Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Biblical Critique of Joel Osteen's Teachings

I disagree with the emphasis on hell mentioned as hellfire in the after life is a misunderstanding and word translation error from the Latin Valgate not original Greek or Hebrew. 

In addition, I disagree with the idea of saying a sinners prayer is somehow not a legitimate way to open up your life to following Christ.

However, the break down of New Thought beliefs which are unbiblical is right on point.

This guy supports "spiritual" connections

From New Age to Jesus: My Story Out of Deception - Melissa D.

A Critique of Kenneth Copeland's "Supernatural Heatwave" Video

Christian Talks to Two Mormon Elders Part 2

Christian Talks to Two Mormon Elders Part 1

Christian has an intense conversation with a Jehovah Witness

Coronavirus Exposes False Prophets

The Modern Prophets and Faith Healers Utterly Destroyed by COVID 19

Friday, May 29, 2020

Is Christianity a positive force for compassion? Prof Paul Gilbert & Dr Roger Bretherton

How Verifiability Separates Christianity from Every Other Religious Worldview



MLM MONAT SCAM TRUTH *this has gone too far* | #antimlm


SOLVED? Killed in Parking Lot? A confession full of lies..

Climate Change Doomsday Called Off (CBC Newsworld Documentary/

Sir Roger Penrose & William Lane Craig • The Universe: How did it get here & why are we part of it?

Pints With Aquinas #190 | William Lane Craig

William Lane Craig: Is God a Delusion? Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford October 2011

William Lane Craig: The Evidence for Jesus's Resurrection. Southampton Guildhall, October 2011

William Lane Craig's presentation on Progressive Creationism

Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Sexuality and Gender — introduction to the New Atlantis report

Read "Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences" here:

Sexuality and Gender by Lawrence S. Mayer and Paul R. McHugh

Are Pride Parades Kid Friendly?

Veil Lifted: Heaven's Gate

Veil Lifted: NXIVM

Worship Songs Of Don Moen Greatest Ever 2020 - Top 50 Don Moen Praise and Worship Songs Of All Time

Best Morning Worship Songs For Prayers 2020 - 2 Hours Nonstop Praise And Worship Songs All Time

Ministry & Makeup: The Story Of Joseph

Ministry & Makeup: The story of Moses

Veil Lifted: Michelle Carter

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Veil Lifted: Dahvie Vanity

Veil Lifted: James Arthur Ray

Climate Hustle (

Climate Hustle reveals the history of climate scares. It examines the science on both sides of the debate, digs into the politics and media hype surrounding the issue. Shows how global warming has become a new religion for alarmists, and explains the impacts the warming agenda will have on people in America and around the world.

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD

The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the virtually unchallenged consensus that global warming is man-made. A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be "the biggest scam of modern times." According to Martin Durkin the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun. Some have called The Great Global Warming Swindle the definitive retort to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Using a comprehensive range of evidence it's claimed that warming over the past 300 years represents a natural recovery from a 'little ice age'.

According to the program humans do have an effect on climate but it's infinitesimally small compared with the vast natural forces which are constantly pushing global temperatures this way and that. From melting glaciers and rising sea levels, The Great Global Warming Swindle debunks the myths, and exposes what may well prove to be the darkest chapter in the history of mankind. According to a group of leading scientists brought together by documentary maker Martin Durkin everything you've ever been told about global warming is probably untrue. Just as we've begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon, Durkin's documentary slays the whole premise of global warming.

Climate catastrophe Cancelled (Full Documentary)

Veil Lifted: Sherry Shriner

Political science says socialist governments are against the wealthy. In Canada that isn't true

The Liberals have squandered the good times.

What's next?

Here is the clip the CBC didn't want you to see.

Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre get into heated debate about balancing of the budget

Thunberg is 'not the messiah, she is an extremely anxious girl'

Does the Right to Bear Arms Include a Right to Carry Handguns in Public? | Stephen P. Halbrook

"Assault Weapons" or Assault on the Second Amendment | Stephen Halbrook

Rep. Jordan Rails on so-called "Assault Weapons" ban

Scheer blast Trudeau's assault-style weapons ban, calls it 'lazy' and 'ineffective'

Tory leadership candidate Erin O'Toole wants House debate on new gun control measures

Where did the money go?

