Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Secret Code of Creation: Dr. Jason Lisle


Big Bang: Proven Science or Assumptions?


Rejoice Daughter of Zion


A CRAZY Encounter With An Elevation Church Member...


Prayer. Looking at one of Christianities most important disciplines.


Do This in Remembrance


Why It's Hard to Believe: "The Problem of Evil and Suffering"


Big Bang: Exploding the Myth 💥 with Dr. Terry Mortenson


If You Didn’t Think Critical Race Theory Would Infect the Church… | WRETCHED


The Other Man’s Grass (Part 2 of 2) — 11/30/2021


A Question of Work | HOPC Morning Sermon 11/28/2021


The Death Spiral of Avoiding Genesis


Be Mature -- Phil 3:15-21


The Fruit and Root of Bitterness: Ephesians 4:30–32


Monday, November 29, 2021

Word of Faith: False Healings, Criticisms & Gospel | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters - SO4J-TV | Show 7


Problem Bible Verses: Context & Interpretation | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters - SO4J-TV | Show 6


Heresies of Word of Faith & New Apostolic Reformation | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters| SO4J-TV | Show 5


The Mystery of Christian Unity, Part 1


Careful Christian: Aesthetics are Not Neutral


Revelation 8 | Audio Bible NIV with Words | Angels sound their trumpets


Suffering & Sovereignty vs Health & Wealth | Costi Hinn & Justin Peters - SO4J-TV | Show 4


Healing Today & Cessationism | Justin Peters & Costi Hinn - SO4J-TV | Show 3


Charismatic Movement: Defining Key Terms | Justin Peters & Costi Hinn - SO4J-TV | Show 2


Costi Hinn's Testimony & Justin Peters: Dividing from Deception - SO4J-TV | Show 1


A woman stares down her abuser and preaches the Gospel. Amazing.


Who Grants Authority to Parents? - Answers News: November 29, 2021


Are You a Pop-Christian or a Real Christian?


Why These Christian YouTubers Left the Hyper-Charismatic Movement


2021 November 28 PM Worship


The Anointed and His Anointing - PM November 28, 2021


Deuteronomy 31:1-13: Be Strong and Courageous (Rev. Michael Grasso)


F4F | Anatomy of a Rod Parsley Money Scam


False Teachers Exposed


F4F | Deconstructing How Benny Hinn Scams People Out of Their Money


King James Bible Read Along

The Error of Dispensationalism (Remastered) - 119 Ministries


Contemporary English Audio Bible - Dramatized Audio

For those totally New to the Faith and find the ESV too wooden for them to understand here is a very loose paraphrase of the Bible.

It should not be your main text once you get the hang of things you can move onto a more literal translation. Like the other ones already shared on here. 

I recommend that you consider using the NKJV or MEV to fill in missing texts from the Traditional Text not present in ESV posted here as well. Such as the ending of the Lord's Prayer, Marks longer ending and also the woman caught in adulatory passages. You can use the ESV and then just switch to reading those passages from the other Translations if you wish to or prefer the English Standard Version as a main Translation. 

English Standard Version Read Along Bible

For those whom find it hard to follow the KJV Audio Presentations here is the English Standard Bible. It is missing the ending of the Lord's Prayer, the longer ending of Mark and also the Woman Caught in Adulatory. However, for those unable to find a MEV or NKJV to get a modern English Version with those texts this will be easier to Study and ingest God's Word. 

1599 Geneva Bible The Remnant's Voice

All Scripture ♩♫ Songs Sing the KJV

[AudioBible] NKJV - Orchestrated New King James Version (Full) The Bible-smith Project

[AudioBible] NKJV - Dramatized New King James Version (Full) The Bible-smith Project

"Conversion Therapy" Myths: Presentation at ACHHS Conference 2021 with Voice of the Voiceless


Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Holy Bible - King James Version - Dramatized Audio

The Unparalleled Humility of Jesus


It's Time That We Call These People What They Are...


