Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Countering the scare tactics against the CPC and Andrew Scheer

There are some very nasty rumors going around that a Conservative government would make abortion illegal. As well that it is anti Transgender rights. This is not the case at all I have looked at every single official document of the party and nowhere is anything present. Neither in the comprehensive Policy Declaration and neither in any other document or Constitutional agreements within the party.

Andrew Scheer has gone on record as stating the abortion debate will not be had in regards to any legislative changes. All official CPC documentation which I will list linked below stays out of the abortion debate. Neither do any documents say anything about making any sort of anti-trans legislation nor talk of the transgender or transsexual population in any derogatory way. Nothing Andrew has ever said anywhere shows him as being hateful of LGBTQ individuals in anyway and it is definitely not a Party policy. 

What conservatives and the party do support is freedom of speech and thought as intrinsic to a free nation. People in a free nation are able to hold any number of views on any number of topics. They own their mind, there is no collective brain and individuals can or cannot agree with any choice another makes. Whether that choice is predisposed or just a choice of free will. While I fully support the equality of rights under the law this also means that people whom I do not agree with get to live according to their conscious as well. 

It would be an inequality under the law and also against the Canadian Constitution; Charter of Rights and Freedoms to not allow people whom disagree with others on any topic express themselves using their own resources that they voluntarily were given to express them. Some people will have issues with others lifestyles regardless of the cause of them and this will always exist as long as humans exist. We are not cogs in a collective machine we are individuals with individual minds. The government has no business compelling certain thoughts or speech from its citizens in a free nation.

This does not mean you cannot do other things like tell people about said peoples views and tell people for example to boycott said people if it is a business. Nor does it stop defenders of whatever consensual lifestyle choices from speaking out against genuine bigots and people that are hateful. You can and should disassociate from people that you find truly repugnant. However, those people have the same rights under the law as your fellow Canadian citizen you do to say the things you disagree with as well. Even things that you outright hate and loath. 

That is a Canada that is truly a True North Strong and Free. It is what Democratic Capitalist nations that are free strive on; the reasoned and rationally disagreed upon opinions of their citizens. Provided they do not incite violence or some sort of actual threat of harm. 