Inside The World of an 11 Year Old Instagram Model (MelodyOficial3)

The Shameless Spiral of Shallon Lester (Ft. The Right Opinion)

My Problems With Shane Dawson's Content (Luke Alexander)

Why Shallon Lester's Content Is Harmful & Problematic (Luke Alexander)

Trash father outs himself on TV (ready to glare)

MAPs aren't the only problem on twitter (ready to glare)

MAP on instagram (ready to glare)

We need to talk about Shallon Lester (ready to glare)

The Cult of Dan Lok PART 2: Losing $50,000 in 6 months

The Cult of Dan Lok - Brainwashed Student Lost $26,000 Testimonial

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I am an Evangelical Christian and I am not ashamed.

Many people misunderstand Evangelical Christians and mistake them as the same as a fundamentalist Christian. This is not correct as fundamentalist Christians differ from evangelical Christianity.             

Fundamentalist Christianity for one believes the Universe is only 6000 years old and insists on everything said in the Bible being literal. They do not realize the different types of ways God teaches in the scriptures. Metaphors and symbolism is all over God's word and there are different types of genre within The Holy Bible.

In addition, fundamentalist Christian's do not allow within their views of the existence of restoration or Biblical Universalism. They claim an exclusive God that only saves those that take everything literal in the Bible. However, Evangelical Christianity includes many multitudes of restoration and Universalist views of the Cross/afterlife.

There is also a much broader range of views on various controvercial issues like marriage definitions within the Evangelical and Born Again movements. Whereas the issue is not up for discussion among fundamentalists.

Finally, fundamentalist Christians see the world as filled with supernatural evil and that the second coming is always around the corner. They also tend to believe in New World Order conspiracies seeing Satan everywhere.

For more differences between Evangelical or Born Again Christians and fundamentalists see this link from PBS.

Christian Universalism playlist

The Ultimate defense for Biblical Christian Universalism.

Biblical based answers (video not made by me) to defend Christian universalism that should cover most objections.

May the truth be known.

The bible says hell is real.


True that the bible does have the word hell in it.

However, any time you see the word hell in the bible it is referring to one of 2 things.

1. A judgment on planet earth.

2. The lake of fire judgment in Rev. 20/15.

3. The grave.

4. It is not referring to an after life place for the spirit.

What about Matthew 10/28?

Matthew 10/28-- ...destroy both soul and body in hell.


This verse is speaking of something that God can do but does not do.

If you look at the verse you can see it says both soul and body in hell.

Therefore in context whatever happens to the soul also happens to the body.

Question-- When a wicked person dies does their body disappear out of the

Grave and go to a dungeon called hell? Nope.

So if we keep things in context than logically the same thing would not be happening to the soul also. It says body AND soul.

If its not happening to the body than its not happening to the soul.

Its kind of like when the bible says God is able to raise up children from stones. Matt. 3/9

God could to that but he does not do it.

The bible says people will be in hell forever.


The bible has said many judgments will last forever in the past but non of them lasted literally forever.

There for hell will not last literally forever.

Spirits do not go any where after death other than to God, Eccl 12/7.

Hypothetical speaking if a spirit went to a spirit prison after death, it would be impossible for them to remain there forever, because they get resurrected in Rev. 20/13.

They would no longer be in spirit prison at that time.

This proves that just because the bible says people will undergo a judgment forever, it does not mean it is literally forever.

How is their justice if no one goes to spirit prison/hell?


They get judged with the lake of fire judgment after resurrection in Rev. 20/13-Rev. 20/15.

How can sinners go to heaven with all the believers?


It is the bible that teaches the spirit returns to God and that God is in heaven.

Eccl. 12/7 Psalms 115/3

So how can some one go to heaven to where God is if they are still sinful?

How can sin exist in heaven?

When person dies their canal body of fleshly sinful desires, dies also.

There for they behave differently after death when they return to God in Heaven.

Thus making heaven compatible for any person that dies.

The bible says after people die they are judged. Heb. 9/27


The bible consistently speaks of a judgment day, singular.

The judgment does not happen till after Jesus returns and all are resurrected in Rev. 20/13.

When the bible says (after this the judgment) it means it will happen someday after death, specifically after the resurrection in Rev. 20/13.

The lake of fire will last forever.


The bible says the last enemy that will be destroyed is death. 1 Cor 15/26

The lake of fire is considered a type of death.

If all death is to be destroyed than the lake of fire would need to be destroyed also.

In revelation 22/14 God gives people an invitation to get saved.

These people can not possibly be the people who are already saved.

The only people unsaved at that time are those in the lake of fire judgment.

There for the invitation is for those in the lake of fire judgment.

The bible does not say the invitation will ever expire.

People do not like judgment there for they will all eventually heed the call.

