Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Bill Johnson's Theology and Movement Examined Biblically.

A Discussion on Christian Counseling: Should We Use it or Lose it?

The Meaning of Faith Without Works, and How We're Saved: Looking at James 2:14-2

When Heaven Invades Earth: An Honest Look at Bill Johnson's Teachings... And Why it Matters

I totally disagree with her when she says you need more than the name and blood of Christ to protect you from evil routes or entities.

Rabbi Jonathan Romain vs Michael Brown • Was Jesus the Jewish Messiah?

Mind Control: Entering Into the Mind of the Jehovah's Witness

Bethel Church and Cold reading

Christian Tarot Cards? W/Dr Michael Brown

Endeavoring to Keep the Unity of the Spirit w/Dr. Michael Brown

Dr. Brown Responds to John MacArthur & Todd Friel on Charismatic Worship

Nabeel's Vlog 012 - My Visit to Bethel Church

Thoughts on Bethel, Bill Johnson, John MacArthur and Todd Friel

A Biblical Critique of Joel Osteen's Teachings

I wholeheartedly disagree with the assumption that saying the prayer of salvation and repentance putting your life into Christ does not save people. 

A Critique of Kenneth Copeland's "Supernatural Heatwave" Video

Kim Walker-Smith: Why I Worship (LIFE Today complete program)

Here Again (Live) - Kim Walker-Smith - Jesus Culture 2019

Jesus Culture - Spirit Break Out (Red Rocks Live 2017) ft. Kim Walker-Smith

Restoration view of hell, justice and punishments.

I highly disagree with the idea that Christians go to the restoration vision of Hell. Christians due to believing through faith in the Blood of Christ are covered from after life restoration in Hell. Also, people that repent when seeing The Father and Son at the point of death also are able to be saved from Hell. 

Trigger Warning for the Canadian Flag

Exposing the lie of endless hell 1. Rev. 14/11

Exposing infinite punishment and separation version of hell continued

Infinite punishment or eternal separation version of hell exposed

Infinite punishment or separation hell doctrine exposed

From Wicca childhood, to Christianity

How Much Faith Do I Need? Romans 4:13-25

Theology of Pain: Romans 5:1-5

The Slave Circle Extra Takes - Luke (Former Admim)

Jesus in Genesis 22: Evidence for the Bible pt8

Monday, June 29, 2020

Fulfilled Prophecy: Evidence for the Bible pt7 - Isaiah 53

Jesus in Psalm 22: Evidence for the Bible pt6

Defending Daniel - Evidence for the Bible pt4

The MOST prophetic passage of the Bible: EVIDENCE for the Bible pt5

Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Antony Flew on God and Atheism

Evidence for God that Everyone Has: Romans 1:18-23

God Wants A Living Sacrifice: Romans 12:1

Fulfilled Prophecy (Daniel 7-8) Evidence for the Bible pt3

The Destruction of Tyre - EVIDENCE for the Bible pt 2


True Grace, Counterfeit Grace, and Hyper-Grace w/ Dr. Michael Brown

The idea that Christians with biblical Universalism views do not belief in afterlife punishment is a mistaken one. We disagree that it is eternal and view it as something one goes through before ascending to Heaven restored from turning away from God.

I also think that Dr. Brown is mistaken about what Joseph Prince teaches and believes. He does not Condon the idea that Sin is a free for all due to Christ's work. Neither does universal reconciliation/restoration estethology. I think that his views that are on supernatural wealth and prosperity are something more disagreeable. 

Joseph Prince In New York—Exclusive Interview By Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)

Joseph Prince - Calvary Animation Video (What Happened At The Cross)

Joseph Prince - Hear Jesus Only And Be Uplifted - 11 May 14

Joseph Prince - Jesus Has Made The Finish Line Your Starting Post - 25 May 14

Grace Revolution (Full Sermon) | Live at Lakewood Church | Joseph Prince

Sunday, June 28, 2020

When Life is Disappointing

Chaos and the King


Our Phones. Our Selves

Character and Influence w/Village Church resources

Sermons - Matt Chandler - The Complementary Roles of Men and Women

The Divine Sovereignty of God w/Village Church resources

In Pursuit of the Spirit w/Village Church resources

Getting to Know the Holy Spirit by David Wilkerson

the Way Into His Presence w/village Church resources

The Gifts of The Holy Spirit w/Village Church resources

Dr. David Platt: "Radically Single: Authentic Christianity as Men and Women"

He Hears - How to Pray w/Village Church resources

Singles w/Village Church Resources

A Wise Love

Who to date?



