Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Debunking Creationists - Dr. Jason Lisle

Examining the claims of Dr. Jason Lisle, a young earth creationist who claims to have ultimate proof of creation. Because it is based on the presupposition that the Bible must be true, creationists must misconstrue and cherry pick the evidence to try to make it appear to fit the myth of creation. They also malign the process of science itself, which is why I am compelled to point out their errors and falsehoods. Lisle also employs presuppositional apologetics, which to me is so easy to debunk, I don't know how they could possibly convince anyone with such nonsense. Everything I claim in the video is backed by peer-reviewed scientific research.
Links to the original video "Ultimate Proof - Dr. Jason Lisle on Origins":
Scientific sources:
Evolution of Biological Information -
The age of the earth and comets -