New conservative government to extend EI parental leave to parents in mourning
A new Conservative government will ensure that EI parental leave is extended for eight weeks following the death of a baby, affording parents experiencing unimaginable tragedy a much-needed opportunity to begin coping with their loss.
“With this policy, we hope to give grieving parents some much-needed support during a time of unimaginable loss,” said Blake Richards, Conservative Candidate for Banff-Airdrie. “The government can, and must, do more to support Canadians undergoing such trying times.”
The loss of a child is a situation no parents should ever have to face. Unfortunately, so many Canadians across the country are put in this terrible situation and parents are sometimes forced to return to work with no opportunity to begin to address the profound and recent tragedy that confronts them.
Currently, EI parental benefits end abruptly the week following the loss of a child, which comes as a shock to many. A parent’s sadness should not be compounded by financial worry, and these parents should not have to worry about their bottom line. Extending EI parental benefits is the least a government can do.
“There is nothing that can prepare a parent for this experience. We hope that by offering more time, parents will have the important opportunity to cope, to seek help, and to be comforted by those around then,” said Richards. “My deepest sympathies go out to parents who have struggled with the loss of a child. I am proud that a new Conservative government will do more to provide support and relief to Canadians experiencing such difficult times in their lives.”
Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives – “The death of a child, at any age is a painful experience – and the loss of a child is followed by the most intense grief. By extending EI benefits to grieving parents, a Conservative government will provide some relief to mourning parents.”