Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Monday, August 2, 2021

"Theonomic ethics" vs "Theonomony" part 2

In this continuation of the difference between theonomic ethics and Theonomy I will present a cornucopia of what I would absolutely endorse to be done politically if possible.

I want to repeat that I denounce in the loudest of voices the idea of reinstating the OT Isreal laws with the Civil penalties of the OT such as the Death Penalty for Adultery put forward by the Theonomy movement. I do not see a mandate to take over the government and then enforce the Mosaic Law.

However, just because Theonomy takes things to one extreme does not mean God's Laws and word is absent from our political views. I present a list of things I support legislative changes towards that are very much informed by God's word.

Reinstating Laws against Sunday Shopping
Abolition of Abortion
Abolition of the Drug Trade
Abolition of human trafficking and sex trafficking.
Returning to a Biblical definition of marriage under the law.
Biblical sexuality and Marriage as the norm of the land.

Eliminate pornogrophy, sex work and the hook up culture. The idea of no fault divorce. Easy marriage and easy divorce. Anything that is sexually impure. What should or could be done via governments for these issues is complex.

Limit divorce to needing an overriding issues such as cheating (an area where adultery can be legislated by desolving ones marriage Covenant) or abuse or a partner with an unsustainable issue such as addictions that is refused to be treated that are damaging to the marriage or the household. Fix the despairities in how men are so unfairly maligned in divorce courts.

Abolish public school sexual education curriculum because it sexualizes young people and teaches against abstinence.

What and how any of this is done we can have a discussion about. I also am against public displays of affection and flaunting sex or sexuality in public. I oppose any idea of allowing public nudity.

I oppose the sort of exposure of people to sexual sin in the streets of big City Pride Parades. No walking around in front of the public in Kink gear or rearless chaps et cetera.

No use of sensual lust inducing images in advertising. No content on TV above a PG level. Unless highly edited for TV. Make easily available content filtering or blocking technology for all citizens.

Let prayer back in schools, let teaching from the Bible back in schools. Prayer allowed into parliament and Christian advisers to the governing parties.

Civil Society should work towards an affirming of the Biblical view of sexual immorality. Which means social opposition to any sexual relations outside of marriage as defined by God in Holy Scriptures. This covers not only same sex unions, but, all fornication without being in the marriage