Escaping Porn Addiction | Eli Nash | TEDxFortWayne

Experience Victory Over Sexual Immorality (Full Sermon 23-Aug-2015) | Joseph Prince

Revelations is filled with symbology and metaphor it should not be taken literally. I disagree that all non Christian populations will be killed off at Christ's second coming. 

Christ will judge people and those judged are going to be chastised, punished, purified, tested, finally reconciled and restored to God. Those judged not worthy to yet enter the Kingdom of God get sent to and eventually through the lake of fire. 

Once the refiners fire does its job all those in the lake will emerge purified like gold that remains after being submerged in a pool of sulfur. It might take a long time for a real evil person or entity to repent from said chastisement and be refined enough to join those already in Christ. However, it will be for an age not all time.

Aeon translates into age not eternity or eternal. Hell is Aenion or age abiding punishment and correction. It is not Biblical to translate it eternal torment. It is a translation error.

Your Porn Battle Plan - Warrior

John MacArthur: Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil?

Aeon translates into age not eternity or eternal. Hell is Aenion or age abiding punishment and correction. It is not correct to translate it eternal torment. It is a translation error from the Latin Vulgate.

Learn How to Fight For Your Family with Rick Warren

Is the Bible Corrupted?

Hell is not eternal it is age abiding or for an age of ages.

Aeon literally means for an age, so, eternal punishment is not a proper translation of the original languages God breathed. However,  judgment and punishment/purification is real. 

Punishment is existent within a proper measure based on what God needs to correct you into repenting/restoration from sin and saying Jesus is Lord. So, it is better to not end up going through Hell before ascending into Heaven or entering Christ's Kingdom. 

Saturday, June 27, 2020

This Is Love

Ravi Zacharias: Is Truth Dead?

How do you know that Christianity is the one true worldview?

Don't Waste Your Family

Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel

Bible YLT 02 Exodus Full Audiobook by YOUNG'S LITERAL TRANSLATION

Know Your Bible w/Village Church Resources

Unbuckling the Bible Belt: Cultural Engagement in the Capital of Cultural Christianity

Good Faith: Being a Christian When Society Thinks You're Irrelevant and Extreme

Eternal Impact Through Everyday People

The £0 Winners - WWTBAM (Millionaire Moments)

Making Disciples who Engage the Culture

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: The Christian Testimony of Nabeel Qureshi

Cain, Abel, and Kanye: The Gospel and Pop Culture

Jackie Hill Perry Sermon: Pure Doctrine Makes Us Good Servants of Christ - Legacy Chicago 2017

Homosexuality and Transgender - Pastor Voddie Baucham

Jackie Hill Perry — The Fall

Does Science Make Faith Obsolete? James Tour at Mississippi State University

"Darwin's Doubt" with Stephen Meyer

The Good Life: Christian Hip Hop and Cultural Engagement

Right Color, Wrong Culture: Pursuing Multi-ethnic Cultural Engagement

Millennials and Cultural Engagement

Shepherding the Flock: Pastoral Ministry and Cultural Engagement

Can You Be Gay and Christian? Dr. Michael Brown

Preaching Like Jesus to the LGBT Community and Its Supporters | JD Greear

Brave 2019 - Jackie Hill Perry

Interview: Jackie Hill-Perry talks ‘Gay Girl, Good God,’ Sexuality & Being Protested at Harvard

Spiritual Warfare - Jackie Hill Perry

Every Square Inch: How Cultural Engagement Intersects with Everyday Life

Hell is not eternal it is age abiding or for an age of ages. Aeon literally means for an age, so, eternal punishment is not a proper translation of the original languages God breathed. 

However,  judgment and punishment/purification is real. Punishment is existent within a proper measure based on what God needs to correct you into repenting/restoration from sin and saying Jesus is Lord. 

So, it is better to not end up going through Hell before ascending into Heaven or entering Christ's Kingdom.

Is It Okay To Be Gay? A Candid Conversation on Christians and Same-Sex Attraction

Across the Spectrum: Why Abortion is a Social Justice Issue for All Evangelicals

HOPE2017 Life Story--Brian Barlow

Transgender 101--Linda Seiler--HOPE2017

Kathy Grace's Life Story of Redemption from Transgender Identity

Why Gender Matters: Thoughts from a Transformed Transgender Person--Linda Seiler

Fully Alive: A Biblical Vision of Gender--Larry Crabb

Rabbi Jonathan Romain vs Michael Brown • Was Jesus the Jewish Messiah?

