Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Why I must reject Calvinism, but, fully embrace Reformed Protestantism.

These days it seems that Calvinism is becoming the dominate voices seen online. It is the growing trend within the younger generations of Christians. Due to the double predetermined views that denies free will I could never sign onto the Calvinism train.

There is also another problem which is the denial of modern day Gifts of the Spirit. The idea that healing continues in the name of Jesus is something with verifiable evidence behind it. While I cheer when a faker is pointed out and meets justice. 

I am not a cessationist and for this reason I could not sign onto Calvinism. Nor could I buy into the idea that huge swaths of people will be predestined to reprobation in hellfire damnation before the creation of the world.

However, even though I fully reject Calvinism I fully embrace falling into a Non-denominational Reformed Protestantism. This is because Calvinism is not the only view that falls into the Reformation view. John Calvin was only one member of the broader Reformation theology. Protestantism in general is a theology of the Reformation as opposed to the hierarchy and indulgences found within Roman catholic churches. 

There are also 4 Solas that determines someone to be Reformed;

– The authority of Scripture: sola scriptura (Scripture alone)
– The basis of salvation: Sola Gratia (Grace alone)
– The means of salvation: Sola Fide (Faith alone)
– The merit of salvation: Solus Christus (Christ alone)

I fully agree wholeheartedly with each of the above solas.

There is also a list of other beliefs that Reformers agree to available offered by Professor Byron Curtis

1- Classic theism: One omnipotent, benevolent God, distinct from creation.
2- Nicene and Chalcedonian Trinitarianism: one God in three eternally existent persons, equal in power and glory.
3- Christ, the God-Man, the one mediator between God & the human race, incarnate, crucified, resurrected, ascended, & coming again.
4- Humanity created in the image of God, yet tragically fallen & profoundly in need of restoration to God through Christ.
5- The Visible Church: the community of the redeemed, indwelt by the Holy Spirit; the mystical body of Christ on earth.
6- The one, holy, catholic (as another name for universal), and apostolic church.
7- The Sacraments: visible signs and seals of the grace of God, ministering Christ’s love to us in our deep need.
8- The Christian life: characterized by the prime theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.
I agree with everything above as well which means although I am not Calvinist I am fully adequately considered a Reformed Protestant Continuationist.

I am also non-denominational because I do not officially belong to nor follow any one particular denomination. I listen to sermons and music from all of the different denominations of the Christian Church Universal.

My view of what makes Christianity what it is would be; Unity in essentials, liberty in the non-essential, and in all things charity.

Calvinism, I need to say is not in anyway a reason to not consider its proponents our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I just would hope proponents would hold us Non-Calvinist as equally belonging to the Body of Christ.