Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Philemon | Holy Bible Dramatized

Oprah’s Demonic Agenda - Insider Tells All

Oprah’s satanic website! 😳

8 Things Christians Shouldn’t Own

Genesis 191 – True Wealth. Genesis 49:19-21. Dr. Andy Woods. 2-2-25.

"Why Churches Must Avoid Bethel Music" - Spencer Smith

Sun PM Feb 2nd 2025 - Serge Leger

Yogananda shocking deception!

Getting Along with Difficult People

7 New Age Deceptions infiltrating the Church and deceiving some Christians

Secret Demonic Marvel Agenda Exposed

3 New Age Healing Scams

Melissa Dougherty: How a Movement You (Probably) Never Heard Of Shaped The World

Gen Z is Obsessed with Manifesting Their Way to Riches and Romance

Cessationism Interview With Dr. Tom Pennington

A Case for Cessationism (Tom Pennington) (Selected Scriptures)

The Influence of the Charismatic Movement on the Modern Church’s Worship...

Why the Charismatic Movement Is SO Problematic | Justin Peters

MEGIDDO 2: The New Age

MEGIDDO 1: March to Armageddon

Happy Lies with Melissa Dougherty

New Thought: The Most Influential Heresy You've Never Heard Of

Devil Worship: Rise of Satanism (Original Classic)

Demons Masquerading as Dead Relatives

Escaping Satan's Web | Ex-Satanist Killer Tells All (Original Classic)

Is This False Doctrine in Your Church? Melissa Dougherty Interview

Ezekiel 23:4-31 Two Whores

Sun AM Feb 2nd 2025 - Leonard VandenBerg Mark 13:1-23

Neo-Calvinism vs The Bible Session 18

1 Samuel | Dramatized Holy Bible

Adrian Rogers: Sharing Your Faith - Embracing Evangelism and Spreading ...

Shadow Government: It’s Not Just Conspiracy


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Beware of the Wolves! – Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett


Foreshadowing the Beast System

What Thousands Get Wrong About Becoming a Christian

Protecting Our Youth: Exposing the Occult with Marcia Montenegro

Seed Thoughts 48

Neo-Libertarianism as consistent right-minarchism

I wish to put forward that Neo-Libertarianism is consistent right-minarchsm by citing the following from the Neo-Libertarian blog called "Politics and Prosperity." The author uses the term libertarian-conservative now as opposed to neolibertariann, but, he means what I do by Neo-Libertarian.

  • R-M reject the non-aggression principle with respect to national defense. They do so not because they favor aggression but because the principle, in its standard interpretation, is a non-action principle. It would not allow a preemptive attack on an antagonistic state that is armed, capable of striking us at any time, and known to be contemplating a strike. R-M, in other words, tend toward hawkishness when it comes to national defense.
  • R-M also tend toward a hawkish stance on crime. For example, some R-M have no sympathy for journalists who protect anonymous sources where those sources obtain their information by breaking the law. Other R-M reject the idea that the press should be allowed to print whatever information it may obtain about America’s defense forces, plans, and operation. R-M understand that liberty and the prosperity it brings are unattainable in a lawless, defenseless society.
  • R-M are unsympathetic to “political correctness,” arguing that government must not do anything to quell impolite speech or to compensate blacks, women, etc., for the past behavior of those who discriminated against them, because to do so penalizes persons now living who are innocent of discrimination. But more than that, R-M would give individuals and businesses broad latitude in their affairs, penalizing only acts traditionally understood as harmful (e.g., murder, rape, and theft).
  • R-M see “rights” like abortion and homosexual “marriage” as government-imposed social innovations with potentially harmful consequences for civil society. If social custom, as embodied in legislative acts, rejects such things as abortion and homosexual “marriage,” it does so because those things undermine the fabric of society — the bonds of mutual respect, mutual trust, and mutual restraint that enable a people to live and work together in peace.

