Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Economic Globalization is the answer not Economic Nationalism. On the economy; I am a Globalist.

The one thing I disagree the most with President Trump over is trade and Globalization. I agree with his tax cuts, deregulation and needing immigration reforms to vet for dangerous people before coming into the country. Not his wall per-say; peaceful illegal immigrants should be put in the Que with legal immigrants to become citizens. I agree free countries with equal rights under the law should not give up their sovereignty to the UN in the process of having peaceful relations with other countries.

Globalization of the economy is one non-UN way of working towards a world of peaceful relations. Trump being against both Governmental Globalism, but, also anti Economic Globalization is oxymoronic as he is stopping one of the best non-global government/UN means of having peaceful neighbors while keeping national sovereignty. I am also in favor of exporting freedom as part of Globalization. Exporting the rights to own and trade property and all the other rights of a free country as part of the Economic Globalization process.

In that way I am a Globalist; I am Pro-Global Capitalism and Equality under the law. However, I am also in favor of reforming the UN to remove the corruption and stopping the obstruction of a free countries freedoms.