Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Monday, November 4, 2024

Ezekiel 16:44-61 Worse than Sodom

Fully Embracing Being KJV-only. However, rejecting separatism and judgment.

First thing I want to distinguish between being KJV Only and being a KJV only-ist. One is you and or your groups or Churches standing on the KJV as God's Perfectly Providentially Preserved Word Accurately Translated for the English speaking people. That it has everything needed from the Word of God for His Children.

The other can be the idea that the translation itself is somehow secondarily inspired. Not just accurately translated from the Received or Confessional Text. It can also mean that you think non KJV users are heretical and damned. As well as, pushing for separation from Churches that do not use the KJV. 

I am absolutely in camp A, but, definitely not B. I find after much prayer and research that the KJV is God's Perfectly Providentially Preserved Word Accurately Translated for the English speaking people. That it has everything needed from the Word of God for His Children. That no others have been made which surpass it nor do updates add things. If anything modern translations are missing passages due to Modernism and The Modern Critical Theory of textual translation. 

I do not agree with people whom would or do push for me to biblical separation from others over the King James issue or position. Nor, do I think it is appropriate to judge fellow Christians faith/Born Again status based on their lack of KJV use. Thus I am solidly KJV Only, but, I am not that type of King James Only. Or a Kings James Only-ist; in that I am not joined in someway to a movement or the more radical members of that group. Nor do I agree with the nuttier defenders of the KJVO position. For their number is many and their views are not charitable at all.

Confessions of a Christian Right-Minarchist

A night-watchman state, also referred to as a minimal state or minarchy, whose proponents are known as minarchists, is a model of a state that is limited and minimal. Usually, however incorrectly, assumed to need to be based exclusively around only enforcing The Zero Aggression Principle or ZAP (only Initiation of Coercion or threats of coercive Aggression should be policed) coming from Right-Libertarian legal theory.

The truth is this is not the universal definition though as there is both right wing and left wing forms of minarchism worldwide; only one strand is Right-libertarian Legal theory focused. By objective definition a minarchist is anyone whom thinks that the ideal government deals with matters of domestic tranquility eternally and the military externally.

The right wing or rightist form of this can be based on either ZAP or consequentialist/utilitarian grounds. Or also on Religious Grounds such as forms of Christian Libertarianism. Additionally,  Conservatarians often fall into this camp as well mixing conservative policies or views with other policies that are staunchly libertarian in nature.

My views would be considered a Christian/Biblical Fundamentalist Conservatarian minarchism as I combine a Social Constitutional Conservative moral majority like view on cultural or social issues with a pure lassiez Faire Libertarian view on issues that do not spill over to a break down of society by being legalized. 

I am for a complete separation of everything besides law enforcement and The State. With a social conservative view of what laws I want enforced for an orderly, yet free society. Economically though I am for pure Capitalism and a complete separation of market and State outside of the areas that fall under law enforcement along with a true social safety net for those whom truly cannot work. 

This does not require a welfare state or for a mixture of government and market. The government should simply make sure that those that cannot work do not fall below a specific line/amount. I am for a negative income tax or a guaranteed income ONLY for those in need. Not for people that do not have a proper reason to lack work. Basic Income Guarantees go too far as they do not take reasons for not working into account. 

Other than this baseline income for those in need there should not be any State owned enterprises at all and so no mixture of public and private. No corporatism, no communism, no socialism, no fascism, no Nanny or Welfare State period. Simply put I would privatize and deregulate the entire economy bit by bit, but moderately and gradually to avoid unintended consequences. I am a gradualist not a radical. I am though directionally; what most would consider economically far or hard right. 

The more freer the market the freer the people is totally my motto when it comes to matters of the economy. As the economy is really millions of families, groups and individuals making their own free will choices on what is best for meeting living by their values. To be pro regulation is not the same as simple law enforcement and goes beyond what a State has a right to do in the lives of its citizens. 

For this reason I fall squarely under the Right-Minarchist definition even if the laws I support differ from other right wing minarchists that are full on Libertarians with a capital L. I also think Minarchism defines me better ultimately than Conservatarian or Neo Libertarian as those could mean almost anything.

"minarchists, a portmanteau of minimum and -archy. Arche (/ˈɑːrki/; Ancient Greek: ἀρχή) is a Greek word which came to mean "first place, power", "method of government", "empire, realm", "authorities" (in plural: ἀρχαί), or "command". The term minarchist was first coined by Samuel Edward Konkin III in 1980."

Liberalism VS Biblical Christianity Fundamentalism

This is the week of the US Election and many people will be going to the polls to vote for POTUS. Often you are left with needing to make the decision between the better vs the worst in these things and the perfect is not possible. 

