?


An Evening of Eschatology – Premillennialism, Amillennialism, Postmillennialism


F4F | Remnant Radio Rebuttal


F4F | Charismatics Justifying Blasphemy


F4F | Pirate Gang Conversation About Bad Discernment


Answering Catholic Objections with Mike Gendron


Sunday, February 20, 2022

URC of PEI | February 20, 2022 | Evening Worship Service


Amillennialism by Whole Armour Ministries 2013


The Latest Charismatic Prophetic Faceplant


Pierre Poilievre gives POWERFUL speech on the current state of Canada


Sean Feucht and New Age Angel Numbers?!?!


URC of PEI | February 20, 2022 | Morning Worship Service


February 20, 2022 AM Worship


2/20/2022 AM - "Jesus Calls Sinners” - Matthew 9:9-13


Spirit-filled Living: Taking Our Places in the Economy


9:30 AM Service


Lord's Day Morning Worship February 20, 2022




A Word of Peace - Sunday, February 20, 2022 AM


2/20/22 AM Service


Those Who Are of Faith Are Blessed


Rehoboth URC Live Stream


Sunday Gathering - February 20, 2022 AM


Searching for Satisfaction


Redeemer URC Worship Service Feb 20 , 2022 AM


Show and tell the glory of God's city - February 20, 2022 AM Service (Re-uploaded)


Providence URC - February 20, 2022 AM Service


More Salt


The Ascension, the Ark, the Wine, and the Dance


Are You Doing Enough for God?


The Apocalypse! The Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ to you!


The God of the covenant claims the worship of his people


LWRC - February 20 (10:30 AM)


Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Lie of Attraction - Manifesting, The Secret, LOA & New Age Deception


What Does the Bible Teach about the Rapture?

For those interested in the Views on the Rapture and or Second Coming/Millennium of most of the Protestant Reformation and still held by Amillennialism.

Third Adam 3X

Filled with brand new material this is the latest edition of Third Adam. While I disagree with the idea of the AntiChrists getting their way and getting their World Government mentioned near the very end it is filled with details of things people should at least keep an open mind about. It makes clear that the social justice theology and Modernism is not and never was Christian. Something I totally agree with. As well as giving an excellent explanation of contemplementarianism and the Creation Order.

Third Adam 3: Rise of The Divine Feminine


I once again disagree with the more conspiracy minded sections of this documentary. However, the Occult invasion of the Modernism accepted Churches is very real and not to be played with. I also agree that feminism was an attack against Christ and His Church. Along with the modern social justice theology.

Third Adam 2: The Great Seduction

I disagree once again with the sections promoting Dispensational theology, but, this provides great insights on the horrible outcomes of accepting Theological Modernism. I do not agree with the more conspiracy like elements, but, still lots of good information. 

Third Adam (No Music)


I do not agree with Brother Spencer on his conflating Amillenialism which includes myself with Dominion Theology they are not even near the same kettle of fish and was adhered too by most of the Protestant Reformation. 

I also as an Amillenial disagree that the Antichrist will get it's actual World Government it seeks. Instead the actual Amillenial view is Antichrist will attempt or have a Satanic Season, but, Christ will come back destroying his attempt bringing actual Godly Justice. Which will be when The White Thrown Judgements take place followed by The New Heaven's and Earth. We do not think we bring in anything it will happen on God's time table. 

Scripture Teaches its Own Sufficiency


Reaction Video: Everythings Gonna Be All White | Understanding Justice


The ONE Message of Revelation, and It's Not What You Think It Is | WRETCHED RADIO


The Good News


Bill's wisdom. Biblical, or divorced from the Bible?


The Government is breaking its own said commitment to Human Rights by coercing medical decisions.

I am not a Libertarian, I am a Classical General Equity person, but, they are right when it comes to this issue. 

Dawn of the Medical Tyranny...

I disagree with the Rapture and premillenialism talk.

Androgynize The Genders, Accept White Guilt, Amalgamate the Gospels...


Friday, February 18, 2022

Hillsong Christmas 2019 Review - Pagan Goddesses, Occult Symbols, and Eastern Religions...


Hillsong Easter: Dynamic Equivalence, Pop N' Lock, and Dark Occult Rituals...


Kanye Walks On Water...My Thoughts...


Don't Fall for the Yang Gang!


Beyonce, Black is King, BLM, and Black Magic...


Bethel Church Practices Kabbalah Magic!!! PROOF!!!


The Christian's Conflict With Satan


Evolution’s "Emperor" Has No Clothes!


The Value of Studying B. B. Warfield


Speak, Lord! (Part 2 of 2) — 02/18/2022


Gifted to Serve - Part 1 | Tom Pennington | Romans 12:3-8


Bringing Children to Christ


Wasserman on the PA: Not Scripture but should be read in the church?


Talking with Shanda Fulbright about New Age in the Church


Evidence for the Flood and the Research We Had to Fight For!


Embracing God's Truth in a Hostile Culture (Part 2) - Rod Dreher


My Only Comfort In Life and Death


Embracing God's Truth in a Hostile Culture (Part 1) - Rod Dreher


I need to obay God not mankind

I have been contemplating my future for the past month or so. I am coming to a big decision in my life and I am leaning on Christ's everlasting arms. There are groups I have been associated with helping or taking part in that are showing their incompatibility with The Word of God. I am working on how to amicably remove myself from them and to get myself a Christian Therapist for when I need to talk to someone. I already put in my resignation for one part of a group. Now I need to see how to remove myself from the broader group altogether. I will not name said groups that would be gossip. However, I need to obey God and not mankind. Pray for me please!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Apologia Radio W/ Cultish: Martial Arts and the Occult


The Data Is In: Mask & Vaccine Mandates Don't Work | Guest: Ian Miller


Raising World Changers | Eric Hovind & Randy Pratt


The Humble Go to Church, The Proud Don't | Pride & Humility Series


A Warning of Judgment -- Isaiah 3:16-4:1


“Exploding into Being”: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul


‘Feathered Dinos’ Not Feathered After All! (Article Podcast)


How Is Christ Head of the Church? Ephesians 5:22–24


The Clarity of Scripture with Dr. John MacArthur

I love Brother MacArthur, but, I totally disagree with adding Historical Amillenials into twisting Scriptures.

The Words of God In A World of Lies - Psalm 12 (February 13, 2022)