Wisdom, power and salvation - Voddie Baucham


URC of PEI | November 28, 2021 | Evening Worship Service


Homosexuality Universalism The Gospel and the SBC


The Doctrine of Total Depravity - Voddie Baucham Says "Dead Men Don't Grab"


God Takes Pastor into Donald Trumps DNA


Sunday Gathering - November 28, 2021 AM


URC of PEI | November 28, 2021 | Morning Worship Service


The Word of God on sexual ethics is The Bible

For those whom might be newer to finding my blog I would like to be clear and precise on one of the biggies these days. I have a fully Biblical sexual and gender ethic. This means I am Against, as God is Against all sex outside of opposite sex marriage as presented by God in his Word. This means I do not support in anyway shape or form living a LGBTQ lifestyle. 

People with Same sex attraction are no different then opposite sex attractions with lust issues. You need to work on the attractions and dealing with removing the lust without acting on them. Whether this includes Reintegration Therapy or not is up to the individual Christian, but, it is an option. 

You also cannot be identifying with your Sin as whom you are we all have sins we have to deal with, but, one does not call yourself a Gossip or Adulterer, et etcetera. You are a person with same aex attractions you are not them. Thus I disagree with the idea of anyone identifying as LGBTQ as an identity and being proud of it. Anymore than being Proud of any other sin.

God can save you out of the LGBTQ lifestyle and towards one of Holy Singleness. Or he could even give you attractions to a member of the opposite sex you will marry if it is His Will. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

How to Be Persuasive When Arguing for the Traditional Text: Part III


How to Be Persuasive When Arguing for the Traditional Text: Part II


How to Be Persuasive When Arguing for the Traditional Text: Part I


These People Will NOT Go to Heaven!


The Narrow Way of the True Christian (Matthew 7:13-23)


Do You Bear Fruit? (Matthew 3:1-12)


COVID Treatment | Molnupiravir UK Approved


A Look At the Speech From the Throne with Doug Sharpe and Franco Terrazzano


Best Loved Old Hyms Songs Collection - Nonstop Good Praise Songs - Best Worship Songs All Time


This Is My Father's World (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty


Third Adam 3X


I Went To A Phil Wickham Concert...


A nice Roman Catholic tries to explain the Gospel.


Passover or Easter Debate - Acts 12:4. Vince Krivda & Nick Sayers


Todd Friel And The Fundamentalist Ditch?


5 Reasons Carnal Christianity is Terrible | WRETCHED


Awake! The Day is at Hand! - Dr. David Mackereth Sermon


Mel Ayres: Fake Healings While Dealing for Dollars


How Does the Spirit Seal Us for Eternity? Ephesians 4:30–32


Mindful, Mighty, Merciful (Part 1 of 2) — 11/27/2021


How to Share Your Faith


Voddie Baucham explains “Ethnic Gnosticism” |


Ten things you WON’T find in a good marriage | WRETCHED


14 Signs Of Regeneration


How to not fear people


The (Lost) Art of Disagreeing Agreeably | WRETCHED RADIO


Mark Dever and Ligon Duncan Promise to be Crystal Clear Regarding CRT | WRETCHED


Is there a COVID conspiracy? Absolutely YES.


Is the Covid vaccination the mark of the beast?


“Let’s Go Brandon!” Actually, Let’s Not | WRETCHED RADIO


The Lost Doctrines on the Home and Family


Rick Warren on EWTN Supporting Antichrist Rome


The Dangers of Experience-Based Religion: Alice Ann Bailey and The One World Religion


The Future Restoration of the Jews within Reformed Theology


Biblical Unity Vs Rome's Unity: Tony Palmer Debunked


Calvary Chapel and Roman Catholicism


Joel Osteen's Satanic Theology: The Law of Attraction


The Islamic Invasion of Europe


Mother Teresa's Theology and Sainthood Examined


Neo-Evangelicals Join with Pope Francis: Mike Bickle, Apostate Protestants and Together 2016


Southern Baptists Support the Building of a Mosque


Salon's Promotion of Paedophiles and Paedophilia


Refuting Rome and Tim Staples on Good Works in Salvation


Bernie Sanders' Visit to the Vatican: Rome's Economics Examined


New Evangelicalism Supporting Antichrist Papacy


The Kingdom of God: Is Dispensationalism Biblical?


