Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Is Milo Yiannopoulos just trolling or truly living a chaste life?

This month Milo Yiannopoulos showed up out of nowhere on LifeSiteNews exclaiming he was no longer practicing homosexual behavior. He is using the ex-gay label and says he is living a Chaste life. However, I am not sure if he is being serious or just his huge troll self.

Blaire White made a video in which doubt was cast on the very notion of someone coming to be heterosexual from a homosexual history. This denegrades everyone whom has found change in their life even if that change is merely not acting on their attraction. Not too mention those for whom true reorientation has occurred. 

I am an example of a man whom lived as a practicing homosexual and yet ended up coming out of homosexuality during the course of my life. I am one of many men whom lived as a gay man due to sexual assault; when I was 18. Sexual disorientation or imprints if you will often occurs from guys reacting biologically to their rape or molestation making them and/or their mind thinking it must have meant they were at some level homosexuals or bisexuals in denial born "that way."

Even though people think sexual abuse can never be a pathway to being LGBTQ. The truth is a meta analyses by a completely affirmative Harvard Epidemiologist named Andrea L. Robert's found a higher instance of abuse in the LGBTQ population prior to identifying as such. The most found type of abuse was sexual assaults. 

I am not saying every LGBTQ person is that way due to abuse, but, simply to argue no possible way it is a pathway is not accurate. However, the joking away the idea of change in sexual identity/orientation over time is to make a joke of the life of all those whom have experienced true changes. Either in level of desire or direction of desire. Trauma work has found true changes in those for whom being a victim of abuse was the catalyst for their same sex eroticism. 

I hope Milo is not messing around because it paints all former homosexuals as liars that have simply lied to themselves. I recommend The New Atlantis meta analysis of all the available data on sexual orientation and gender identity for more information on the fluidity and flexibility of sexual attractions. If that publication is not objective enough for you I point you to LGBTQ affirming, lesbian  left wing feminist, and psychologist Lisa Diamond whom found the same changes in identity over time. As well as affirming that there is a link between SSA (same-sex attraction) and having been abused in at least a certain cohort of LGB people. 

The idea that simply because you are experiencing certain sexual desires it is an innate and immutable characteristic of yours is not scientific. Nor would the born this way hypothesis mean acting on said desires is the best option for you.