You do not correctly interpret those verses.


There are many different Christian denotations in the world and many of them interpret the bible differently.

When Jesus appears to you and tells you your interpretation is

better than all other Christian denominations including my interpretation, let me know.

Till then we will just agree to disagree on this.

And thus all will be saved.

Christian Conservative and Universalist

There are lots of people that assume being a conservative Christian is a code word for hate. However, this is not at all true. One does not need to be a liberal or progressive to be a Universalism proponent.

Nor is being a liberal Christian mean you are in agreement with universal Salvation or reconciliation through the work of Christ on the cross. Often conservative Christians are painted with the hate brush on certain issues like LGB issues or on abortion.

However, what one does or does not think about things such as same sex marriage is not interchangeable with right vs left wing politics. There have been leftists whom have been against same sex marriage and many rightists whom have supported such arrangements.

There have been Christian conservatives whom have fully supported every single LGB legislation passed in Canada and elsewhere. The fundamentalists do not represent all Christian Conservatives they are only one group of Christians.

However, I will go on record as saying love and grace are abounding even in those you might disagree with. I do not make the marriage question intricate to being an overall good person. People can disagree with same sex marriage and still be good people.

The LGB question is not intricate to being a good person. Nor is it key to embracing someone as a Good Christian, as the saying goes. I happen to support marriages for same sex adults, but, I also understand why others are so concerned with traditional marriage as well.

Both sides of the debate belong to The Body of Christ and I am not going to try and push my views on traditional marriage proponents anymore than I want them pushing their views on me.

As for abortion I am personally absolutely pro life. A view which has changed over time. I also do not support reopening any legislation within Canada on the subject.

On the issue of Christians in general the word refers to nothing hateful at all. Christian's are those whom have come to realize that Jesus was Lord and Saviour. So, there is no reason for assuming it is hateful when the meaning is understood.

In regards to myself I am in both the Conservative Christian and Universalist camp. I am someone that finds the Word of God points to us all being saved by the finished work of the cross. However, I am also a Conservative whom thinks that free minds and free markets are the way of having a functioning government which stays within its constitutional bounds. I believe in balancing budgets, keeping government efficient where it has to be involved. As well as keeping government as limited as possible within an ever changing world.

What do I believe in? Introduction and creed.

In his Plain Guide to Universalism, the universalist Thomas Wittemore wrote, "The sentiment by which Universalists are distinguished, is this: that at last every individual of the human race shall become holy and happy. This does not comprise the whole of their faith, but, merely that feature of it which is peculiar to them."

I believe in Evangelical Universalism, also called Biblical or Trinitarian Universalism. Evangelical Universalists hold to conservative positions on most theological or doctrinal issues except for the doctrine of hell, in which case they assert universal reconciliation instead of eternal torment. They emphasize the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ for the sins of all humanity as the basis for their Universalism.

We worship one God in trinity and the trinity in unity,

    neither blending their persons

    nor dividing their essence.

        For the person of the Father is a distinct person,

        the person of the Son is another,

        and that of the Holy Spirit still another.

        But the divinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one,

        their glory equal, their majesty coeternal.

    What quality the Father has, the Son has, and the Holy Spirit has.

        The Father is uncreated,

        the Son is uncreated,

        the Holy Spirit is uncreated.

        The Father is immeasurable,

        the Son is immeasurable,

        the Holy Spirit is immeasurable.

        The Father is eternal,

        the Son is eternal,

        the Holy Spirit is eternal.

            And yet there are not three eternal beings;

            there is but one eternal being.

            So too there are not three uncreated or immeasurable beings;

            there is but one uncreated and immeasurable being.

    Similarly, the Father is almighty,

        the Son is almighty,

        the Holy Spirit is almighty.

            Yet there are not three almighty beings;

            there is but one almighty being.

        Thus the Father is God,

        the Son is God,

        the Holy Spirit is God.

            Yet there are not three gods;

            there is but one God.

        Thus the Father is Lord,

        the Son is Lord,

        the Holy Spirit is Lord.

            Yet there are not three lords;

            there is but one Lord.

    Just as Christian truth compels us

    to confess each person individually

    as both God and Lord,

    so Scripture forbids us

    to say that there are three gods or lords.

    The Father was neither made nor created nor begotten from anyone.

    The Son was neither made nor created;

    he was begotten from the Father alone.

    The Holy Spirit was neither made nor created nor begotten;

    he proceeds from the Father and the Son.