'Courageous', Catholicism and PR Maximus


Dangerous Seasons: Montanists, Charismatics and Heresy


Remember the Sabbath Day (Short Film)


Marriage: A Divine Institution Under Attack


The Doctrines Killing Modern Churches


Robert Jeffress and Al Mohler: Millions of Catholics in Heaven


Donald Trump, Paula White and the Prosperity Gospel | MEGIDDO TV


Why I Hate Socialism, Fake News and the SJW Movement


Iron Sharpens Iron Radio: Heavy Metal Idolatry (FULL SHOW 06/06/2016)


John Piper's Extra-Biblical Revelation


John Piper and the Golden Calf of C.S. Lewis


John Piper, Passion 2012 and Catholic Mysticism


Jesuits Promote the LGBT Agenda


Word-Faith Theology and Luciferianism


Bill Johnson's Satanic Word of Faith Theology


Of Chaos and Confusion: The Modern Church (Full Film)


Are You a Calvinist in Theory, but an Arminian in Practice? | MEGIDDO TV


Russell Moore's Political Polytheism and the SBC's Unbiblical Ecumenism


The Homosexual Agenda and the Normalisation of Sexual Perversion


Downplaying the Inquisition: Answering Todd Friel


Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord: Wylie and Spurgeon on Rome


The Critical Text, Bad Argumentation, and Consistent Category Distinctions


Mark Ward Article Review With All the Harshness He Deserves


Modern Textual Criticism and Acts 8:37with Dr. James White


James White, Inconsistency, and the Critical Text Position


Alexandrian Priority: The Lie of "Earliest and Best"


The Four Views of King James Onlyism Examined


Why Use the King James Version?


What is the Difference in the KJV 1611 and 1769?


Friday, November 26, 2021

What is the Difference in the KJV and CSB?


What is the Difference in the KJV and NLT?


What is the Difference in the KJV and MEV?


What is the Difference in the KJV and NIV?


What is the Difference in the KJV and ESV?


Bible Versions: What's The Difference?


What the Editors of the ESV Teach us About the Majority Text - Dr. Phil Stringer


Dr David Sorenson The Critical Text vs The Traditional Text


What is the Difference in the KJV and NKJV?


Neither Oldest Nor Best - Dr. David Sorenson


Why Are They Changing the Bible?


Review The Modern English Version Bible MEV


An MEV Bible -- Personal Size Large Print


MEV Modern English Version Bible review


Why I use the MEV Translation of the Bible- Plus a Few Reviews of Their Formats


New Textus Receptus Translation! MEV Bible Review - Modern English Version


The MEV Bible translation, a true labor of love


MEV-KJV comparasion video.


4 year crash test of the MEV Thinline Reference Bible💥


NKJV vs ESV, Part 2


I wish the Bible taught me how to pray... oh, wait!


Surviving the Censors, Trip Cancellation, the Roman Papacy


Can Christians Sense Evil Spirits? | WRETCHED


"Christianity & the After Life" Reformed Bible Study. Pastor MacLaren, First OPC Perkasie 11/24/2021


Critical Text Advocates Confuse the Conversation for Everybody


Is King James Onlyism the Problem, or the KJV?


The Textus Receptus and the Gideons ESV


Why I Am NOT KJVO (King James Version Only)


Is Every Bible "Demonic"... Except the King James?


How to Be Persuasive: Cultish Post Review


Is King James Onlyism a Cult?


