Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Friday, July 29, 2022

Why I use The King James Bible or Authorized version as my main audio study Bible

I have written before about my views on the textual basis issues. I am a Confessional text or Bibiliography person and recommend people to look into the text issues. To find out why the Traditional Text is the better and most accurate manuscripts available to base translation on. 

The majority of manuscripts match the received text of the Confessional Reformed translations and transmission. Which is best represented by Textus-Receptus based translations. From the Greek and Hebrew as revealed throughout what is known as the Confessional Received Text readings. Or The Byzantine texts.

The Majority of readings of the Greek and Hebrew do not match the Modern Critical Text view that transmission was somehow corrupted by zealous scribes or that until recently we did not know the True Word of God. 

The Word of God was transmitted faithfully by The Protestant Reformers and by the Children of God throughout the ages kept pure. The Receieved Text of the Confessions of the Protestant True Biblical Churches was and is the authentic Word of God. 

This does not mean that all Modern Bible translations are unholy or wicked. It does mean that where they differ from the Word as transmitted by indicating something should not be in the text that truly should be they are incorrect and do not understand what is in the Majority readings. 

I blame this on the influence of critical text advocates on the broader academy of theology. I do not see it as some sinister conspiracy or even malice on the behalf of those whom truly think whole passages are not truly Biblical. They have been led to believe they should doubt said passages.

For this reason I use the King James/Authorized Bible for my main audio study Bible. While I use The New King James Textus-Receptus translation for my Church/Sanctuary Bible. 

I have also listened through both the regular ESV and the Gideons TR addition of the English Standard Translation. I am not KJV Only or a KJVO advocate. However, I am KJVP or NKJVP; which is Authorized or New King James Preferred. I do find that the KJV and NKJV are the most literally translated from the Received Text of the Protestant Reformation and what was transmitted to us through the Majority of base texts.