Trump is right on Immigration and Borders, but, wrong on Trade.

I decided to chime in on the two things most being discussed about the Trump Administration so far. Immigration and Trade. Here is my shorthand two cents he is right on defending the Border and Immigration. He is wrong about international freee enterprise between non hostile Nations. 

I take the Closed Borders, pro Free Trade view of these issues. I believe that Borders being closed to illegals with strict restrictions on immigration is correct. Open Borders consists of a lack of Nationhood and a form of invasion of the property rights of those living within a Country. 

I believe that free trade requires restricted immigration to work. I find the true libertarian view of Borders is closed to immigration with strict restrictions. Anything else is the total destruction of the Nation and an invasion. Forced integration without the consent of the property owners in said Nation is a violation of the liberty of the people living in that Nation. 

Ron Paul ran a platform on Nationalism and True free trade long before Trump came along. He advocated for a wall before Trump did and ripping up NAFTA as well. He was as I am for free trade not managed trade and also for Closed Borders to immigration. I find the most consistent view with reality is the Closed Borders libertarian view. 

He is dangerously wrong on actual free trade though. The truth is we do not have free trade we have managed trade and a form of mercantilism. We have corporatism and not Global Capitalism between Sovereign Nations. That does not mean just the existence of Big Business and Corporations as the leftists definition means. I mean actual corporatism as in trade managed and monopolized by certain corporations due to managed trade benefiting them. 

True free trade is simply people trading between Severeign Nations and localities for the benefit of both parties involved. It is not managed to benefit unfairly big nor small business it just is voluntary exchange across a border. We need True free trade and not tarrifs. On this Trump is wrong and Ron Paul was right. Although on National Security and Foreign Policy Ron Paul is niave and dangerous. 

In Defense of Neo-Libertarianism

There is a huge umbrella of views all of which fall under libertarian as a marker of one's views. Thus simply saying you are a Christian whom supports libertarianism could mean any number of things. Including things I do not support at all. As with any political idea, libertarianism is actually a spectrum of ideas rather than an explicit dogma. In modern Western politics, the most visible version of libertarianism is often called right-libertarianism.

Few, if any, right-libertarians advocate for a complete elimination of the state. This makes right-libertarianism a form of minarchy, or minimal government. In its purest form, a right-libertarian government would only perform two functions: defend the nation against foreign attack and prosecute criminals. All political philosophies have in-house debates on where to draw the line on government interference. Libertarianism typically prefers far less government involvement—and government power—than competing views. 

The libertarian benchmark for any idea or institution is its effects on individual freedom and the basic rights of people. More so than in most other political theories, the debate within libertarianism can lead two libertarians to diametric conclusions about the same issue.

For example,

• Concerning abortion, one libertarian might say any restriction is an illegitimate interference by government. Another might argue that abortion is an act of violence against the unborn.

• Regarding drug use, some libertarians believe all substances should be legal to buy, sell, and consume. Others suggest unchecked drug use creates threats to safety and security.

• Concerning marriage, libertarians may prefer no benefits or restrictions beyond private religious recognition. Libertarians may also argue the contrary: that promoting the best, most natural child-rearing arrangement is necessary for the survival of society.

• Some libertarians support using tax dollars for infrastructure such as roads, utilities, and fire departments. Others prefer such things to be entirely privatized, paid for only by those who want to benefit from them.

Biblically, libertarianism finds both support and boundaries. People are ultimately accountable to God, not government (Hebrews 4:13). Regardless of the laws of the land, each person has an obligation to do what is right in God’s eyes (Acts 4:29; 1 Corinthians 10:13). Scripture is full of cautionary tales about human government, including God’s own warning about the intrinsic dangers of being subject to earthly kings (1 Samuel 8:10–17). A Christian may lean libertarian due to libertarianism’s emphasis on personal rights.