A Conversation on KJVO, TR Advocates, and Modern Critical Text Advocates


Dr. David Sorenson - The Traditional Text: It's History & Manifestation


Episode #7: The Postmodern Stink of the Critical Text


Episode #6: Dan Wallace on the Ending of Mark


Episode #5: The Textus Receptus Position of Scripture


Episode #4: The Two Fundamental Doctrines That Separate the TR and Critical Text Positions


Episode #3: Modern Textual Criticism and the Modern Critical Text Completely and Totally Refuted


Episode #2: What is Modern Textual Criticism?


Episode #1: What is the Modern Critical Text?


Why Textus Receptus (Byzantine) Is Older Than Westcott & Hort Text ...


Proof that the Textus Receptus & Traditional Text preceeds the Critical Text (Westcott & Hort)!


Could An Upcoming Supreme Court Case Overturn Roe v. Wade? | Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Org


A SECOND CHANCE AT CHOICE -- Dr. George Delgato on The Dr. J Show


Interview with Stephen Meyer: "Return of the God Hypothesis"


Top 10 Dating Mistakes Christians Need to Avoid!


The City of Tinseltown - Dr. David Mackereth / Open-air Gospel Preaching 25th November 2021 Hull, UK


God Uses Crooked Sticks (Genesis 12:10–20): Morning Worship (11/21/21)


What does it mean that Jesus saves?


Voddie Baucham - Revelation 20, the Millennium, and Amillennialism


Fathers Plea


1995 NAS vs 2016 ESV


NKJV vs ESV, Part 1


How different are the Majority Text and Textus Receptus? (with a book recommendation)


Debate: Majority text or Critical Text? | Tors-Costa Textual Criticism Debate (HD)


King James Controversy (Dr. James R White)


THE MOST LITERAL TRANSLATION? - A look at Bible Charts and the NASB


Science Confirms the Bible


A Four-Dimensional Perspective on Bible Translations


The Wrath of God Upon the Non-Elect


Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible


6 GOOD Reasons to use the NKJV!


BFTBC -- "The TR Debate" -- Pastor D. A. Waite, et al. -- BFT


KJV vs ESV, Part II -- the New Testament


KJV vs ESV, Part I -- the Old Testament


The King James Bible Debate - August 14, 2021


What is the best English Bible translation?


Dr. James White: Which Bible translation is the most reliable?


Optional Translations for TR Advocates


What can we learn from the older brother of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15?


The MEV: The Newest Effort to Replace the KJV - Dr. Dan Haifley

Again food for thought when looking at the different textual basis. 

Dr Dan Haifley The Keys Are Gone: A Simple critique of the ESV

I do not agree with everything mentioned in this presentation, but, it is good food for thought on the Textual Basis questions.

The Truth Matters (Part 2 of 2) — 11/26/2021


This likable guy must have family praying for him


Invested in Others -- Phil 2:19-30


Revelation 5 | Audio Bible NIV with Words


ESV Heritage in Horween Leather (FULL REVIEW)


Why William Branham Needed Jim Jones to Save His Career


The Rise and Recent Fall of the Woman Who Called Herself God


Jesus Christ Is The King of Glory - Paul Washer & Bob Jennings


Thanksgiving 2021 Service


Thursday, November 25, 2021

11/25/2021 - "The Rule or the Exception?" - Luke 17:11-19


Thanksgiving Service - November 25, 2021 - 10:00am


Who are The Gospel Hall Assemblies and what are their destinctives?

This is my second article on other streams of fundamental Orthodox Christianity and where we agree. I will start by saying Gospel Halls are part of the broader fundamentalism movement and fighting for the true Gospel in a world filled with Apostate Churches and those going Apostate. As I mentioned in an article I am a J. Gresham Machen fundamentalist; which is to be an Orthodox Reformed Protestant. 

The Gospel Halls are a group of independent Christian assemblies throughout the world that fellowship with each other through a set of shared Biblical doctrines and practices. Theologically, they are evangelical and dispensational. They are a conservative movement and tend to only collaborate with other assemblies when there is doctrinal agreement.