    Accordingly there is one Father, not three fathers;

    there is one Son, not three sons;

    there is one Holy Spirit, not three holy spirits.

    Nothing in this trinity is before or after,

    nothing is greater or smaller;

    in their entirety the three persons

    are coeternal and coequal with each other.

    So in everything, as was said earlier,

    we worship their trinity in their unity

    and their unity in their trinity.

    We believe and confess

    that our Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son,

    is both God and human, equally.

     He is God from the essence of the Father,

    begotten before time;

    and he is human from the essence of his mother,

    born in time;

    completely God, completely human,

    with a rational soul and human flesh;

    equal to the Father as regards divinity,

    less than the Father as regards humanity.

    Although he is God and human,

    yet Christ is not two, but one.

    He is one, however,

    not by his divinity being turned into flesh,

    but by God's taking humanity to himself.

    He is one,

    certainly not by the blending of his essence,

    but by the unity of his person.

    For just as one human is both rational soul and flesh,

    so too the one Christ is both God and human.

    He suffered for our salvation;

    he arose from the dead;

    he ascended to heaven;

    he is seated at the Father's right hand

The Scriptures are God's Authoritative, inspired and inherent Word. Per the Gospel Christ was the saviour of all humankind. He will or has drawn all to himself and thus humankind is universally reconciled to God. Through Christ's atonement on the cross.

We believe in one God,

the Father, the Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God,

eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made,

of one Being with the Father.

Through him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation

he came down from heaven:

by the power of the Holy Spirit

he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,

and was made man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;

he suffered death and was buried.

On the third day he rose again

in accordance with the Scriptures;

he ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.

Christian/Biblical/Evangelical Universalism or restoration was the original orthodox/view of the early Church after Jesus resurrection

Christian/Biblical/Evangelical Universalist VS other forms of Universalism

There is a need for me to clarify somethings about what my views are on the different world religions. The term Universalism is often meant to mean there is no one way to God
This is not what I mean by Universalist, however.

I agree with Scripture and Jesus that he is the only mediator between the Triune God and mankind. I also, however, understand that it teaches universal reconciliation in its original word of God. Jesus cried it was finished with his attonement on the cross. I believe him when he said that death and sin were finished on the cross.

Jesus was victorious and because of his ressurection we all are reconcilled back to the Kingdom of God when we leave this place. Irregardless of whether we believe in the reconciliation or in God even existing upon death as revelations says all of mankind is put under the feet of Jesus. Then delivered to The Father. So, that all whom see Jesus upon leaving this world will be filled with the truth and as in revelations every knee will bow and every toung sing out his praises of their own free will upon seeing the truth. As a result of this purification the inclination to do evil is also removed and we are all in a ressurection version of our body with God in his Kingdom in heavenly places. The resurrection body being purified and timeless returning to prior to the introduction of the evil inclination in whatever your opinion of the pre-fall moment.

There is only one God Yahweh, whom exists in 3 coequal persons of Father, Son and his Holy Spirit/Ghost.

All other God's are false and man made idols and false teachings. They are also adversarial systems of beliefs because they are man made. I do not believe that other paths are demons, but, they are incorrect and man made.

The New Age and New Thought comes from self proclaimed Lucifarians. Not because an actual devil is behind them, but, because they themselves follow a false path of self Godhood. Lucifarian religions are not the same as Satanic, but, they are just as dangerous.

Satanists do not actually believe in Satan they are actually atheists with odd rituals and regalia. However, in place of belief in the supernatural they instead focus on being selfish and hedonism. They also do not believe in good and evil. They borrow the New Ages idea that you create your own reality without literally believing in such. In other words they tend to leave themselves open to follow temptation to do whatever they wish to do.

I do think one should recognize while still in this world what God did for them in destroying death itself and abolishing sin. However, in the end of everything everyone will see they were wrong and repent becoming a believer in Jesus. Either in this life or the one too come. Everyone returns to God eventually in their own time and place. As Jesus said It is Finished.

I lovingly disagree with Carlton Pearson's path

There was a time that I agreed wholeheartedly with Carlton Pearson's views. When he released Gospel of Inclusion I agreed that Christ meant death was finished and hell was a mistranslation/misunderstood. However, he is now waded into the world of quacks and false prophets in the new age movement.

I pray for Carlton to realize that new age is simply rebranded spiritualism and based on the same shady snake oil. Psychics and quantum mystics are all false prophets. They are all fooled or outright lying cultist that thrive on people accepting absurdity about the nature of natural laws.