Pastor Mike Goeke: Being the Church

Larry Crabb--The Root to Freedom from Gender Confusion is Relational Holiness

HOPE 2017--Gospel Response to Gender Confusion by Linda Seiler

Speaking in Jesus' Name to a Brave New LGBT World- Janet Mefferd--HOPE2017

Getting Personal: Joe Dallas' Testimony

A Christian Response to Homosexuality | With Former Homosexual Activist Joe Dallas

Gay Christian Identity--Joe Dallas--HOPE2017

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? Sean McDowell and Matthew Vines in Conversation

Why I Think Calvinism Is Unbiblical

How Adam and Eve jacked up everything. (Genesis 1-3)

Christian talks to multiple Atheist.

Christian talks with a Buddhist- Gay Rights Activist

Does Christianity have good news for the transgendered? | Sam Allberry

Dr. Hugh Ross Conference Weekend // Session 3 // Cosmic Reasons to Believe in Christ

One Sinner to Another How the Church Must Speak about Homosexuality Dr Heath Lambert

Q&A with Rosaria Butterfield and Heath Lambert HD

Russell Moore: Whatever Happened to Sin?

His statements on Universalism does not refer to Biblical Universal restoration or reconciliation. There is going to be age abiding punishment and restoration through Gods chastising correction. 

Universalism that claims there is no judgment or punishment, correction age abiding restoration is not Christian. 

Universal reconciliation was the belief of some of the early church fathers such as Clement of AlexandriaOrigen, and Gregory of Nyssa. It asserts that the unsaved will undergo hell, but that hell is remedial (neither everlasting nor purely retributive) according to key scriptures and that after purification or conversion all will enter Heaven.
Fourth-century Christian theologian and Bishop Diodorus of Tarsus wrote: "For the wicked there are punishments, not perpetual, however, lest the immortality prepared for them should be a disadvantage, but they are to be purified for a brief period according to the amount of malice in their works. They shall therefore suffer punishment for a short space, but immortal blessedness having no end awaits them…the penalties to be inflicted for their many and grave sins are very far surpassed by the magnitude of the mercy to be shown to them."[12]

Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

How Does the Gospel Equip Christians Who Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction? | Jackie Hill-Perry

Friday, June 26, 2020

Homosexuality: Compassion and Clarity - Sean McDowell

Q&A with Dr. Michael Brown: LGBTQ and the Church

A Christian Response to Homosexuality Q&A | Dr. Christopher Yuan

Momentum Youth Conference 2017 Jackie Hill Perry - God calls our whole self to holiness.

Muslim Encounters Jesus Christ on Hospital Bed

Another worship leader loses his faith. What's going on? Jon Steingard & Sean McDowell

Ex-gay hip-hop artist Jackie Hill-Perry never dreamed a new life was possible

Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son's Journey to God | Christopher Yuan

Rosaria Butterfield: Loving the Stranger: Awakening & Hospitality

Sexuality, Identity and Christianity: Who am I? Sam Allberry

Is God Anti-Gay? Answering Tough Questions About Same-Sex Marriage | Sam Allberry

Rosaria Butterfield: Homosexuality and the Christian Faith

Secret Thoughts Of An Unlikely Convert | Rosaria Butterfield and Russell Moore

How to Reach LGBT Friends in a Post Christian Culture--Linda Seiler

Homosexuality "debate": Justin Lee & Preston Sprinkle dialogue

Jackie Hill Perry - Identity & Sexuality - Pt. 2

Sexuality and Identity by Jackie Hill Perry

The Truth About Marriage

Gender Issues and Sexual Abuse

Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible?

The Truth About Sexuality by Jackie Hill Perry

How Does The Gospel Equip Christians Who Struggle With Same Sex Attraction

Practical Steps For Church Based Same Sex Attraction Ministry

The Gospel, Homosexuality and the Church: Preparing for the Future

NRB Forum Discussion on Homosexuality and the Church

Truth about Divine Healing: With Dr. Michael Brown

'The 7 mountains Mandate' Heresy or Divine Strategy?

Gravesucking, Gold Dust, and the Kundalini Spirit

C. Peter Wagner, NAR and "Dominionism"

Dr. Brown Answers Questions about the New Apostolic Reformation, Pastor Bill Johnson, and More

NAR: Movement or Myth?with Holly Pivec, Doug Geivett and Michael Brown—The Alisa Childers podcast#19

Debunking the NAR Hysteria

Kenneth Copeland and the Prosperity Gospel

Roman Catholicism: Contending for the Faith

I mean no dividing of the Body of Christ by posting this video. I come from a family of Catholics and I do not wish to say Catholics are not saved or not really Christians.

