Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

For/Against Calvinism - Michael Horton & Roger Olson

As a 4-point Cavinist I disagree that being a Calvinist means God decreed the Fall of man to happen. God is not the author of Evil. This is why middle knowledge Calvinists modify the TULIP to be 4 points that includes Yahwehs' middle knowledge within the U. 

Unconditional Election: I affirm predestination and election, but logically, this is not the same thing as causal determinism. God elects to create a world in which he knew with omniscient certainty, exactly how all things will happen. All things means all things, from all movements of subatomic particles to all actions of free creatures. God does not move my limbs or force my thoughts or choices (that is causal determinism); I am genuinely free to make my own choices, and logically speaking, I could have chosen otherwise. God simply elects a world in which he omnisciently and perfectly knows how we will freely choose. Thereby, he elects, guarantees, and predestines EVERYTHING, including our free choices that are not causally determined. We are logically free to choose otherwise as there are no causal strings attached (knowledge does not stand in causal relation). Now, to be candid, perhaps this is not “unconditional” in one sense, as it seems that our election is conditioned upon God’s middle knowledge of how we would freely choose in these circumstances. Perhaps instead of unconditional, we can call it, “Ultimate Election!”
However, I agree with the idea that Arminianism and Calvinism should not be at war. Instead Calvanism and Non-Calvinist believers should unite on all the essentials they can agree too. We need to be united in the Body of Christ over essentials with liberty for everything else.