The dead are not talking to these people they use cold and hot reading. People like Abraham Hicks are quacks that are not special at all. Similarly you are not God and you do not make this reality like the universe is a giant genie.

I pray Carlton Pearson gets back to his senses ainstead of preaching the words of false prophets and con artists. In Jesus Precious Holy name, amen!!

Bishop Carlton Pearson Gospel of Inclusion (JCOB Original)

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Monday, May 25, 2020

How MLMs Use Cult Tactics to Brainwash You 

Singing Audition FREAKOUTS (w/ Boyinaband)

ANTIMLM | Why You WILL Go Broke With Paparazzi: Explained by an MBA

Stryper - No More Hell To Pay [Full Album]

Reflection of Praise & Worship Songs Collection

Evangelicals are diverse on the matter of same-sex behaviour and marriage

There is a stereotype of there being one specific evangelical Christian view on same-sex relationships and behaviour. However, this is not the case as there is a debate between groups of evangelicals that support or are indifferent to same-sex issues and those whom take the anti same-sex view.

The biggest difference in view tends to be amungst younger v. Older believers. However, this could be data collection bias as well. For example; the Evangelical Lutheran Church has an entire policy which is welcoming of LGB peoples. Also, reports are biased against any evangelicals that never were given a chance to participate in them.

I support LGB marriage and also am a defender of the importance of marriage for creating the most stable environment to raise children in. I agree that a family of married biological mother and father is the optimal form of raising a family. However, for the LGB person it is better to extend the sacred union to include them than to exclude them.

I do think that children should have strong role models from an early age of both mother and father figures even in a same-sex marriage. There should be in the life of the child if one is in the marriage role models of both sexes even if it is just a family friend. Someone to be the substituted figure of both father and mother.

I also do not condone all same-sex behavior under all circumstances. I do think that there needs to be standards irregardless of which sex you are with.

I also need to say that I do not have any ill will towards evangelicals that disagree with same-sex marriage or behavior. I love my traditional only Brothers and Sisters in Christ as I love all the non believers in my life. Just like I do not wish for my non-reconciliarion Brother or Sister to go through hell on Earth because they have mistranslated English Bibles.

At the end of the day we should all be able to get along and agree to disagree both the believer or atheist. We should not need to go along (agree) to get along in Agape Love for each other.

In support of consenting adult sexual reorientation

I fully support the right of any gay man or woman to freely choose to obtain sexual reorientation therapy. Any grown up man or woman of appropriate age and within the context of reality, reason, self and consent should have the ability to change to being straight if that person is able to and wishes to do so.

Religious fundamentalism is not the only means nor source of sexual reorientation. In truth sexuality reorients itself and changes naturally overtime for many people whom has acquired same sex erotic desires in the past. In Longitudinal studies of the same populations of people whom have at some point acquired same sex erotic feelings ended up by the Wave 4 as being mostly or completely heterosexual and straight having more or less lost or dropped said same desires naturally without any therapeutic assistance from a properly standardized secular psychologist or psychotherapist.

One can no longer say people are "born predetermined to be Kinsey 7 Gay." Same sex erotic codes are acquired after birth and they often subside in a lot of people for a replacement by a heterosexual based orientation. I am not anti-gay and I fully support equality of rights and under the law for all peaceful people in a free society. However, the science of orientation is that it is an adaptation and not some immutable and hardwired, unchanging life time attribute of most peoples identity and it is not a forever primary erotic code.

Even those that did maintain some same sex erotic codes still obtained an opposite sex erotic code and the largest of the LGBT lifelong demographics is bisexuality. Which is essentially a heterosexual with a cherry on top not a homosexual orientation. With most of them ending up in straight long term relationships. In all long term studies of the LGBT demographics over time the most coherent thing is the most stable identity is a heterosexual one. Not stable as in mentally ill or disorder, but, stable as in same over time without changing. Meanwhile in the same demographics gayness or exclusive homosexuality was the least stable and the most likely to go away was a persons obtained same sex eroticism not their opposite sex attraction.

I know from actual research that has been done following people over time that people with same sex erotic codes can and do go straight without even a single visit to a sexual reorientation therapist. If the people involved are non-pressured and not coerced grown ups then I see no problem with such therapy being available to give gays even more assistance with wanting to change their orientation. I am talking about consenting, fully informed and self-determined grown up homosexuals and bisexuals wanting to cultivate their straight ability. Not wanting "cured" but, simply wanting change.