Many Christian libertarians argue that even a “good” government empowered to enforce Christian ideals can just as easily prosecute those ideals later on. Such believers seek the freedom to live a life honoring God without government coercion or interference (1 Timothy 2:1–2). At the same time, Scripture says that human government is established by God in order to curb human sin (Romans 13:1–4). This means that if a Christian is to consider themselves a libertarian one needs to make sure they are not supporting the anarchistic faction.

There is nothing in the Bible forbidding a Christian from being a libertarian. Nor does Scripture demand believers adhere to libertarianism. Deciding where to draw boundaries around the government’s role is part of our Christian liberty. It’s an issue each believer needs to prayerfully and carefully consider.

I belong politically to a post 9/11 and more modern/moderate form of libertarianism known as Neo-Libertarianism. Advocating a society where individual freedom is maximized, government intervention is minimized, and free market capitalism is promoted, while also supporting some level of social safety net and foreign intervention for the protection of human rights.

The first neo-libertarians used the term in response to the Iraq War. Neo-libertarians proudly set out their reasons for supporting the War on Terror and an effort to secure the freedom of the Iraqi people. Neo-Libertarianism (also spelled Neolibertarianism) is an economically right-wing, moderate libertarian, and culturally right-leaning ideology.

Neo-libertarians believe in economic reforms such as deregulation,  neoliberalism, and Laissez-Faire Capitalism. Neo-libertarians also advocate for Fiscal Conservatism, such as reducing corporate taxes, reducing government spending, and reducing income taxes on people.

Neo-libertarians advocate for Minarchism, calling for limited government power and  government involvement in the economy. Neo-libertarians commonly call for the exporting of libertarian and civil values to undemocratic countries. Despite their afomentioned libertarianism, Neo-libertarians commonly advocate for (although limited) government involvement in society, as long as it is to promote greater liberty.

They also allow policies such as the PATRIOT Act as long as they are kept in their lane and used for defense against international, and domestic terrorists. Neo-libertarians advocate for an interventionist foreign policy and strong military in order to overthrow authoritarian regimes and nations that pose a threat to national security. Due to this and its pro-safety net stance it is often considered the child of Libertarianism and Neo-conservatism. 

Neo-Libertarians while unwelcomed by the extreme wing of the broader libertarian movement are none the less a form of libertarian political theory and as worthy of the name as them. At a local level we even have a lot in common. In regards to myself I fully support States/Municipality/Provincial Rights and localism as a means of having a more socially or culturally conservative Nation. If we cannot get culturally conservative legislation federally we can still support it locally. This is something pretty much all minarchists can agree on. 

Now let us move onto one more thing that makes me a neolibertarian and that is my support for some form of a social safety net while agreeing with the maxim of minimum and limited government. Unlike the anarchistic leaning and even most minarchy endorsing libertarians. Whom would do away with a government safety net completely. I find no problem with there being both a safety net and unbridled economic freedom at the same time. 
I support a libertarian version of a Basic Income ONLY for the unemployed or underemployed. It would not be something that those whom were working full time would get from the Government. So, it would not stifle the Nations work ethic the way a program that includes full time workers would.

If people whom needed it had income then the State can no longer have an excuse to Monopolize things like Health Care or Education. Canadians can shop around and spend their money on the best provider of their needs in the unbridled and free(d) market that would follow. 

Meanwhile we can locally work on voting in culturally conservative local options where possible as a bulwark and as treading of the water that is sinking this Ship. 

2 Corinthians | Holy Bible Dramatized

Thursday, January 23, 2025

HERETIC | Joel Osteen Exposed

Black Hebrew Israelites Debunked

Demonic Reincarnation Exposed

Bart Ehrman DEBUNKED | Answering the Fool

Exposing Heavenly Tourism: Journeys to Heaven & Hell

Joe Rogan DEBUNKED | Answering the Fool

Jonathan Kleck Exposed

David Icke Fully Debunked

Evolution Destroyed

Exposing the Prosperity Gospel

7th Day Adventism Exposed

Exposing the Mormon Cult

Evolution's Fatal Flaws

It Is Finished - Animation

The Pedophile Agenda

The Mandela Effect: A Critical Analysis

Numbers | Holy Bible Dramatized (FULL)

PORN | The Prison of Iniquity

Satanism Hidden in Plain Sight

The Atheist Illusion

Strongest Arguments Against Abortion

Satanic Maleficent Movie Exposed

Shocking Proof Abortion is Satanic

Can Christians Be Gay? The Answer is no!