“An assembly is a company of baptized believers (Acts 2:41), gathered unto the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18:20; 1 Cor. 1:1-9;5:4 etc.), who meet regularly in a particular locality according to the pattern found in the [New Testament] in Acts 2:41,42, and developed fully in such epistles as 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy. Such an assembly is a spiritual fellowship (1 Cor. 10:16,17), which is expressed visibly as they meet for the breaking of bread, prayer, collective testimony, the teaching of the Word of God and the preaching of the gospel.

They have been gathered together by the Holy Spirit (Mark 14:13; Rom. 8:14), their sole authority is the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16,17), and they have the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ to be in their midst (Matt. 18:20). They are a residence of the Holy Spirit on earth, so they are a holy temple unto the Lord (1 Cor. 3:15,16).

Such an assembly is guided by godly overseers and served by faithful deacons in both a temporal and spiritual ministry (1 Tim. 3:1-16). The priesthood of all believers is exercised in worship, praise and prayer, and the gifts, given by the risen Head of the church (Eph. 4:8-13) have the liberty to function under the control of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 14:23-40).

There is a clear demarcation between the within and the without of an assembly and purity is maintained by careful, compassionate and godly exercise of discipline (1 Cor. 5:1-13).

This is a carefully written statement, but claims no authority for itself. It is only the Word of God that has authority in the realm of testimony for God.”

Crawford, Norman., Gathering Unto His Name. Glasgow: Gospel Tract Publications., 2003, p. 30"

What all does this stream of fundamentalism believe? You can find that information on the official website of our local Charlottetown Gospel Hall. I also recommend the book Come Unto His Name by Norman Crawford available here.

One of the destinctives of these Brothers and Sisters in Christ is the use of headcoverings and hats for all ladies. This is explained in a chapter of the above mentioned book. This is somewhere that my stream and theirs would have differences. Feel free to cover yourself, but, we would not make it mandatory in the Sanctuary.

Another difference would be one of eschatological differences. Covanental Amillenial eschatology is the main current within our Churches. Whereas they are Dispensational theologically. However, we can agree to disagree here. 

The last thing would be that their seteriology would not be exactly like ours. As all Reformed Theologans are by nessecity of being Reformed Calvinistic. However, they have the Gospel fundamentals on point. 

Gospel Hall Assemblies are on the side of Christ and his Angels even though we disagree here and there. 

The Dueling Theologies of Protestant Bibliology


James White's Disrespect of Jeff Riddle


Greek Battle: Critical Text vs. Textus Receptus

Jeff Riddle and Dane Johannsson Discuss Jan Krans On Why The TR Should Not Be Accepted


Lecture: The Coherence Based Genealogical Method


Lecture: Seven Myths of Modern Text Criticism


Devotion: Three Earthly Witnesses


Edward Freer Hills: The Life and Legacy of a 20th Century Burgonian by Theodore P. Letis


John William Burgon: Rescued, Resuscitated, and Reconsidered by Theodore P. Letis


Agros Church Interviews Pastor Truelove on the Text and Canon Conference


Pastor Robert Truelove responds to Todd Friel and KJV Onlyism


Theodore P. Letis - KVTT Radio Interview with Tom Dooley (audio only)


Theodore P. Letis - Radio Interview: Bible Translations (audio only)


Theodore P. Letis: Lecture on the English Standard Version (audio only)


Pastor Jeff Riddle’s Review of White and Kruger on Canon and Text (audio only)


Dr. Jeff Riddle "A Major Shift Has Taken Place In Text Criticism"; A Response To Dr. Gurry


Pastor Jeff Riddle’s rejoinder to James White on the Ecclesiastical Text (part 2) (audio only)


Theodore P. Letis: The Women Taken in Adultery (audio only)


Debate- Dr. Jeff Riddle and Dr. Stephen Boyce ~John 7:53-8:11 The Pericope Adulterae~


Dr. Jeff Riddle vs. Dr. James White | Textus Receptus vs. Critical Text DEBATE | Mark 16:9:20


The Confessional/Canonical Text with Jeff Riddle: Is the text settled or under construction?


