In my previous article I defended neolibertarianism for this dispensation. In this article I am going to explain what the future brings for those that are Saved by Faith in Christ and what He has done for us all. As well as what is in the future for those that do not come to Christ during this dispensation of Grace.
The reason I can defend a neolibertarian political theory in this dispensation is because this is not the true home of those whom are Saved by Christ. We have no right to remake this Kingdom into a Christian Nation or a Theocracy as this is a dispensation of Grace; of free will acceptance of our Savior/conversion.
God does not use force or compulsion to make people into Christians. His Holy Spirit convicts and persuades all to be born again and become Christians through their own volition. We therefore have no right to force people to live according to God's Moral standards. This will not last forever though.
At the blink of an eye all believers will be raptured. The Great Tribulation period will begin and God Himself will bring His Wrath on the unbelievers at His own hand. For 7 years this world will experience the worst days ever and at the hands of His Wrath.
He will use this time to pour out Wrath including removing all protection from the Antichrist and his One World Tyranny. As well as using disease and plague. In the end 2/3rds of Jews will die. As well as Billions witn a B of people in His Wrath during the Tribulation.
This will conclude with God coming back; Jesus will comeback and kill anyone that has not converted with a mighty sword from His mouth. The blood will be up to the horses bridal and He will usher in His Worlwide Theocracy reigned over by Himself and the resurrected Saints; those whom repented (changed their mind) and believed in/on Christ's Atonement on the Cross for the world.
Rule by God Himself and the Righteous Saints will begin and last for 1000 years. True Theocracy and ruling with a rod of iron over the world. We do not bring in a Godly society that is left to God Himself in the Millennium reign His Kingdom. While we are here in this dispensation we are to spread the Gospel not want to have Govermental control for our own Christian means.