Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Trump is right on Immigration and Borders, but, wrong on Trade.

I decided to chime in on the two things most being discussed about the Trump Administration so far. Immigration and Trade. Here is my shorthand two cents he is right on defending the Border and Immigration. He is wrong about international freee enterprise between non hostile Nations. 

I take the Closed Borders, pro Free Trade view of these issues. I believe that Borders being closed to illegals with strict restrictions on immigration is correct. Open Borders consists of a lack of Nationhood and a form of invasion of the property rights of those living within a Country. 

I believe that free trade requires restricted immigration to work. I find the true libertarian view of Borders is closed to immigration with strict restrictions. Anything else is the total destruction of the Nation and an invasion. Forced integration without the consent of the property owners in said Nation is a violation of the liberty of the people living in that Nation. 

Ron Paul ran a platform on Nationalism and True free trade long before Trump came along. He advocated for a wall before Trump did and ripping up NAFTA as well. He was as I am for free trade not managed trade and also for Closed Borders to immigration. I find the most consistent view with reality is the Closed Borders libertarian view. 

He is dangerously wrong on actual free trade though. The truth is we do not have free trade we have managed trade and a form of mercantilism. We have corporatism and not Global Capitalism between Sovereign Nations. That does not mean just the existence of Big Business and Corporations as the leftists definition means. I mean actual corporatism as in trade managed and monopolized by certain corporations due to managed trade benefiting them. 

True free trade is simply people trading between Severeign Nations and localities for the benefit of both parties involved. It is not managed to benefit unfairly big nor small business it just is voluntary exchange across a border. We need True free trade and not tarrifs. On this Trump is wrong and Ron Paul was right. Although on National Security and Foreign Policy Ron Paul is niave and dangerous.