Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Experience Victory Over Sexual Immorality (Full Sermon 23-Aug-2015) | Joseph Prince

Revelations is filled with symbology and metaphor it should not be taken literally. I disagree that all non Christian populations will be killed off at Christ's second coming. 

Christ will judge people and those judged are going to be chastised, punished, purified, tested, finally reconciled and restored to God. Those judged not worthy to yet enter the Kingdom of God get sent to and eventually through the lake of fire. 

Once the refiners fire does its job all those in the lake will emerge purified like gold that remains after being submerged in a pool of sulfur. It might take a long time for a real evil person or entity to repent from said chastisement and be refined enough to join those already in Christ. However, it will be for an age not all time.

Aeon translates into age not eternity or eternal. Hell is Aenion or age abiding punishment and correction. It is not Biblical to translate it eternal torment. It is a translation error.