Families will start saving hundreds of dollars per year for coldest winter months
As part of its 100 Day Action Plan, a new Conservative government will repeal Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax as its first piece of legislation, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said today. 
Scheer has already announced that he will convene Parliament, at which time he will introduce and pass the Carbon Tax Repeal Act so Canadians aren’t stuck paying a carbon tax over another long, cold winter.
“Canadians cannot afford to be punished every time they drive their kids to school or turn up their thermostat on a cold winter day,” Scheer said. “That’s why a new Conservative government will make sure Trudeau’s carbon tax is history by January 1 and we will use every legislative tool at our disposal to get it done.”
Trudeau’s Environment Minister Catherine McKenna has already confirmed that the carbon tax will go up if the Liberals are re-elected, but hasn’t said by how much. With Trudeau and the NDP now scheming to form a coalition government, Scheer said the carbon tax will go through the roof.
“A government with Trudeau as the spokesman and the NDP calling the shots would be the worst possible outcome for Canadians,” Scheer said. “Part of the NDP’s price to keep Trudeau in power will be a massive increase to the carbon tax. It’s the coalition Canadians can’t afford.”
Scheer also highlighted another part of his 100 Day Action Plan: removing the GST from Canadians’ home heating bills.
“In Canada, heating your home is not a luxury, it’s a necessity,” Scheer said.  “Rising home energy costs are a particular burden on low and middle class families. Justin Trudeau believes we should tax these families for the privilege of heating their homes. I disagree. I will take the GST off home heating in my first 100 days as Prime Minister.”
Scheer highlighted how families in Ontario will save as a result of these measures.  Repealing the Trudeau Carbon Tax will save the average Ontario family $244 per year, while removing the GST on home energy costs will save them $114 more. 
  1. Introduce ‘Get Ahead Fiscal Update’ within 45 of days of taking office.
  2. Implement Green Home Renovation Tax Credit, Children’s Fitness Tax Credit,
  3. Children’s Arts and Learning Tax Credit and Green Public Transit Tax Credit by January 1, 2020.
  4. Call a Premier’s Meeting for January 6, 2020, to discuss removing trade barriers between provinces.
  5. Begin negotiations with Quebec on a single tax return.
  6. Bring in a maximum penalty of $20,000 for politicians who break the Conflict of Interest Act.
  7. Scrap the Trudeau Carbon Tax by January 1, 2020.
  8. Take the GST off home energy costs by January 1, 2020.
  • Under a new Conservative government, an average retired couple living in Tsawwassen will save $2,580 a year.
  • Under a new Conservative government, a family of four – soon to be five – in Montreal will save $4,642 a year.
  • Under a new Conservative government, a family of four in Markham will save $3,264 a year. 
  • Scrap the Trudeau Carbon Tax, lowering the cost of everyday essentials like gas, groceries, and home heating.
  • Introduce the Universal Tax Cut, saving an average couple $850.
  • Take the GST off home heating costs, saving your family $107 every year.
  • Introduce the Green Public Transit Tax Credit, saving a family of four who take transit up to $1,000.
  • Make maternity benefits tax-free, putting up to $4,000 back in the pockets of new parents.
  • Introduce the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit, allowing parents to claim up to $1,000 for sports activities.
  • Introduce the Children’s Arts and Learning Tax Credit, letting parents claim up to $500 for arts and learning programs.
  • Expand the Age Credit, benefiting the lowest income Canadians the most and giving a senior couple up to $300.
  • Boost government-matching to RESPs by 50%, helping parents get more for their kids’ education.
  • Introduce the Green Home Renovation Tax Credit, putting up to $3,800 back in the pockets of Canadians for green home improvements.