Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

My response to, "Is It Right for Christians to Reduce Their Taxes to a Bare Minimum?:

I wanted to write a response to The Banner article, "Is it Right for Christians to Reduce Their Taxes to a Bare Minimum?" 

First of all, I want to thank the Author for portraying conservatives as consistent with being within the CRC denomination. They understand that being pro Capitalism and being for unfettered winner takes all laissez-faire is not the same thing. 

I want to also add that conservatives do support a Social Safety net for those that would otherwise fall through the cracks. That our approval of the private sector as being the first line of defense or best line of defense for those in need does not mean we do not support government assistance where and when it is needed. 

This by the way is the same for most Republicans in the US to the South as well. Despite many thinking said party is against a Safety Net they are not. Only the Radical libertarians in the Freedom caucus are for scrapping things like Social Security or other assistance mechanisms for those in need. 

Yes, I do want citizens to have as low of a tax burden as possible. I support the idea of getting the tax burden as low as possible, but, within what is needed to fund any and all proper government functions. Which includes a safety net for those in need. We within the conservative movement can debate how best to administer that or how big it needs to be. 

As the Word of God says, "render to Ceaser what is Ceasers and to God what is God's." Taxation is something we are to pay for the funding of a proper government, but, how much is needed can be argued between us.