Everlasting Arms - Animation

Demon Magicians Exposed Part II

Come Home

The Name of God - Animation

Is the Apocrypha Scripture?

Demon Magicians Exposed

Why You Never Get Anywhere With Unbelievers

The Ultimate Proof for God

Demonic Sleep Paralysis & the Cure

Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books

Atrocities of Catholicism

The Invincibility of God's Gospel

Refuting "Contradictions" In the Gospels

Noah's Ark | Fact, NOT Fiction!

Did the Illuminati Change the Bible?

Debunking Council of Nicea Myths

Kids & the Occult (Original Classic)

HERETIC | Todd White Exposed

Roman Catholicism Fully, Finally, & Entirely Refuted

WRETCHED | Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse

MEGIDDO 2: The New Age

MEGIDDO 1: March to Armageddon

Aquarius: The Age of Evil (Original Classic)

The Gay Agenda

Satanic Video Game Industry Exposed

Word of Faith Cult Roots

Satanic Music Industry Exposed

HELL'S BELLS 2: The Toll Continues

HELL'S BELLS: Dangers of Rock 'N Roll (Original Classic)


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

New Age Movement & Seduction & Deception Dave Hunt

Numbers | Holy Bible Dramatized (FULL)

NEW AGE DECEPTION of the presidents pastor versus Dave Hunt

Wed Jan 22nd 2025 - Acts 22:1-21, Dan Frew



Exposing the Jehovah's Witness Cult

This in-depth video by Light over Dark Ministry pulls back the veil of the Jehovah's Witness cult and exposes its lesser-known beliefs and shady past. Nearly every major doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses (aka JWs), as well as their best arguments, are addressed and disproven one-by-one in this detailed exposition.

Animals that Expose Evolution

See firsthand wondrous creatures that cannot be explained from an Evolutionary perspective. Such intricate design in nature points to an intelligent designer behind the created world. All credit for this video goes to Illustra Media.

Defending the Apostle Paul

This video gives a defense of the true apostleship of Paul of Tarsus (aka Saul), who wrote a large section of the New Testament. In this video historical evidence is given to demonstrate that the very earlies Goshians, including the 12 Apostles, saw Paul as genuine and his writings as inspired. All credit for this video goes to Keith Thompson

Proof for God Hidden in Mathematics

This video proves the existence of God by demonstrating the otherwise unexplainable complexity inherent in mathematics. All credit for this video is due to Dr. Jason Lisle.

Theistic Evolution DEBUNKED

Did God use the natural process of Evolution to create, as Theistic Evolution teaches? Or did He specially create by a one-time supernatural event, as Goshians have traditionally believed? This video closely examines Theistic Evolution from many perspectives and shows just how bankrupt and unbiblical it really is. All credit for this video goes to James Rochford of the Evidence Unseen YouTube channel.

Pandora's Box Office (Original Classic)

See firsthand Hollywood's Satanic agenda to push sex, violence, and blasphemy in their content, in this amazing classic documentary by Reel to Real Ministries. All credit for this video goes to Stephen Gregory, Erik Hollander, and Eric Holmberg of Reel to Real Ministries.

Exposing DOMINIONISM - C. Peter Wagner lying to your face about the Word.

Building the “KINGDOM OF GOD” on EARTH for a one world government

Ex-Satanist Exposes All | Part 2

In this second video featuring ex-Satanist Stephen Dollins, he goes through various popular trends, toys, movies, games, as well as TV shows and explains the Satanic connection to these things. All credit for this video goes to Stephen Dollins and the Prophecy Club.

