Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Why Theonomy is NOT a heresy and why Minarchism is a Godly view of The State

Recently I came across Doreen Virtue having uploaded a video with a guest claiming theonomic ethics applied to The State is somehow heretical. I have also come across people that think any States existing are evil.

I wish to defend both theonomic ethics applied to civil governments and the existence of Godly States. People really seem to have gotten the wrong impression of theonomy and of Godly Governance. Theonomy simply means God's Law as Theo means God and Nomy means Law. That is all it means. That Nations are commanded to follow and make legislation based on God's Law Word. As found in both the Old Testament and New Testament.

This is not heretical as it goes back to Christ and the Great Commission which includes decipling The Nations to follow Christ's Rule. In this sense all Christians in all times have been theonomic. I am a theonomist, a staunch one, but, I disagree with many people that have made up the broader theonomy movement on many things.

I am also in favor of a kinder and gentler Christian Reconstruction of society from the ground up by Spreading The Gospel. However, many things I have said would not be looked at with favor by the broader old school Reconstruction movement. Do I want Christian Nations? Yes, by the Grace of God if it is His Will. The ideal would of course be a Christian Nation.

On the other hand you have those whom take all existence of heiracrchy including a State as evil. Which is also not a Biblical view of governance. The current governments are Pagan through and through that does not mean all States will be or are evil. In fact, even Evil States are used by God for His own purposes and are not outside of God's Sovereign Control.

I have describe myself in the more recent past since Fiona as an Anarcho-Theonomist and that has been misread to mean I do not wish to have people follow Romans 13. Or that I am pro the protest movement or among the Freedom Convoy people. When I say anarcho I mean simply that I am against all the ungodly excesses of our current States.

I am anarchic as in morally against the Archy the current States UnGodly rules and ways. I am not against the the Nation of Canada's existence or the State existing as such. Anarcho-Theonomist is really just a way to separate myself for those whom see theonomy as a top down exercise of forcing people to be Christians.

Here is where I wish to defend the existence of a State that does what a State is supposed to do. Namely punishing Evil and rewarding the Good. The view of the government being limited to its just purpose and the proper use of coercion is called minarchism. Other words minimal States that are limited to the administration of Civil Justice. This is the direction most Christians go in politically regardless of being theonomists or not.

In this sense I am still a minarchist and fully support the Nations doing their job as defined in Biblical Truth. I do not wish for people to go out and disturb the peace in the Name of fighting the State. We need instead to pray and petition the Goverments to do what is right in the sight of God.