I echo the sentiments of LGBT rights supporting  on 

I can hear people screaming in the isles of my blog about how horrible I am for saying gays should be able to change and reorient their sexuality to being some form of heterosexual if they so feel it is in their best personal long term happiness in life. However, you are not that person it is not your brain, it is not your mind it is the individual gays mind, brain and very soul to be poetic. Whom are you to dictate what they can and cannot do with it? No one is the answer! The minds owner, the brains between the eyes of the owner of the self that wants to live a straight life and not you.

However, I hear you also shout such efforts do not work and I used too think so too. Before I found some research that showed this is not the case some forms of efforts do in effect work and are in fact humane, and not dangerous. There are forms of sexual reorientation that are not harmful and have actual results behind them. I will link to them at the end of this discussion as well as to all the evidence that sexual orientation is not what people seem to think it is.

If you think I am full of shit about homosexual/bisexual desires disconnecting from ones erotic code for a predominantly or fully heterosexual orientation even without external therapy I give you the following quote from a meta-analysis of all of the Longitudinal Studies of people with same sex erotic codes. It is not being reported by another straight person such as myself. Just to make sure you cannot say I am some nutty breeder this is written by an openly Lesbian Feminist Psychologist Dr. Lisa Diamond.

We review scientific research and legal authorities to argue that the immutability of sexual orientation should no longer be invoked as a foundation for the rights of individuals with same-sex attractions and relationships (i.e., sexual minorities). On the basis of scientific research as well as U.S. legal rulings regarding lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) rights, we make three claims: First, arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are unscientific, given what we now know from longitudinal, population-based studies of naturally occurring changes in the same-sex attractions of some individuals over time. Second, arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are unnecessary, in light of U.S. legal decisions in which courts have used grounds other than immutability to protect the rights of sexual minorities.

The best and most reliable data on “naturally occurring” change in sexual orientation come from studies that have longitudinally tracked large, population-based samples of heterosexual and sexual-minority individuals … Several such studies have now been completed, and they unequivocally demonstrate that same-sex and other-sex attractions do change over time in some individuals. The degree of change is difficult to reliably estimate, given differences in study measures, but the occurrence of change is indisputable.

Savin-Williams et al. (2012) analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), which has been regularly tracking same-sex attractions and sexual identity in a random, representative sample of more than 12,000 adolescents since 1994. We focus here on changes in attractions reported between the third wave of data collection (when respondents were between 18 and 24 years old, with a mean age of 22) and the fourth wave of data collection (when respondents were between 24 and 34 years old, with a mean age of 29). …
At the third and fourth waves of data collection, respondents were asked to describe themselves as 100% heterosexual, Mostly heterosexual, Bisexual, Mostly homosexual, or 100% homosexual. Of the 5.7% of men and 13.7% of women who chose one of the nonheterosexual descriptors at Wave 3, 43% of the men and 50% of the women chose a different sexual orientation category six years later. Of those who changed, two-thirds changed to the category 100% heterosexual. … 8% of the exclusively homosexual men and 26% of the exclusively homosexual women who initially considered themselves exclusively gay changed categories six years later.
However, she is not alone in finding the evidence for innate lifelong gayness in most people with some bisexual or homosexual behavior to be scientifically lacking. Take for instance LGBT Advocate John D'Emilio whom says;

The idea that people are born gay—or lesbian or bisexual—is appealing for lots of reasons. Many of us experience the direction of our sexual desires as something that we have no control over. We just are that way, it seems, so therefore we must be born gay. The people who are most overt in their hatred of queer folks, the religious conservatives, insist that being gay is something we choose, and we know we can’t agree with them. Hence, again, born gay. Liberal heterosexual allies love the idea. If gays are born that way, then of course they shouldn’t be punished for it. …
What’s most amazing to me about the “born gay” phenomenon is that the scientific evidence for it is thin as a reed, yet it doesn’t matter. It’s an idea with such social utility that one doesn’t need much evidence in order to make it attractive and credible.

Furthermore we now have a Longitudinal study of men over a year out from having secular and non religious based sexual reorientation therapy which shows at least a good portion of the clients achieved some level of heterosexual shift successfully with 0 evidence of harm done. As presented in the Peer Reviewed online Journal "The Journal of Human Sciences."

We are presented with a group of self-determined and self-directional men whom together with their own efforts and assistance from a licensed, proper therapist become some level of straight from an exclusively gay starting point. Yes, I said exclusively with them rating themselves The Klein Grid equivalent of a Kinsey 7 homosexual at starting point with going towards anything ranging from some to complete heterosexuality at the end point and the year followed after the therapy.

