Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Replying to Article Claiming that Calvinists Are Defending the Arminian Gospel


I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. White that Truly Faithful Arminians are saved. That doesn't mean that they are correct or that they won't benefit from knowing the truth, it just means that they aren't going to hell if they die as Arminians. We should encourage them to discover the truth, but as brothers in Christ. What we need to realize is that a lot of "Arminians" don't know what the 5 points of Arminianism are and could not accurately describe Arminianism.

They just know that they are not Calvinists because they have been told that Calvinism is terrible and makes God a monster and the author of evil and that we would all be mindless robots. All a lot of so-called Arminians know is that they aren't Calvinists, but many of them actually believe in 1 or more of the points of Calvinism without realizing it. Many of these people would be better described as non-Calvinist than Arminian because they simply don't really know what they believe, they just know what they do not believe about Soteriology.

They may hold to one or more points of Calvinism without even realizing it, but at the same time believe in freewill without seeing any contradiction with any of these viewpoints. Many baptists would fall into this category. People like Sonny Hernández are not doing Arminians any favors. By treating them as unbelievers, all he is doing is reinforcing the stereotype that they already hold of Calvinists as unspiritual, judgmental, religious Pharisees.

Yes, there are many unsaved people in Arminian churches, tares among the wheat, but there are plenty of God-fearing, loving, truth-seeking men and women of God in these churches who love the Lord wholeheartedly. I know this because I have met many of these people and many of them are still my friends.

Likewise, there are tares also in Calvinistic churches. In summary, Calvinism is correct, but fully understanding the 5 points of Calvinism is not a requirement for Salvation and it's adding to the Bible to say so. Believing that all Arminians are unsaved is an idea just as unbiblical as man choosing God.