New Conservative government to remove museum admission fees, celebrate past Prime Ministers
A new Conservative government will scrap admission fees from all of Canada’s national museums, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced today.
Removing these fees will make it easier for families to learn about Canada’s proud history and will make school field trips and family vacations more affordable.
“National museums celebrate Canada by sharing our foundational stories and most cherished artifacts, the very things that make us Canadian. They are places of beauty, discovery, and inspiration,” said Scheer. “Making them more accessible to Canadians and visitors is part of our plan to celebrate Canadian culture and make life more affordable for families across the country.”
As Prime Minister, Andrew Scheer will make it free to visit national museums 365 days a year for every visitor.
There are nine national museums across Canada:
  • Canada Agriculture and Food Museum (Ottawa, Ontario)
  • Canadian Museum of History (Gatineau, Quebec)
  • Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
  • Canada Science and Technology Museum (Ottawa, Ontario)
  • National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario)
  • Canada Aviation and Space Museum (Ottawa, Ontario)
  • Canadian Museum of Nature (Ottawa, Ontario)
  • Canadian Museum for Human Rights (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
  • Canadian War Museum (Ottawa, Ontario)
A new Conservative government will also designate the RCMP Heritage Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan as a national museum. Admission would also be free.
Scheer announced that a new Conservative government will also designate the gravesites of past Prime Ministers and Governors General as national historic sites.
“We can and we should celebrate the achievements of our historical giants like William Lyon Mackenzie King, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and Sir John A. Macdonald,” Scheer said. “These leaders, and others, have left their mark not only on our country, but on the entire world and they are worthy of honour and respect.”
  • The first National Museum of Canada was established by the Department of Mines in 1927.
  • The current system of national museums (listed above) are administered by six Crown Corporations.
  • According to the Parliamentary Budget Officer, this move would save Canadians more than $20 million per year.
  • Admission fees generally represent small proportions of these museums’ revenue mix; these other revenue streams, including Parliamentary appropriations, will not be impacted by this measure, except to increase the appropriations to compensate for reduced revenue from this policy.
  • Smithsonian Institution museums in Washington, D.C. have offered free admission since 1846.
  • Scrap the Trudeau Carbon Tax, lowering the cost of everyday essentials like gas, groceries, and home heating.
  • Introduce the Universal Tax Cut, saving an average couple $850.
  • Take the GST off home heating costs, saving your family $107 every year.
  • Introduce the Green Public Transit Tax Credit, saving a family of four who take transit up to $1,000.
  • Make maternity benefits tax-free, putting up to $4,000 back in the pockets of new parents.
  • Introduce the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit, allowing parents to claim up to $1,000 for sports activities.
  • Introduce the Children’s Arts and Learning Tax Credit, letting parents claim up to $500 for arts and learning programs.
  • Expand the Age Credit, benefiting the lowest income Canadians the most and giving a senior couple up to $300.
  • Boost government-matching to RESPs by 50%, helping parents get more for their kids’ education.
  • Introduce the Green Home Renovation Tax Credit, putting up to $3,800 back in the pockets of families who make green-home improvements.