Following up with Lisa Diamond she has gone on record as saying the Born This Way Hypothesis is wrong and should be thrown out. That is is scientifically not accurate and furthermore that in her mind Attachment Theory plays a much larger role in the process of developing a homosexual or bisexual orientation. Also, she is not the only one that says this. The only official American Psychological Hypothesis is not even that you are born a Kinsey 7 gay identifying person. Instead you are born with certain temperaments.

According to the APA when these temperaments are combined with specific environmental and nurture related forces you at puberty develop an erotic code based on the exotic nature around your own sex due to your temperament differences from other people of your sex making your own sex the exotic turned erotic ones. Essentially it is an overwhelming and devouring Fetish for your own sex that subsumes you. Notice I said Fetish not Mental Illness or disorder. It is in essence a Fetishistic Psychological Adaptation. In other words it is an evolutionary adaptation that can be, could be, but, is not predestined in your future based on your temperament differences and how you learn to identify and fit in with the sexual world and your sex/gender at a young age.

This hypothesis is the only one that makes sense with all the other data we have. Including the fact that in 2012/2013 the only Non-Biased and Non-Michael Bailey associated Gender non-conformity study showed 85-90% of them were heterosexual. What does this mean? Simple, that only when mixed with certain other conditions does one develop the Evolutionary Adaptation of a bisexual or homosexual erotic code while having unique temperaments. Specifically, if you are unique and atypical, but, do not see your own sex as the exotic one than you are less likely to develop an erotic code around Puberty which is aimed at your own sex and more likely to develop heterosexually at that time. Regardless of if your favorite color is Pink or your favorite band is The Spice Girls or whatever.

It also explains why sexual reorientation towards heterosexuality can and often does happen naturally over time and without therapy. It is after all a Fetish that is overwhelming and not an innate and immutable, unchanging thing. So, all you do is reorient yourself, so, the Fetish is simply an amplification of the natural norm for the mammalian species AKA the opposite sex. AKA you restore in a sense the Erotic code you would have gotten if you did not obtain the other one by thinking of yourself as the Exotic sex as a child. This could be done without even trying at all just like the original exotic becomes erotic code was formed without being done consciously.

The young time frame of when the code begins to take shape and the memories of being different explains why gays, bisexuals and lesbians assume they were "born this way." They are remembering their different even if as simple as being sensitive as over rough and tumble play. They are not recalling something called being born "gay," but, being born unique and feeling not like the other the true Origin of the Exotic Becomes Erotic Fetishism towards their same sex/gender. They are in effect recalling being born in the state of the actual causes and not the end point of those causes direction.

So, where does this leave the LGBT? Well, in just as good of a position as ever. I am not arguing here that people whom have cultivated towards the same sex over time and actually stuck there are sinners. Or that they are bad or that they are diseased or anything of the nature. Or that they even all can change even if their DNA did not code them to be Gay or Lesbian as such. I am arguing though that most can change and that it is not immutable, or innate, or hardwired for you to be "exclusively gay." Most people whom have such Erotic Codes are not even Gay when you remove the Mostly Heterosexuals. They are still a variant of bisexual and thus they still retain their opposite sex Erotic code as well.

I am not saying that you need to be or should be coerced, pressured or cajoled to be heterosexual. I will argue that most people by their very nature as a member of the human species have some amount of heterosexual possibility in them. However, if anyone dares to preach that people with your Erotic Code with your Fetish for the same are bad people or evil because you have obtained an Erotic code that is atypical I pray for them to become more Christ like. Bigotry and hatred is not defended by the ability for people to have straight potentiality in them. I love my gay and lesbian friends just as much as if they were "born that way." However, if they switched teams I would not freak out either and act like they lost their value. Good people are good people regardless of which consenting adults they mate with. Whether it is the human sexual norm of our species or not does not matter.

In the APA Handbook, Dr. Diamond states, “Hence, directly contrary to the conventional wisdom that individuals with exclusive same-sex attractions represent the prototypical ‘type’ of sexual-minority individual, and that those with bisexual patterns of attraction are infrequent exceptions, the opposite is true. Individuals with nonexclusive patterns of attraction are indisputably the ‘norm,’ and those with exclusive same-sex attractions are the exception” (v. 1, p. 633). Most people who experience same-sex attraction also already experience opposite-sex attraction.

“Although change in adolescence and emerging adulthood is understandable, change in adulthood contradicts the prevailing view of consistency in sexual orientation” (Rosario & Schrimshaw, 2014, APA Handbook, v. 1, p. 562).

