Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, August 29, 2020

I am an Old Earth/Universe Creationist

Some people might be wondering what my view on Origins considering the different ways to interpret Genesis. I would be considered an Old Universe or Earth Creationism proponent.

This means I believe that creation happened as spoke of in the first two chapters of the Bible. However, the word translated Day means really a long, but, finite period of time or era of Creation.

I affirm the fossil record and the existence of the Big Bang. I affirm the age of the Universe as well as the Biblical way of creation. I affirm the Truth of the Garden of Eden as well as the fall as depicted in the Word of God.

This means I do not affirm naturalistic creation alternatives that say we all evolved from the same common ancestor which was not human.

I see life as a bunch of bushes changing within the same parameters of each body plan or species. For this reason I cannot support the idea of theistic evolution which removes the existence of the actual fall event as well as a real Adam and Eve.