Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Friday, October 29, 2021

This Sunday is Reformation Day!

Reformation Day is memorialized on October 31 every year. Reformation Day started in the 15th century when a German monk, aggrieved by the activities of the Catholic Church, especially the sale of indulgences as penance, nailed his arguments, named “The 95 Theses” to the door of Wittenberg’s Castle Church.

While the rest of the world celebrates a spooky holiday, the vast majority of the Christian community celebrates Reformation Day. Martin Luther’s study of the scripture led him to a path he recognized as religious truth and salvation. He disagreed with the church’s teachings of the Bible, with the priests serving as intermediaries between the Bible and the laity. He also strongly disagreed with the sale of indulgences whose proceeds were used to rebuild the church.

Many opposed the movements of the church, but Martin Luther brought it to light and sought reformation within the church. His theses gave grounds for people to question the church; it was a time of large religious and social change. Luther preached reformation, but his thesis was warped for political, social, and economic reasons by various emerging leaders of the movement. This brought about a fractionalization in the Catholic Church and the emergence of the Protestant Reformation under the Protestant Church.

Reformation Day is recognized by a number of communities around the world, especially the Protestants. It is an official holiday in most German states and seeks to celebrate the significant religious reforms brought on by “The 95 Theses.” Reformation Day stands by truth and the Bible as the sole source of religious authority.