The APA Handbook reviews a highly regarded study by gay researcher Savin-Williams and colleagues (Savin-Williams, Joyner, & Rieger, 2012; Rosario & Schrimshaw, 2014, APA Handbook, v. 1, p. 562) that followed the sexual identity of young adult participants when most were ages 18 through 24 and again at ages 24 through 34, about 6 years later. Participants indicated whether their sexual identity was heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, bisexual, mostly homosexual, or homosexual. The bisexual group was larger than exclusively gay and lesbian groups combined. But the largest identity group, second only to heterosexual, was “mostly heterosexual” for each sex and across both age groups, and that group was “larger than all the other non-heterosexual identities combined” (Savin-Williams et al., 2012, abstract). 

“The bisexual category was the most unstable” with three quarters changing that status in 6 years (abstract, emphasis added). “[O]ver time, more bisexual and mostly heterosexual identified young adults of both sexes moved toward heterosexuality than toward homosexuality” (p 106, emphasis added). Similar change is found in other population-based longitudinal studies, and rates of change do not appear to decline as participants get older (Diamond & Rosky, 2016, p. 7, Table 1). 

For both sexes, a heterosexual sexual orientation identity was the most stable” (SavinWilliams 2012, p. 104), as Diamond reports is true in all of the large-scale prospective, longitudinal studies (2014, in APA Handbook, v. 1, p. 637). For women who shifted away  from exclusive heterosexuality in the Savin-Williams 2012 study, the greatest increase was to mostly heterosexual (Rosario & Schrimshaw, 2014, APA Handbook, v. 1, p. 562). 

In the APA Handbook, Diamond says, “In every large-scale representative study reviewed thus far, the single largest group of individuals with same-sex attractions report predominant—but not exclusive—other-sex attractions” (v. 1, p. 634). Kleinplatz and Diamond say (v.1, p. 256), “Historically such individuals [mostly heterosexual] have been treated with skepticism and suspicion by laypeople and scientists alike. They have been viewed as either closeted lesbian, gay, or bisexual individuals (who cling to a mostly heterosexual label to avoid the stigma associated with same-sex sexuality) or as confused or questioning “heteroflexibles.” Heteroflexibles refers to individuals who, given our culture, have had infrequent same-sex fantasies or experimented with same-sex behavior but are not really gay or bisexual (v.1, p. 256). Kleinplatz and Diamond urge that “it is critically important for clinicians not to assume that any experience of samesex desire or behavior is a sign of latent homosexuality and instead to allow individuals to determine for themselves the role of same-sex sexuality in their lives and identity” (p. 257) (emphasis added). Mostly heterosexual individuals do not identify as LGB, and LGB activists have not recognized or represented them well. Some have had therapists wrongly assume they are really homosexual and would be happier leaving their marriage and family for a gay life.  
Readers can hear Dr. Diamond review research in her YouTube lecture for an LGBTaudience at Cornell University (2014). She said that excellent and abundant research has now established that sexual orientation—including attraction, behavior, and identity self label—all three—is fluid for both adolescents and adults and for both genders, and exceptions for LGB individuals are a minority.

Further underscoring that sexual orientation is changeable, Diamond reports that some say choice was involved for them, and she says one may choose a context or circumstance that may influence sexual orientation change, such as choice of roommate (2008, pp. 249-250), deciding to live in an ideological, political, or social reference group —as in “political lesbians” (2014, in APA Handbook, v.1, p. 632)

Dr. Diamond has publicly gone on record that she opposes psychotherapy that is open to sexual attraction change. (See Rosik, 2016 for a penetrating critique of her position as expressed in Diamond & Rosky, 2016.) Nevertheless, she says in her book (2008, p. 252) that some same-sex attracted individuals may have more capacity than others to channel the direction of their sexual fluidity in response to their context, and they may for that reason modify it in psychotherapy.

Ten percent of kids defy gender norms before age 11, a new study published in the journal Pediatrics found. Boys considered "girlie," because of their activity choices and interests, and girls deemed "boyish" are more likely to face abuse -- both physical and sexual -- and experience post-traumatic stress disorder by early adulthood. According to USA Today, parents or other adults in the home were mostly responsible for the abuse.
Andrea Roberts, lead author of the study and research associate in the department of society, human development and health at the Harvard School of Public Health, told USA Today that children under 11 are very likely to display behavior that has nothing to do with their future sexual orientation -- of 9,000 young adults studied, 85% of the 10% considered gender-non-conforming children identified as heterosexual.