Ex-Satanist Exposes All Part 1

In this video ex-Satanist Stephen Dollins gives his testimony to how he got involved with Satanism, what went on in his practice, and how the Lord saved him out of it. Further, he reveals the secret symbols, rituals, and schemes of Satanists, and the occult. Stephen also goes through various popular trends, toys, movies, games, and TV shows and explains the Satanic connection to these things PS; I have no idea where he gets the idea of two demons being around you after being born again. All credit for this video goes to Stephen Dollins and the Prophecy Club.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Islam Debunked

This in-depth and scholarly documentary refutes every important point of the religion of Islam, showing that it is ultimately completely false.

All credit for this video goes to Keith Thompson.

The UFO Conspiracy (Original Classic)

Space travelers or demonic deceivers? This film examines the history of UFO's and gives Biblical evidence that UFO occupants are not what they seem. All credit for this film goes to Brian Barkley and New Liberty Videos.

Mike Winger | Benny Hinn Exposed

The Bizarre History of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement

The Beatles and their War on Christianity

GOD of WONDERS | Original Classic

"Unity, Golden Ages, Tower of Babel, and Trump" - Spencer Smith Tuesday Night Livestream!

ATHEISTS DON’T EXIST | The Irrefutable Argument Against Unbelief

Harry Potter - Witchcraft Repackaged (Original Classic)

Jordan Maxwell EXPOSED

This video is an in-depth refutation and exposé of the late teacher Jordan Maxwell and demonstrates the many mistakes and outright lies contained in his teachings. In addition to debunking many of his claims this video also looks at his motivations and associations and shows that his philosophy is exactly the same as the occult mystery schools intent on establishing the New World Order that he claimed to teach against. All credit for this video goes to Ben Stanhope and Chris White.

Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Identity of The Georgia Guidestone Designer

The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers | Chris Pinto

Is Donald Trump Ushering in the Golden "Age of Aquarius"?!?!

Historical Evidence That Jesus Existed

The Ark and the Darkness (Full Movie)

Jesus vs The Copycats: Is Jesus a Copy of Other gods?

LEVITICUS | Holy Bible Dramatized (FULL)

Saturday, January 18, 2025

ROMANS | Holy Bible Dramatized (FULL)

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture - Dr. D. A. Waite

God's Millstone - Spencer Smith

Seed Thoughts 46

John Piper and the Need for Secondary Separation...

Something You MUST Know About Magic and "Christian" Musicians

How All False Teachers Trick You....🎣🎣🎣🎣

Elevation Worship's New Album Cover Is Strange... ⚡️😱

The False Doctrine of Generational Curses...

There Are Some Major Problems with "The Chosen"...YIKES!!!

Music Has Occult Power!!!

Candace Owens "Goes Home" to Mother Rome...

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Feminization of Modern Worship Music...

System of a Down, Music as Magic, and The Modern Christian Music Issue...

Who Is Mari Emmanuel?

Russell Brand Says Something Crazy About the Bible!!!

Anointing Your Yard With WHAT?!?!?!

Acts 063

These Pastors Are Cowards on Abortion. Avoid Them | Guest: Seth Gruber

Is This the Rise of the Ten Kings?–Mark Henry, Mondo Gonzales, Ken Mikle...

Shadow Government: It’s Not Just Conspiracy – Mark Henry, Jan Markell

Rise Up, O Men of God (Hymn 339) | An Evening of Hymns With Men of The Word

Fireside Friday: On His Majesty's Service

Pastors’ Point of View (PPOV) no. 337. Prophecy update. Dr. Andy Woods

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Dispensational Truth (2012)

Why the KJV is the best Bible translation - Dr. Henry Morris

Scripture Verses About Safety - Holy Bible Read Along

What genuinely is a Christian fundamentalist? You should be one.

