Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Debunking Creationists - Dr. Jerry Bergman

In this installment of Debunking Creationists, VoysovReason examines the claims of young earth creationist Dr. Jerry Bergman, who attempts to show that the fossil record supports creationism, and refutes evolution.
Bergman presents many fossil species that have not changed in millions of years, which, according to him, demonstrates that evolution doesn't happen at all. Along the way, he commits logical fallacies, and ignores or misconstrues tremendous evidence of the continuous emergence of new species in the fossil record, including thousands of transitional forms.
Not surprisingly, Bergman fails to put forward a logical case for how the fossils can possibly fit with creationism.
Original creationist video:
"Origins - The fossil record with Dr. Jerry Bergman
lobster ancestor
arthropod stem fossils
Yale professor on cambrian, stasis
P.Z. Myers on the Cambrian explosion