Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, February 2, 2023

A Rejoinder/Reply to Spencer Smith in regards to Postmill eschatology and his Third Adam series

 In Spencer Smith's online series of documentaries Third Adam he paints the wrong picture of both Amillenialism and Postmillenialism. In this article I wish to respond and correct his horrific interpretation of Postmill eschetology in particular. 

He seems to mistake Postmill eschatology with the New Apostolic Reformations view known as the Seven Mountain Mandate. The 7M Mandate is indeed a False Gospel and very dangerous. However, postmill is not Seven Mountains Mandate. It is in fact a very much Orthodox and Historical view that has been with us since the time of the Early Church. Augustine at times went to very postmill places when he was optimistic about God's plans for the future. 

I recommend the following article and YouTube video to put Spencer Smith and his followers fears at rest. We are not looking for some Third Adam. Instead we await the same return of Christ as Amilennialism and even historical Premill. However, we differ on what will happen in the future and prior to His final Judgment/Return. I agree that The True Faith needs to worry about Wolves and False Gospels. The Third Adam movies are very informative about the false theologies around us including NAR and Charismania.