Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The problem with "conversion" programs and erasing/taking advantage of real victims.

An issue no one ever addresses that comes from the reparative movement is that it erases whole statistics on victims of actual abuse and assaults. Especially when it comes to the stats about sexual assault of children and young adults. There are victims of abuse whom do end up using living a gay or bisexual life as a way of dealing with their traumas. I have previously talked both about sexual flexibility and sexual disorientation. There are genuine cases of people experiencing both whom have ended up dealing with sexual trauma.

This does not validate reparative therapies as being the means to helping male survivors of abuse and rape. However, change in sexual identity can and does happen naturally in certain therapy situations with said individuals. They might find they are bisexual or even straight instead of gay and their abuse has affected their ability to embrace this. Or they might not change sexual orientation identity at all, but, simply come to terms that their abuse was not totally absent in their future identity while embracing being gay still. Or they might find it has nothing to do with their preference.

However, by reparative therapy covering up how many people actually have abuse in their backgrounds found by objective measures one does not know how many truly trauma induced lifestyle choices are being looked at VS people simply convinced being gay is wrong. This harms the ability to know whom might actually be survivors and might be helped by genuinely healthy psychiatry or clinical psychologists whom are specialized in abuse victims whom understand sexual disorientation as well as the flexible and sometimes highly confusing nature of sexuality.

People whom might have real trauma should have real help from the proper people. One should shun the reparative therapy movement, but, that does not mean one should throw the baby out with the bathwater. People should accept the science of natural non coerced sexuality changes. As well as accept the truth of sexual disorientation from abuse. There are multiple pathways to dealing with trauma and one of them is to alter your sexual behaviors. The idea that one might conceptualize same sex behavior as a form of dealing with pain is not anymore strange than survivors becoming more BDSM tending. Which also happens due to trying to maintain in control after the events.