Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Who are The Gospel Hall Assemblies and what are their destinctives?

This is my second article on other streams of fundamental Orthodox Christianity and where we agree. I will start by saying Gospel Halls are part of the broader fundamentalism movement and fighting for the true Gospel in a world filled with Apostate Churches and those going Apostate. As I mentioned in an article I am a J. Gresham Machen fundamentalist; which is to be an Orthodox Reformed Protestant. 

The Gospel Halls are a group of independent Christian assemblies throughout the world that fellowship with each other through a set of shared Biblical doctrines and practices. Theologically, they are evangelical and dispensational. They are a conservative movement and tend to only collaborate with other assemblies when there is doctrinal agreement.

“An assembly is a company of baptized believers (Acts 2:41), gathered unto the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18:20; 1 Cor. 1:1-9;5:4 etc.), who meet regularly in a particular locality according to the pattern found in the [New Testament] in Acts 2:41,42, and developed fully in such epistles as 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy. Such an assembly is a spiritual fellowship (1 Cor. 10:16,17), which is expressed visibly as they meet for the breaking of bread, prayer, collective testimony, the teaching of the Word of God and the preaching of the gospel.

They have been gathered together by the Holy Spirit (Mark 14:13; Rom. 8:14), their sole authority is the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16,17), and they have the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ to be in their midst (Matt. 18:20). They are a residence of the Holy Spirit on earth, so they are a holy temple unto the Lord (1 Cor. 3:15,16).

Such an assembly is guided by godly overseers and served by faithful deacons in both a temporal and spiritual ministry (1 Tim. 3:1-16). The priesthood of all believers is exercised in worship, praise and prayer, and the gifts, given by the risen Head of the church (Eph. 4:8-13) have the liberty to function under the control of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 14:23-40).

There is a clear demarcation between the within and the without of an assembly and purity is maintained by careful, compassionate and godly exercise of discipline (1 Cor. 5:1-13).

This is a carefully written statement, but claims no authority for itself. It is only the Word of God that has authority in the realm of testimony for God.”

Crawford, Norman., Gathering Unto His Name. Glasgow: Gospel Tract Publications., 2003, p. 30"

What all does this stream of fundamentalism believe? You can find that information on the official website of our local Charlottetown Gospel Hall. I also recommend the book Come Unto His Name by Norman Crawford available here.

One of the destinctives of these Brothers and Sisters in Christ is the use of headcoverings and hats for all ladies. This is explained in a chapter of the above mentioned book. This is somewhere that my stream and theirs would have differences. Feel free to cover yourself, but, we would not make it mandatory in the Sanctuary.

Another difference would be one of eschatological differences. Covanental Amillenial eschatology is the main current within our Churches. Whereas they are Dispensational theologically. However, we can agree to disagree here. 

The last thing would be that their seteriology would not be exactly like ours. As all Reformed Theologans are by nessecity of being Reformed Calvinistic. However, they have the Gospel fundamentals on point. 

Gospel Hall Assemblies are on the side of Christ and his Angels even though we disagree here and there.