Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Christian Minarchist dilemma

I have ran into many other Christians that claim to be Christian Minarchists. I identify politically that way as well. However, the problem is what most Minarchists want the government to do is not as much as the average Christian does. Assuming that a minarchism is only legitimate if it follows only the Non Aggression or Non Initiation of Coercion philosophy. 

However, the things Christians tend to support includes; preserving true marriages and prohibition of drugs, prostitution and regulating or completing shutting down the Pornography business. Which might make it seem like the two views are at odds when they are not.

I also support prohibition of all drugs, preservation of true families, and marriages. Prohibition of prostitution and Pornography as well. I also support prohibition as well of all sex education from schools. Which puts me outside what minarchists would usually support. However, does that mean I am not a Minarchist anymore? 

Outside of these areas I agree with adults and those with normal functioning cognition to live according to their own value systems. Meaning I am still in favor of a Limited government; I simply differ on what those limited functions are and what laws should exist under this limited form of government. 

So, I would argue I still fall under a Right Wing Christian Minarchist viewpoint. Minarchism does not need to conform to simply what the average libertarian supports. The libertarianism movement does not own a monopoly on minimal government and maximum freedom's definition.

I use the definition that Goverment is to prevent evil and enable an environment with the good as defined in Romans 13 of the Word of God. Where it says God institutes human government to reward/enable the good and punish evil as my guide for the limited government not the Non Aggression Principle. 

However, I am not a utopianist and I do not assume my view of Goverment will ever truly come to pass before we are Raptured out of here. My commandment is to spread the Gospel and save people from the coming hellfire not to remake the World in what I find to be the most Biblical Vision. 

I also am in favor of a strong foreign policy and think intervention via the military can be required to maintain human rights and protect the innocent around the world. This puts me more so into the Neo-Libertarianism spectrum of minarchism. 

As well seeing a need for a true social safety net for the needy. Not the current welfare state, but pro a safety net. Being more moderate and not radical. This is actually quite Minarchist as many support different non welfare state forms of minimum income. 

I also support lasiez Faire economics outside of where said economic activity would mess with an orderly free society. I am ultimately a Christian Capitalism proponent. This means I am more rightist than most conservatives, but more moderate than the libertarianism movement. 

Minarchism ultimately is about minimal government and maximum freedom within the Bounds of a moral axiom. Mine is God's Word and that is what separates me from libertarians and conservatives both while keeping me staunchly in the minarchist camp.