Allen Parr's Concerning Explanation of Seventh Day Adventists


Lecture: The Received Text (Origins, Transmission, and Preservation)


Part 2- “The Text and Transmission” with Peter Gurry, Jeff Riddle and James Snapp, Jr.


Part 1- The "Text and Transmission” with Peter Gurry, Jeff Riddle and James Snapp, Jr.


Are Reformed Baptists Really Reformed? Special Guest: Pastor Jeff Riddle


Pastor Jeff Riddle’s rejoinder to James White on the Ecclesiastical Text (part 1) (audio only)


How God is Known


Redeemer URC Thanksgiving Service Nov. 25, 2021


"Thanksgiving Praise" November 25, 2021 PM


Thanksgiving 2021


This is NOT KJV ONLYISM! Talking with Dr. JEFF RIDDLE about the confessional text.


Thankfully Blessed


Thanksgiving Service 11/25/21


Thanksgiving Day Service


How I Got Started in Ex-Gay Ministry


How Was Abraham Saved?: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul


The Size and Shape of Noah’s Ark


Work It Out -- Phil 2:12-18


Revelation 4 | Audio Bible NIV with Words


Who are the Independent Baptists, and what do they believe?

I wished to do a write up on some of the other streams of fundamental Orthodox Churches that are not within my stream and how much we agree or disagree. This or other write ups is done out of Love and I consider truly born again people in other streams just as much of the Body of Christ as Born Again believers in my own.

We will start off by giving details about the stream known as IFB or Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches. A stream with which I wholeheartedly disagree on Soteriology as it lacks a True understanding of the Sovereignty of God. However, do I share anything in common? 

Independent Baptists, often also known as Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB), are a group that started within the greater Baptist denominations in the late 19th to early 20th century. At the time, many national Baptist denominations were moving away from biblical inerrancy and other conservative beliefs, leading many local churches to withdraw from denominational affiliation and take the “Independent” label. With their strong stance on the fundamentals of the faith, they also adopted the name “Fundamentalist.” For identification purposes, most IFB churches will advertise themselves as “Independent, Fundamental, Bible-Believing,” and, in some cases, “KJV-only.”

They point out that many groups through history maintained Baptist principles and were therefore “Baptist” in practice, if not in name. Groups identified as progenitors of the Baptist tradition include Messalians, Montanists, Novationists, Donatists, Paulicians, Waldenses, Albigenses, Lyonists, Arnoldites, Mennonites, and Anabaptists. In the seventeenth century, the name “Baptist” finally emerged.

Contemporary Independent Baptists believe in strict separation from the world and any church not associated with the Independent Baptist name. They refer to Ephesians 5:11, “Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them,” as a proof text for not associating with churches outside the IFB movement.

Independent Baptists interpret Scripture literally. They do claim to interpret based on the historical-grammatical context, but if a literal interpretation “makes good sense,” then that is the understanding they take from Scripture. They are conservative in their dress: most women still dress in below-knee-length skirts, and the men wear collared shirts. They do not wear flashy clothes, and they tend to keep their social interaction within the IFB. Traditionally, they only sing hymns in their churches and reject the use of drums and recorded music. Most IFB churches use only the King James Version of the Bible. They may not believe the KJV is the “inspired” translation, but they do believe the Textus Receptus is the only collection of manuscripts that truly preserves the inspired Word of God.

Independent Baptist Churches believe the following “Independent Baptist Distinctives”:

1. The New Testament is the authority in all matters of faith and practice.

This means that IFB churches do not look to creeds, confessions, or church councils to determine their doctrinal positions. They articulate their doctrine only from the Scripture and claim to operate their churches according to what is presented in Scripture and not based on tradition or denominational preference (2 Timothy 3:16).

I would disagree in that the Old Testament was reiterated by Jesus in the New for example in the Moral Law. 

