Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Word of God on sexual ethics is The Bible

For those whom might be newer to finding my blog I would like to be clear and precise on one of the biggies these days. I have a fully Biblical sexual and gender ethic. This means I am Against, as God is Against all sex outside of opposite sex marriage as presented by God in his Word. This means I do not support in anyway shape or form living a LGBTQ lifestyle. 

People with Same sex attraction are no different then opposite sex attractions with lust issues. You need to work on the attractions and dealing with removing the lust without acting on them. Whether this includes Reintegration Therapy or not is up to the individual Christian, but, it is an option. 

You also cannot be identifying with your Sin as whom you are we all have sins we have to deal with, but, one does not call yourself a Gossip or Adulterer, et etcetera. You are a person with same aex attractions you are not them. Thus I disagree with the idea of anyone identifying as LGBTQ as an identity and being proud of it. Anymore than being Proud of any other sin.

God can save you out of the LGBTQ lifestyle and towards one of Holy Singleness. Or he could even give you attractions to a member of the opposite sex you will marry if it is His Will.