Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Monday, July 29, 2024

Yay to Separation of Church and State

I was browsing the National Conservatism event that took place lately in the US and was aghast at what I heard. The speaker was pushing for the National Conservatives within the Republican Party to eradicate freedom of religion from the US Constitution.

For the record I am a Republican when it comes to the USA; as in I am in favor of a Limited Republican form of Goverment that provides for an orderly, safe and free Nation. I am also both a fiscally (possibly radically to some) conservative Free Marketeer (Freer the market freer the people) and socially Traditionalist/social conservative.

The party that matches my social views is The Christian Heritage Party. While my economic/fiscal values are on a spectrum between theirs and libertarianism on the economy. Some could call me a Social Constitutional Conservatarian Republican. Being socially conservative and fiscally libertarian. I favor the marketization and opening to open competition all education,  health care, etc cetera.

A Proper Goverments domain is; cops, courts, legislation at appropriate levels, and a strong military. In essence, in an ideal scenario a complete separation of economy and State within its National Borders it is to maintain. (Closed Borders at that; not open and Internationalist with mass immigration.)

However, I am also realistic and have a spectrum of levels of separation I am fine with. While also being realistic to a spectrum of social conservative legislation. I would support from the default views of the CHP as a great example all the way to The Republican Platform on social issues from the 80s till the early 2000s. As well as the social views of the Canadian Conservative Party up until the mid 2000s.

One of the things I defend fervently is the freedom of religion. I favor a complete separation of Church and State just as I favor a complete separation of Economy and State. The State has no place coercing someone in or out of their faith and acting accordingly. Including the right to full discrimination within their own Churches and private property (including their businesses) against activities and lifestyles incompatible with their faith beliefs.

The idea that the party that takes its very name from a Limited and Constitutional form of Republican government is listening to voices that want to give the Goverment a domain in the Faith life of its citizens is sickening and dangerously Anti-Republican. A Republic is limited to core functions by definition; a limited form of government that includes both States and Locality Rights. This is much more like the actions of the Anti Nation Global Goverment groups. Whom all wish for a One World Religious System.

I say Yay to separation of Church and State and to the good Old Fashioned Christian Liberty enshrining Republicanism of our Fore Father's. I say nay, in the loudest mega phone voice to Church Coopting Republicans in Name Only. Those taking the name "Republican," while being against The Republic they claim to be for.