2. The church is made up of saved, baptized believers.

This means that membership in the local church requires first putting personal trust in Jesus, which produces regeneration, and baptism by immersion. IFB churches reject infant baptism and sprinkling. Baptism is only appropriate after someone comes to faith in Jesus (Acts 2:41–42).

I would disagree with the order of salvation. Those whom put their Faith Jesus do so following being Born Again or Regenerated by God's Spirit. Once you are a new creation you then put your Faith in Christ because The Father called you effectually to Himself and you respond by putting Faith in Him. 

3. Strict separation of church and state.

“Independent” is part of their name for a reason. IFB churches believe that no one has authority over the church except Jesus Christ. The IFB rejects any governmental authority over the operation of the church (2 Corinthians 6:14). 

As long as the State is not trying to control worship or order us to Sin we should follow Government rules. This part I agree with absolutely.

4. The priesthood of believers.

IFB churches believe that each believer has the ability to interact with God on his or her own. No one is required to use a priest, as in the Old Testament, to connect with God. The believer can “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

Yes and Amen!!!!

5. The autonomy of the local church.

This doctrine supports the idea that the local church of baptized believers is the highest ecclesiastical authority on earth. In matters of church polity and procedure, the local church is not subject to civil authorities or denominational conventions. Each local church is self-governing. Some Independent Baptist churches emphasize their autonomy to such an extent that they will not accept a baptism from any other church—if a new member was baptized in another church, he must be rebaptized by the Independent Baptist church for his membership to be valid.

I disagree as long as you have been Baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit you are welcome to become a member in our Churches as long as you are a Born Again believer.

Many Independent Baptists follow the church government model of congregationalism. Each member is allotted one vote on all matters concerning the church. Even though the pastor is the established leader of the church, no decision is made for the church without it first coming to a vote before the entire congregation. Congregationalism rejects using boards and associations for governing the affairs of the church. This model is based on the belief that all believers are priests and capable of making decisions that will direct the local church.

For the most part, Independent Baptist Churches are preaching the Word of God faithfully and hold to the essentials of the gospel. However, many Independent Baptist churches have fallen into the errors of landmarkism and “Baptist Bride” theology. So, discernment is needed before officially joining an IFB church.

The Truth Matters (Part 1 of 2) — 11/25/2021


Is God Above Being Grieved? Ephesians 4:30–32


Reversing the cultural collapse: 7 educational attacks on society exposed


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The difference between fundamentalism and legalism

In an article earlier this month I confessed to being a J. Gresham Machen fundamentalist and this is a follow up to explain the difference between fundamentalism and legalism. 

Fundamentalism, for the purpose of this article, is a movement within the church that holds to the essentials of the Christian faith. In modern times the word fundamentalist is often used in a derogatory sense.

The Fundamentalist movement has its roots in Princeton Theological Seminary because of its association with graduates from that institution. Two wealthy church laymen commissioned ninety-seven conservative church leaders from all over the Western world to write 12 volumes on the basic tenets of the Christian faith. They then published these writings and distributed over 300,000 copies free of charge to ministers and others involved in church leadership. The books were entitled The Fundamentals, and they are still in print today as a two-volume set.

Fundamentalism was formalized in the late 19th century and early 20th century by conservative Christians—John Nelson Darby, Dwight L. Moody, B. B. Warfield, J. Gresham Machen and others—who were concerned that moral values were being eroded by modernism—a belief that human beings (rather than God) create, improve, and reshape their environment with the aid of scientific knowledge, technology and practical experimentation. In addition to fighting the influence of modernism, the church was struggling with the German higher criticism movement, which sought to deny the inerrancy of Scripture.

Fundamentalism is built on five tenets of the Christian faith, although there is much more to the movement than adherence to these tenets:

1) The Bible is literally true. Associated with this tenet is the belief that the Bible is inerrant, that is, without error and free from all contradictions.

