Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

In honor of this being Pride Month my views on Pride continues...

This is Pride month in many places and also Pride week here in Charlottetown. I did a recent article mentioning my views on the organized Pride movement which included the parades. However, this might have made one think that I think someone having personal pride is a bad thing. However, that would be wrong. What I have issues with is the idea of a collectivized pride based on nothing more than some single character trait. Especially given the narrative of Pride that your orientation being some innate thing. Which means you did nothing to earn being proud if it is simply based on an innate characteristics. 

I think individual people whom are gay, bisexual can have personal pride, but, that is not based only on ones sexual orientation, but, the content of ones character. Which means that whether or not you should be proud remains largely on your character as a person. So, just being gay, bisexual or whatever is not an accomplishment in itself. The issue with the collectivized Pride movement is that it assumes Gay equals good and worthy of pride over being based on ones character,. In fact, the toxic world of Pride and LGBTQ+  which exists shows the sort of character of the organized Pride. 

I do know gays and bisexuals that like me swear off the Pride movement and the LGBTQ+ nonsense altogether. I am not the only person that has issues with the concept of Pride as it exists at this time. Myself, I do not plan on doing anything for nor with Pride this year. Even though I support the individual rights of people I still want nothing to do with it. In fact, as I mentioned previously I have not had anything to do with Pride in quite sometime. However, I do think that there is a glaring hypocrisy with the whole Pride month and week. The whole movement or idea in general really. 

The hypocrisy I mean is that gays and bisexuals seem to be able to have Pride, but, heterosexuals and/or mostly heterosexuals or bisexuals that just prefer the opposite to the same are left out in the cold. There is s serious blindness to the fact if there can be Gay pride then heterosexuals and hetero-leaning people can have their own personal Hetero or Straight pride. I do have personal pride because I am a good man. I am a heterosexual male with pride in being a good man whom is into women. I have Straight Pride, but, based on being a good man that is straight and not because I am straight period. I refuse to cower and be small in the world because I ended up a 30 year old heterosexual male. 

Since Pride should be based on individual character and being a good person all heterosexuals that have good character should be able to be proud to be such a good person. Straight Pride does not mean hating on gay or bisexual people. It is properly speaking something all Straight people of good character can and should have in themselves. In the same vein gays and bisexuals that have good character and are accomplishing something in life to be proud of can have their own sense of personal pride. However, that pride does not equally get to denounce others orientations and act like fascist or Maoist extremists. Getting to trash the broader world using terms like heteronormative and pushing bullshit. 

The world is mostly heterosexual in nature or at least bisexual in nature. It is a mammalian norm due to it being how our species survives and reproduces. Penis is crafted by Mother Nature to go into vagina that is the natural norm. Males getting hard over females and females getting lubricated over males. Heterosexuality is not the normal due to "hatred of gays." It has the norm due to the Tyranny called nature and how our species evolved to keep living. This does not mean homosexuals or homosexual activity is bad or immoral or anything. It does not justify actual bigotry or religious hatred of homosexuals. It just means that it is not the overall norm for our species. Most homosexual activity exists in most species in a bisexual manor. As it does as well in ours, but, that does not mean exclusive homosexuals need to change or need "cured." 

However, that also means that by denouncing "heteronormativity" Pride groups are in fact denouncing the vary process by which our species keeps living. As well as the process by which they themselves came into existence. To denounce that there should be pride in heterosexuals for being good men and women is antithetical to the existence of pride on a personal level at all. It makes Pride a worship of a collective group and a hive mind that does not exist. I support us heterosexuals, us straight people having personal pride and an abundance of it and self-love for being good people. Good people should be proud and evil/vile people should not have pride. Positive should be proud and negative people have nothing to be proud of one could also say. 

Pride is an achievement of being a good person and not something that falls out of the sky like rain drops. Pride is a virtue and so is self-esteem, but, pride does not just jump into your lap. Much like respect actual pride is earned by matter of your virtue as a person and your accomplishments of character. It is not just something you have out of nowhere. Most LGBTQ+ people whom support Pride and attend Pride events have not really thought of what pride means epistemologically. Just being born is not enough to have Pride and this is why I do not support "Pride" organizations. You earn pride, you earn respect it is not benevolence. There is a difference between having a benevolent outlook at others and respecting them.