Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Monday, August 2, 2021

"Theonomic ethics," vs "Theonomony".. Conclusions

The State Should Enforce the following sections of the 10 commandments;

6“You shall not murder.
8“You shall not steal.
9“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

However, enforcing them does not mean that I support the Theonomy view that breaking them should result in the Death Penalty. Stealing should require restitution or jail time or both.

On the other hand I support the Death Penalty via the state for murderers and sexual predators.

The reason I cannot support the Theonomy movement is that it wishes for all penalties for breaking the Law Code in the Bible should follow the the Civil penalties from OT Isreal.

I agree, however, that Christians follow "theonomic" ethics;

"According to Scripture, ethics are theonomic — determined not by the self but by the Lord. God’s standard alone provides the absolutes for our conduct.

This standard exists outside of us and is binding upon all, regardless of whether or not one believes Scripture. 

All men, because they are in Adam (Rom. 5:12), are bound by the covenant of works and will be judged according to their obedience. We may choose to disregard this relationship’s obligations, but we cannot destroy them.

Scripture reveals to us a transcendent law that remains binding upon all and is based on our Creator’s holy character. These stipulations do not exist outside of Himself; they are part of His eternal nature.

This law, often known as the moral law in the Reformed tradition, is the “law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2) and can be found in the Ten Commandments and in the ethical imperatives of the apostles.

Finally, when we say all Christians are theonomic, we are not endorsing theonomy, a movement that says the old covenant’s civil penalties remain in force. Believers may legitimately debate this issue, but all must be “theonomists” in the sense of affirming the permanent validity of God’s moral standards (1 Cor. 6:9–10)."

I have no Faith in the Kingdom of man to ever nessecarely give us Candidates to vote for that would be able to get into Power to enact any of the changes I would seek.

I do not, however, see anywhere in Scriptures that we are to attempt to take dominion and I would not support in anyway dominion theology or Kingdom now politicians. Nor would I ever support a Theonomy candidate.

Let there be no mistake from my anti-Theonomy stance on The State and Church though. Parts of the Moral Law that consist of laws against harming yourself, others or their property absolutely are enforceable in any/all Nations.

I do not support becoming a Theocracy which does things like giving the death penalty for adulatory. However, people whom do such a thing are absolutely breaking God's Law and if not saved by Grace through Faith in Christ will have an eternal home in the depths of hell. The answer is to evangelize them and not to use Theocratic means to that end. Much as Jesus did with the woman caught in adulatory tell them to repent, and go sin no more not stone them with the law. 

However, going to the other extreme of saying God has no moral or immoral behaviour in his sight is also not biblical. For example; homosexual sexual activity is still against the moral code section of God's laws. I am not going to condone said activity, but, I do not condone using OT penalties against the LGBTQ community either.

It clearly lists sexually active homosexuals as not inheriting the kingdom of God in Corinthians. Which means we should tell the truth in love to our LGBTQ friends and not hide the truth from them. We should evangelize said individuals and get them saved in love and with compassion for their struggle in Jesus Holy Name. 

I do not condone the Theonomy movements idea of forcing OT penalties onto breakers of God's Law. However, I do believe in God's Law or Biblical Justice being something we get back to following in our lives.

There is a lot that I wish we could abolish or curb, but, I do not have any faith in the Kingdom of man or Secularism that currently is in charge of ever enforcing what I would want.

So, I think we need to just need to get with the reality we will always be Isreal in Babylon until the Return of The True King Comes to pass. Meanwhile, vote wherever we can for Godly laws and for Godly political representatives whenever they might show up on the scene.

The main place I agree with Theonomy on is that the World does Belong to God. However, at the end of the day God is in solid control of this World and His decrees will come to pass no matter how much this world fights against Him. All we can do is to work to be his means to that end.