Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

There are only truly 2 consistent options for Biblically solid Christians with SSA.

If you are Born Again and been regenerated by the Holy Spirit you cannot be acting on same-sex attraction and be living the life God's Word calls us to.

These are the only two truly Biblical options and consistently Christian way of working through ones attraction issues. The answer is holy chaste singleness or marrying the opposite sex. 

Renounce is agreeing with the Lord to never act out in a sexually immoral way by not acting sexually period it is totally equal to the Biblical moral law for people without SSA. 

Rebuilding is working on ones mental health and dealing with any traumas which could include sexual trauma, but, not necessarily. With the outcome being a whole healthy mental framework and in the process if the issues worked on caused the SSA the eventual continuum of possible sexual attraction changes. 

These are the only two options for anyone with same-sex attraction because they are under the same moral law around sexual activity outside the marriage bed as those whom never experienced such attraction. SSA does not give you some special pass on needing to be in a marriage for sexual activity.

A marriage is based on the creation of male and female in the Garden of Eden. This is clearly taught by Jesus and his Apostles in the New testament and began in the Moral laws set out in the Old. SSA experiencing Christian's are in fact treated the exact same as those whom never experience them and are not discriminated against by having to live by sexual standards we all need to abide by according to God's holy Word.