Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Sexual violence against children INCLUDES forcing/pressuring/indoctrinating/influencing them to identify as the opposite sex.

Sexual violence against children INCLUDES forcing/pressuring/indoctrinating/influencing them to identify as female - and take hormone inhibitors - when they "like the color pink." Or to influence a little girl into thinking they are actually a boy or need to be a boy because they are into boys things. In the age of Gender Identity being such a pushed thing any non-conforming activity by a young child could be considered "evidence" of them being in the wrong body. Adults teach them about Transsexualism/Transgenderism at such a young age they can easily become confused and gain a Gender Dysphoria from the ideas they get fed from their parents and grown up peers.

Rapid onset Dysphoria is occurring at an alarming rate especially among young girls. Whom become convinced any sort of insecurity or difference between them and other girls is a sign they are not a girl. Then they without any sort of medical diagnoses as being Gender Dysphoric before will take on a Trans or Non-Binary Identity. Erasing their girlhood and erasing their femaleness for a trans-boyhood or an It-non-human identity. At the the same time boys with similar insecurities in their boyhood develop a Dysphoria and need to erase their boyhood for a trans-girlhood. However, there seems to be more girls than boys.

Most children with Gender Dysphoria will become comfortable and desist in their Dysphoria by the time they have gone through their puberty years. 98% of boys and 89% of girls with the condition will not have it once their hormones from their sex take full effect on their brains and bodies. However, the condition if psychologically maintained by people insisting their personality is that of the other sex from outside might be maintained passed this point. I consider non-conformity being considered the sign of wrong bodies to be a massive psychological abuse of these poor people with this condition.

There was a time a feminine boy was just that and a masculine girl was called a tomboy. Now they are called Trans Children and ushered into taking hormones and sometimes even surgeries on their young bodies. The number of people whom are actually helped by hormones and surgeries are inflated by badly done studies without any proper controls. As well as the lack of longitudinal long term studies of the same individuals over time. As well as losing the information that is available. Neither are those whom de-transition later in life ever taken into account.

I fear we are making/inducing the condition of being Dysphoric more and more worse these days. The numbers are conflated because we no longer stop and think, "why?" Why does anyone not want to be the sex they were born as? If you never ask why you never know if there is a way for said person to be comfortable in their own bodies. It used too be the LGB population were asked to alter their personality to conform to their bodies sexually by the Religious Right. Now the regressive left thinks that your body needs to be halted in its development from puberty and then mutilated through sex reassignment surgeries if your personality is too much like members of the opposite sex.

The Gender Identity ideology is dangerous to everyone regardless of their orientation. Being sex atypical is not the same thing as not being the sex that you are. Non-Conforming people should not be manipulated into thinking their Gender Identity is different from their biological sex. No matter how extremely atypical and non-stereotypical their behavior or interests might be. Whether you are non-conforming and turn out to be LGB or whether you are atypical and heterosexual. Our biological sexes and understanding what makes you male or female matters more than ever in the age of Unhampered Gender Identity ideology. I will tell you this it is not liking Pink or Blue.