I am a Christian Fundamentalist as I am totally opposed to Modernism and False Gospels of liberal theology. I refuse to compromise on the fundamentals of true Christianity. Fundamentalism as I am using the term is a 20th-century anti-modern/liberal orthodox Christian movement. This definition is drawn from the history of the movement, from its inception in the early part of the 20th-century until the present.

To understand fundamentalism one must first understand its opponent: theological liberalism or modernism. The core of liberalism is its reliance on experience over doctrine. Thus the liberal will maintain that the Bible is not necessarily true doctrine but merely information about people’s experience with God. A liberal will appeal to the individual experience of a Christian as the basis of authority. The power of liberalism comes from its use of Christian language with a new definition. Since they reject the objective truth and rely on experience, then words such as ‘salvation,’ ‘Christ,’ and ‘resurrection’ are not taken from the Bible but redefined in a subjective or modern sense. This new definition is formed using modern principles of criticism, science, and philosophy. Thus liberalism is an experience-based theology, that rejects the inerrancy of Scripture in favor of subject personal relationships and modern scientific methods. Though some would define it differently, to do so would reject the writings and arguments of the vast majority of fundamentalists over the past century.

To understand fundamentalism is to place it in its proper context, namely 20th-century America. Fundamentalism’s anti-modernist nature necessitates that there exist modernism for it to oppose. Thus before the late 1800s and early 1900s fundamentalism could not exist because liberalism did not exist, at least not as a movement or theology. To attempt to find fundamentalism in the centuries prior is impossible, though you may find individual aspects of it, such as doctrinal purity or separatism. Only when Christianity was mixed with modern methods of science, history, and theology would there be a need for a group to oppose it. This is the movement we call fundamentalism.

The most basic aspect of fundamentalism is its adherence to the inerrancy of Scripture. This can be defined as a belief in the inspiration of the Scriptures by God that completely rules out any possible error in the transmission, so that what the writers penned on paper was completely true: doctrinally, historically, and scientifically. This view is not a strictly fundamentalist view, as other conservative denomination and groups have also ascribed to it, but it is an essential part of its doctrine. Along with the inspiration of Scripture, fundamentalists hold to six other doctrines.
1) Inerrancy of Scriptures
2) Virgin Birth
3) Christ’s Substitutionary Atonement
4) Christ’s Bodily Resurrection
5) The Second Coming of Christ
6) Dispensational Theology based on a Literal Grammatical Historical view of Scriptures. 
(A dispensationalist view was rejected by J. Gresham Machen, leader of Presbyterian Fundamentalism, and Williams Jennings Bryan, who fought evolution in the Scopes Monkey Trial. However, if the Scripture is taken in its plane sense one will come to dispensational theology.)
7) Biblical Creationism (Literal Six Days of Creation in Genesis some 6000 yrs. ago, today called Young Earth Creationism.)

The guiding principle in fundamentalist thought is that the inerrant Bible is foundational to knowledge, and that modernism, with its accompanying ideas of subjectivism, Darwinism and higher criticism, is to be rejected.

The final mark of fundamentalism is its willingness to separate from liberalism. This was evidenced in various leaders of the movement: Machen left Princeton and founded Westminster Theological Seminary, J. Frank Norris left (or was kicked out) of the Southern Baptist Convention, John R. Rice separated from the Southern Baptist Convention and then later from Billy Graham when he associated with liberals. While these men did not categorize these groups as liberal, they believed that they were tolerant of such, and thus separated to defend doctrinal purity.

I am a Christian Fundamentalist of the most pronounced type. So should you be one my fellow Born Again Christian.

“Fundamentalism (in so far as consistent Biblical Theology is meant by this term) is in principle nothing but Christianity itself.”

“‘Fundamentalism’ is the only consistently thought-out version of the faith, and the ‘Fundamentalist’ is the only Christian who uses his mind in a fully Christian way.” —J. I. Packer

“The deepest cleavages in Christendom are doctrinal; and the deepest doctrinal cleavages are those which result from disagreement about authority.”

