Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Why The Traditional/Confessional Text is superior to Modern Textual Criticism

I have not waded into the Bible Translation or Manuscripts issue in a long time. However, recently I have went back to using the New King James Translation as my main Sanctuary Bible. I had been using the ESV for a while as that is my Churches Pew Bible and what is preached out of. After much thought and prayer I have decided to not use it as my personal main Church translation. 

This is because the transcripts behind the NKJV are I find more accurate to the texts wording. This does not mean I think less of the rest of my Church. It does mean that I keep coming back to the Confessional Text view as being the most inline with the Historical Reformed view of the translation/transmission of The Bible. The idea that God Preserved His Word down to the tiniest Jot and Title. Found in the traditional text of  the Masoretic Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament. That sections where the Modern Critical Textual basis of the ESV casts doubt by questioning manuscript evidence is mistaken. 

For this reason alone I do believe traditional text Bibles are the better choice. However, again this is not a put down of others within my Church. It is a disagreement, however, with the choices made by certain people behind the ESV. There are many, many modern common language translations from the traditional or confessional texts. This is not an argument for using only the KJV or NKJV. Although the NKJV is the easiest to find Traditional Word-For-Word or Formal Equivalent formatted Bible in the common language.