2) The virgin birth and deity of Christ. Fundamentalists believe that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit and that He was and is the Son of God, fully human and fully divine.

3) The substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross. Fundamentalism teaches that salvation is obtained only through God’s grace and human faith in Christ’s crucifixion for the sins of mankind.

4) The bodily resurrection of Jesus. On the third day after His crucifixion, Jesus rose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of God the Father.

5) The authenticity of Jesus’ miracles as recorded in Scripture and the literal, pre-millennial second coming of Christ to earth.

Other points of doctrine held by Fundamentalists are that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. 

There are multiple streams of fundamentalism. I am in the stream that disagrees with Dispensational Theology and its' form of premillenialism. However, those that belong to the Dispensational stream are no less Fundamentalist and we hold to the same Fundamental Orthodox Christian Doctrines. We are all Brothers and Sisters in Christ and will be in Heaven together. 

The Fundamentalist movement has often embraced a certain militancy for truth, and this led to some infighting. Many new denominations and fellowships appeared, as people left their churches in the name of doctrinal purity. One of the defining characteristics of Fundamentalism has been to see itself as the guardian of God's Biblical Truth. At that time of the rise of Fundamentalism, the world was embracing liberalism, modernism, and Darwinism, and the church itself was being invaded by false teachers. Fundamentalism was a reaction against the loss of biblical teaching.

The movement took a severe hit in 1925 by liberal press coverage of the legendary Scopes trial. Although Fundamentalists won the case, they were mocked publicly. Afterwards, Fundamentalism began to splinter and refocus. The most prominent and vocal group in the USA has been the Christian Right. This group of self-described Fundamentalists has been more involved in political movements than most other religious groups. By the 1990s, groups such as the Christian Coalition and Family Research Council have influenced politics and cultural issues.

Like all movements, Fundamentalism has enjoyed both successes and failures. The greatest failure may be in allowing Fundamentalism’s detractors define what it means to be a Fundamentalist. As a result, many people today see Fundamentalists as radical, extremists who want to establish a state religion and force their beliefs on everyone else. This is far from the truth. Fundamentalists seek to guard the truth of Scripture and defend the Christian faith, which was “once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 1:3).

The church today is struggling in the postmodern, secular culture and needs people who are not ashamed to proclaim the gospel of Christ. Truth does not change, and adherence to the fundamental principles of doctrine is needful. These principles are the bedrock upon which Christianity stands, and, as Jesus taught, the house built upon the Rock will weather any storm (Matthew 7:24-25).

The word "legalism" does not occur in the Bible. It is a term Christians use to describe a doctrinal position emphasizing a system of rules and regulations for achieving both salvation and spiritual growth. Doctrinally, it is a position essentially opposed to grace. Those who hold a legalistic position often fail to see the real purpose for law, especially the purpose of the Old Testament law of Moses, which is to be our "schoolmaster" or "tutor" to bring us to Christ (Galatians 3:24).

Even true believers can be legalistic. We are instructed, rather, to be gracious to one another: "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters" (Romans 14:1). Sadly, there are those who feel so strongly about non-essential doctrines that they will not even allow the expression of another viewpoint among fellow believers. That, too, is legalism. 

The apostle Paul warns us of legalism in Colossians 2:20-23: "Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"? These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence." Legalists may appear to be righteous and spiritual, but legalism ultimately fails to accomplish God's purposes because it is an outward performance instead of an inward change.

To avoid falling into the trap of legalism, we can start by holding fast to the words of the apostle John, "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ" (John 1:17) and remembering to be gracious, especially to our brothers and sisters in Christ. "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand" (Romans 14:4). "You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat" (Romans 14:10).

A word of caution is necessary here. While we need to be gracious to one another and tolerant of disagreement over disputable matters, we cannot accept heresy. We are exhorted to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (Jude 3). If we remember these guidelines and apply them in love and mercy, we will be safe from both legalism and heresy. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).

Reserved for Fire


This is the Product of Andy Stanley's Preaching | WRETCHED


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