“Sham unity is not worth working for, and real unity, that fellowship of love in the truth which Christ prayed that His disciples might enjoy, will come only as those sections of the wall which rest on unsound foundations are dismantled and rebuilt.” —J. I. Packer

People use the term “fundamentalist” in a disparaging sense because of a handful of bad apples who abuse the title At its core, fundamentalism is about nothing more than getting back to fundamental tenets and beliefs of Christianity, following what the Bible says.

Fully Embracing Being KJV-only. However, rejecting separatism and judgment.

First thing I want to distinguish between being KJV Only and being a KJV only-ist. One is you and or your groups or Churches standing on the KJV as God's Perfectly Providentially Preserved Word Accurately Translated for the English speaking people. That it has everything needed from the Word of God for His Children.

The other can be the idea that the translation itself is somehow secondarily inspired. Not just accurately translated from the Received Text. It can also mean that you think non KJV users are heretical and damned. As well as, pushing for separation from Churches that do not use the KJV. 

I am absolutely in camp A, but, definitely not B. I find after much prayer and research that the KJV is God's Perfectly Providentially Preserved Word Accurately Translated for the English speaking people. That it has everything needed from the Word of God for His Children. That no others have been made which surpass it nor do updates add things. If anything modern translations are missing passages due to Modernism and The Modern Critical Theory of textual translation. 

I do not agree with people whom would or do push for me to biblical separation from others over the King James issue or position. Nor, do I think it is appropriate to judge fellow Christians faith/Born Again status based on their lack of KJV use. Thus I am solidly KJV Only, but, I am not that type of King James Only. Or a Kings James Only-ist; in that I am not joined in someway to a movement or the more radical members of that group. Nor do I agree with the nuttier defenders of the KJVO position. For their number is many and their views are not charitable at all.

Sinaiticus & Vaticanus: Neither Oldest Nor Best - Dr David Sorenson

Dr Gary Mann The Reasons Translations Are Not Inspired

Charlottetown Bible Chapel PEI

Genesis 188

Charlottetown Bible Chapel PEI

Adrian Rogers: How Bible Study Will Help You Grow Your Faith

Neo-Calvinism vs The Bible Session 15

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Why Universal Reconciliation is a Dangerous Heresy

Shadow Government: More Than Conspiracy

The LA Fires and the Divine Feminine...

The Country Club or Christ? | Testimony

They Sang This Song at Jimmy Carter's Funeral?!?!?

3DTC Rapture Conference - Afternoon Sessions

3DTC Rapture Conference - Morning Sessions

Are Psychic Gifts in Children Real? What You Should Know

Mindfulness and Meditation: What You Need to Know

Seed Thoughts 45

Scripture Verses About Singing - Holy Bible KJV Read Along

God With Us - The Future

Monday, January 6, 2025

Third Adam 4: The Road to Shambala

Third Adam 3X

Third Adam 3: Rise of The Divine Feminine

Third Adam 2: The Great Seduction

Third Adam (No Music)

"Process of Mystery Religion" - Spencer Smith

The Occult Agenda Behind Modern Worship Music - Spencer Smith

John Nelson Darby 1800-1882

Trump’s Day 1 Executive Order Can’t Come Soon Enough

Apostle Kathryn Krick, Prosperity Preachers, and The Harmful Movement Dr...

Ex-Witch Reveals LA’s Dark World of Sex Cults and Blood Offerings

Is "New Thought" A Cause for Concern? (Melissa Dougherty Speaks Out)

It ALL Comes Down to Genesis!

PhD Scientist With 9 Degrees DEBUNKS Evidence For Evolution From BioLogos!

Melissa Dougherty Exposes the DARK Side of Modern Christianity!

The Witch Of Endor: WHO Did She Summon? Samuel or a Demon?