Dividing Over Truth, or Just Plain Divisive? Dr. Brown speaks with Pastor Phil Johnson

Word of Faith: A Powerful New Revelation, The True Gospel with Errors, Or Not the Gospel At All?

Confronting the Hyper-Critics w/Dr. Michael Brown

Am I Part of “NAR”? W/Dr. Michael Brown

Dr. Brown Brings Clarity to the NAR Controversy

The Truth About NAR and 7 Mountain Theology

Dr. Brown Interviews Pastor Bill Johnson

"Why I Stopped Teaching Yoga and Reiki, to Follow Jesus" - Jessica Smith interview

Why I threw away ALL of my new age items, an interview with Steven Bancarz

Why we left the new age to follow Jesus

Refuting Six and a Half Reasons Why the Bible Is Not Divinely Inspired?

End of the World Predictions and Why They're Wrong

Non-Christians Ask Me Questions

How New Age & Word of Faith Misunderstand the Bible (Mike Winger and Melissa Dougherty)

The Trinity: Can We Defend it Biblically?

A Bunch Of Reasons Christianity Is True: special guest Jonathan McLatchie

BLM Leader Wants to 'Burn Down the System' | The News & Why It Matters | Ep 564

What to expect when you leave the new age to follow Jesus

Hell is age abiding chastisement, corrections, just level of punishment, and eventually restoration/reconciliation to God. I have no problem with using the term as long as it is defined correctly. I disagree with their using the term for eternal or never ending torment.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Help for the Highly Sensitive Christian

How he escaped from the false Jesus & ascended masters: Will Baron Interview

How the Love of Jesus Healed Her Depression and Alcoholism: Testimony of Tesia Miller

Paganism, New Age, Burning Man & Artificial Intelligence: Interview with Carl Teichrib

Why Moses' Version of the Flood is the Most Reliable Ancient Account

The polls are 'wrong' and here's why: RNC spokesperson | FOX News Rundown

What is truly Biblical Universalism/universal Salvation or universal reconciliation/restoration?



BIBLICAL UNIVERSALISM has had many proponents throught the ages. In fact there are those who argue that it was the prevailing viewpoint of the Church for its first 500 years. Whether true or not, it is certain that many have held the view down through the ages, and today there is a growing resergence of the teaching among conservative bible believing evangelicals. Although no organized denomination of evangelical universalists exists today there are many biblical universalist congregations and ministries. We may be found sprinkled throughout the various evangelical denominations as well.

Biblical Universalism has been given many names: It has been called Christian Universalism, Universal Restorationism, apocatastasis, universal salvation, inclusivism, the"wider hope" and many other labels.

Simply put, it is the belief that in the end all sentient beings will be holy and happy through faith in Jesus Christ.

Proponents of the Biblical Universalism included Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Marcellus of Ancyra, Titus of Bostra, Gregory Nazianzen, Evagrius, Didymus, Diodorus of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Fabius Manus Victorinus, and Gregory of Nyssa. During the reformation the Anabaptists of Germany taught universalism. There have been many English clergy and philosophers such as Dr. David Hartley, who wrote the "Observations on Man," Bishop Thomas Newton, Sir George Stonehouse, John Henderson, James Brown, D.D., Rev. R. Barbauld, and Rev. John Brown. Many english Libertarians such as Rev. Theophilus Lindsey, were universalists.

James Relly began to preach Universalism in the city of London about 1750 followed by Rev. John Murray in America in 1770. Murray founded the Universalist Church in America which was a Biblical Universalist denomination until it merged with the Unitarians in 1961 and ceased to exist.

Theologians Adolph E. Knoch and William Barclay were universalists. Canon F.W. Farrar and Canadian theologian Arthur Custance were sympathetic to the doctrine. Paul Revere, US President Abraham Lincoln, Clara Barton and Florence Nightengale were also universalists.

It is evangelical universalism that we promote and defend on this website and not the liberal anti-biblical form such as that associated with the unitarian universalists.

Contrary to false charges from our critiques we do not teach that God forgives sin without the blood of Christ. We insist that only through faith in Christ may any be saved. We do not deny that there will be many who must first suffer the pains of hell before they ascent to heaven. We simply deny that hell is of endless duration and that there is no possibility for repentace and receiving Christ for the lost in hell.

Contrary to critical opinion, we hold to the plenary, verbal inspiration of Scripture. We teach that the Bible alone is the standard for all faith and practice.

