Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Andrew Scheer to expand eligibility criteria to access Disability Tax Credit

Fairness for Persons with Disabilities Act could help 35,000 more Canadians with disabilities
A new Conservative government will introduce the Fairness for Persons with Disabilities Act, allowing 35,000 more Canadians to qualify and apply for the Disability Tax Credit, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced today.
This new Act will reduce the number of hours spent per week on life-sustaining therapy needed to qualify for the credit from 14 to 10. It will also expand the definition of what counts as life-sustaining therapy to include determining dosages of medical food and activities related to determining dosages of medication, including dietary or exercise regimes. This would allow 35,000 more Canadians with disabilities the potential to access savings of an average of $2,100 a year.
“A new Conservative government will support Canadians with disabilities in ways that leave more money in their pockets to help them manage their health needs,” Scheer said. “We will make sure that Canadians with a disability can care for themselves and parents of children with disabilities can support their children without worrying about their bottom line.”
Under our policy, a Canadian with type 1 diabetes who currently spends an average of 10 hours per week managing his or her condition would qualify for the Disability Tax Credit.
In 2017, Justin Trudeau changed how Canadians qualify for the Disability Tax Credit and the Registered Disability Savings Plan, stripping important financial support from thousands of Canadians with disabilities.
“Trudeau has made life more expensive for all Canadians, including those with disabilities,” Scheer said. “A new Conservative government will live within its means. We will lower your taxes and put more money in your pocket so you can worry less about your bottom line and focus on living life to your full potential.”
Conservative MP Tom Kmiec introduced the Fairness for Persons with Disabilities Act in 2018 but the bill did not pass before parliament was dissolved.
  • Scrap the Trudeau Carbon Tax, lowering the cost of everyday essentials like gas, groceries, and home heating.
  • Introduce the Universal Tax Cut, saving an average couple $850.
  • Take the GST off home heating costs, saving your family $107 every year.
  • Introduce the Green Public Transit Tax Credit, saving a family of four who take transit up to $1,000.
  • Make maternity benefits tax-free, putting up to $4,000 back in the pockets of new parents.
  • Introduce the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit, allowing parents to claim up to $1,000 for sports activities.
  • Introduce the Children’s Arts and Learning Tax Credit, letting parents claim up to $500 for arts and learning programs.
  • Expand the Age Credit, benefiting the lowest income Canadians the most and giving a senior couple up to $300.
  • Boost government-matching to RESPs by 50 per cent, helping parents get more for their kids’ education.
  • Introduce the Green Home Renovation Tax Credit, putting up to $3,800 back in the pockets of families who make green-home improvements.