Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Monday, June 27, 2022

Confession of a Gracious Confessional/Traditional/Ecclesiastical Text/Majority Text (Received Text/TR) advocate

I am a Confessional/TR (Received) text proponent/advocate. This means that I think the best manuscripts are those that are preserved in the Textus Receptus manuscripts or the Received and Confessional traditional Text.

I disagree with the idea that our translations into the common vocabulary should come from the minority or Critical texts. Which are missing parts of the Scriptures passed down and traditionally preserved by God in all ages.

I think the best modern English translations are the Modern English Version and NKJV because of this. I do love the King James Version, but, I understand issues with understanding and following it. I do think that the Biblical English in the KJV is beautiful, if you can follow it, and it is an excellent literal translation. 

However, I am not a King James exclusive person as I understand why the language can turn off people. I am also part of a Church that uses the English Standard Version for working use and I would never think of thinking less of them because of using the ESV. I have used it myself at times in study when the KJV is harder to follow or the NKJV uses older terms. 

I disagree with the Critical Text base that the ESV uses, but, it is not a major problem it is in fact quite minor. My findings on which text is best in no way changes my respect and love for my fellow Body of Christ or my congregation. I do not agree with those whom think text base opinions should in anyway be something that divides fellowship and Churches. We should be gracious in our opinions among our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. (This is NOT KJV ONLYISM! Talking with Dr. JEFF RIDDLE about the confessional text.)  (A Defense of the Traditional Text)