I am a definitely in favor of the policies of Donald J. Trump: despite my not being a fan of his character as a person. He is unsaved and rushing towards hell faster with each year he is not born again. 

His egoism is straight from his mentor Norman Vincent Peele a Satanic New Thought leader that disguised his docterine of demons under a false Presbyterian Christian vinnear. 

I think many assume that the opposite of liberalism is whatever the conservative candidate supports. Thus the ridiculous and dangerous God Man rhetoric on the air about Trump being the Saviour of the US. 

This is not true though; while Christians, true born again Christians are going to fall at least right leaning. However, opposite of liberalism is really Biblicism and Biblical Fundamentalism. Liberalism is not even Christianity it is a docternine of demons disguised as Christianity. 

The worldview divide is between those that take God's Word as the Objective and Absolute authority over all areas of life and those that are anti God. The leftist worldview is based on ignoring God for self empowerment and selfishness. Literally taking Peter's income by force to pay Paul theft. 

The left believes God does not own anything and they own everything. That means it is anti God's authority and of the Spirit of AntiChrist. However, many conservatives and especially libertarians believe in Absolute self ownership the lie of the Devil in the Garden of Eden. 

For this reason conservatism and it's more radical right variant libertarians is not nessecarily the Christian voters friend. We are ultimately just dishing out water from the Titanic and screaming about the life boats being ready. (Spreading the Gospel) 

Conservatives have not aligned with Biblical Values and Objective Moral reality in a long time. The true antidote is to vote for the better of the lot and leave the authorities in God's Hands. 

We need to keep our eye on eternity and there will be no conservatives VS liberals in the Millennium Kingdom nor in the New Earth. Let alone Heaven that exists now. 

Vote for the person whose policies are closest to our values. As well as continually remembering that what we need to keep our eyes on Christ. Remember our Blessed Hope is ever more closer and remain concentrated on that not the Kingdoms of This World.

Scripture Verses About Promises - Holy Bible KJV Read Along

Gospel Meeting - November 3, 2024

Sunday PM Nov 3rd 2024 - Hymn Sing

Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Christian Minarchist dilemma

I have ran into many other Christians that claim to be Christian Minarchists. I identify politically that way as well. However, the problem is what most Minarchists want the government to do is not as much as the average Christian does. Assuming that a minarchism is only legitimate if it follows only the Non Aggression or Non Initiation of Coercion philosophy. 

However, the things Christians tend to support includes; preserving true marriages and prohibition of drugs, prostitution and regulating or completing shutting down the Pornography business. Which might make it seem like the two views are at odds when they are not.

I also support prohibition of all drugs, preservation of true families, and marriages. Prohibition of prostitution and Pornography as well. I also support prohibition as well of all sex education from schools. Which puts me outside what minarchists would usually support. However, does that mean I am not a Minarchist anymore? 

Outside of these areas I agree with adults and those with normal functioning cognition to live according to their own value systems. Meaning I am still in favor of a Limited government; I simply differ on what those limited functions are and what laws should exist under this limited form of government. 

So, I would argue I still fall under a Right Wing Christian Minarchist viewpoint. Minarchism does not need to conform to simply what the average libertarian supports. The libertarianism movement does not own a monopoly on minimal government and maximum freedom's definition.

I use the definition that Goverment is to prevent evil and enable an environment with the good as defined in Romans 13 of the Word of God. Where it says God institutes human government to reward/enable the good and punish evil as my guide for the limited government not the Non Aggression Principle. 

However, I am not a utopianist and I do not assume my view of Goverment will ever truly come to pass before we are Raptured out of here. My commandment is to spread the Gospel and save people from the coming hellfire not to remake the World in what I find to be the most Biblical Vision. 

I also am in favor of a strong foreign policy and think intervention via the military can be required to maintain human rights and protect the innocent around the world. This puts me more so into the Neo-Libertarianism spectrum of minarchism. 

As well seeing a need for a true social safety net for the needy. Not the current welfare state, but pro a safety net. Being more moderate and not radical. This is actually quite Minarchist as many support different non welfare state forms of minimum income. 

I also support lasiez Faire economics outside of where said economic activity would mess with an orderly free society. I am ultimately a Christian Capitalism proponent. This means I am more rightist than most conservatives, but more moderate than the libertarianism movement. 

Minarchism ultimately is about minimal government and maximum freedom within the Bounds of a moral axiom. Mine is God's Word and that is what separates me from libertarians and conservatives both while keeping me staunchly in the minarchist camp.

Sunday AM Nov 3rd 2024 - Leonard VandenBerg, Mark 10:1-6