The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”—a complete life full of purpose (John 10:10). But here’s the problem:

We have all done, thought or said bad things, which the Bible calls “sin.” The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

The good news?

Jesus died in our place so we could have a relationship with God and be with Him forever. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). But it didn’t end with His death on the cross. He rose again and still lives! “Christ died for our sins. … He was buried. … He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).

In the end you will be reconciled, but, if you do not become saved before death you will face after life purification and correction toward being restored from your sin nature. You can become Born Again in the Holy Spirit before death and walk in Christ now. 

We can’t earn salvation; we are saved by God’s grace when we have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. All you have to do is believe you are a sinner, that Christ died for your sins, and ask His forgiveness. Then turn from your sins—that’s called repentance. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you. What matters to Him is the attitude of your heart, your honesty. We suggest praying the following prayer to accept Christ as your Savior:

"Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen."

ECommerce King HATES Fake Gurus

Confessions of a Former Psychic Medium: How to Protect Your Spiritual Gifts from the Devil

From Ouija Board to Christianity: How Jesus saved Greg Reid from the occult

Ex-Astrologer, Now Christian, Tells All

New Age To Jesus / My Testimony (Astrology, Psychics, LOA, Psychedelics) Dragon From Another Planet

Testimony: From New Age to Christianity

Hell as in eternal and neverending punishment or separation from God is not in the original Greek or Hebrew scriptures. 

There is age abiding chastisement, correction, and a just level of punishment to remove Sin nature. That is what the lake of fire is for. 

If that is what you mean by Hell I agree it exists. However, it is a purification process and has an end which is restoring and purifying you. 


Bible YLT 01 Genesis Full Audiobook by YOUNG'S LITERAL TRANSLATION

Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare: An Interview with Michael Heiser

From Witchcraft to Jesus testimony

I disagree that Halloween is some evil thing that Christians need to avoid. However, Witchcraft is evil and needs to be avoided. I also disagree that Harry Potter is dangerous. I think that is getting paranoid. I also disagree with his being burning in hell forever if he died before being saved. God would correct him even after death. 

New Age and the Charismatic Movement part 2: With Steven Bancarz

New Age and the Charismatic Movement: With Steven Bancarz

A Journey from New Age to God / BRENDA NASH

New Age to Christianity // My Supernatural Experience with God

From New Age to Christianity: An Interview with Melissa Dougherty

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

CPAC 2020 - Rampaging through America: The Lefts Takeover of Culture

CPAC 2020 - Rewarding Lawbreakers: Sanctuary Cities & Porous Borders

Is God a Consequentialist?

Fighting Racism With Racism

Marxist Influence on the George Floyd Protests, Riots & Communist China’s Hidden War—Joshua Philipp

Why Are Black Conservatives Called Uncle Tom?—Larry Elder Talks George Floyd Protests & New Film

Chris Hansen: From TV King to YouTube Con Man [Pt 1]

Examine Reality (Frank Turek vs. David Silverman)

Dr. Robin Parry - Firstfruits - The Gospel and Hope for the Nations - Session 9 (FGC 2016)

Universal Hope – Brad Jersak

Peter Hiett - How One Biblical Annihilationist Became a Biblical Universalist

Is Morality Better Explained By God Or Science? (Frank Turek vs. Michael Shermer)

Pyramid Scheme EXPOSED: How To Make Money Online Scams

Robin Parry - Burning Love: The Theological Hermeneutics of Hell

Hell: Fact or Fiction - The Final Word

Love Falls Short in Rob Bell's Love Wins and The Shack by Paul Young

Values We Cherish in Jesus Savior of All

Gary Amirault of Tentmaker visits with author Gerry Beauchemin

First Christians were Universalists.

Toxic Bibles Petersen's The Message Paraphrase

Toxic Bibles - New International Version (NIV) Part 3

Toxic Bibles - New International Version (NIV) Part 2

Toxic Bibles - New International Version (NIV) Part 1

Toxic Bibles 2

Toxic Bibles 1

Ex Beachbody Coach EXPOSES THE TRUTH behind the day in the life of a Beachbody coach | #antimlm

Top 100 Praise & Worship Songs 2020 Collection - Worship Songs All Time - Nonstop Good Praise Songs

Debate: What Best Explains Reality: Theism or Atheism? (Frank Turek vs. Michael Shermer)

How To Talk About The Transgender Bathroom Issue And The Truth About it.

Answering the Atheists: Stephen Hawking (Part 2)