Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, King James Only, Dispensational

Saturday, October 30, 2021

What does the Bible teach about Hell ? - Edward Donnelly - Part 2


Why Should We Think About Hell - Edward Donnelly - Part 1


F4F | Interview with Phil Johnson RE Prophetic Standards Statement


CONVERSATION with Phil Johnson RE: Michael Brown & His NAR "Truth"


F4F | Michael Brown's Failed Attempt at "Brown Washing" ChristAlignment


F4F: Debunking the Two Pentecostal Distinctives


F4F | Steven Furtick Teaches Modalism Heresy


F4F | Doc Obs' Obfuscation for the False Covid Prophets


F4F | Rick Warren's Five Purposes for Your Life


Why "Me-Centered" Teachings are Dangerous


Defecting From Bethel: Part 2 (Exclusive)


EXCLUSIVE: Defecting From Bethel


Bethel Church: Incorporating New Age Mysticism, Spirit Guides, Auras, Angels, Revival,Healing Energy


Ex-Bethel Student Tells All: Lindsay Davis Testimony


The Modern Prophets and Faith Healers Utterly Destroyed by COVID 19


F4F | Bethel, WAKE UP!


"Prophetic" Jewelry? A Response to Bethel Fortune-Telling from Lindsay Davis


False Teachers Exposed


The New Apostolic Reformation - A Web of Deception!


Is Bethel Really a Cult? (Edited re-release)


The New Apostolic Reformation Exposed


10 Reasons Bill Johnson and Bethel are Dangerous! (Edited Release)


Mike Bickle and IHOP Exposed!


Mystic Christian Schools?


Witchcraft - The Occult and The Church


Isaiah Saldivar and Man Made Teachings


Bill Johnson and The Lordship of Jesus - Epic Fail


Tongues Training Indoctrinating the Youth


God Still Helps People in False Movements


Kris Vallotton Says God Restored 1000's of Peoples Virginity


Perfect False Teaching on HOW To Speak in Tongues


Todd White Jesus Became EVERY Filthy Sin on the Cross Including...


The NAR Changed the Bible to Support Women Pastors


Bethels New Series - Justifying Past Mistakes


Why your Church Shouldn't Play Bethel and Hillsong Music


7 NEW AGE Beliefs and How to IMMEDIATELY Recognize Them




Should Christians Listen To Music By Churches Like Elevation, Hillsong, or Bethel?


Should We Sing of God’s ‘Reckless Love’?


"Why our church no longer plays Bethel or Hillsong music," Pastor explains false teachings


12 False Teachings of Bethel


Bethel Church and Bill Johnson Exposed


Hillsong Church Exposed


Why is Bethel and Hillsong Music Dangerous?


Elevation Church & Steven Furtick Exposed


Bethel Romanticizing God - Kissing Our Mouth?


Thinking Biblically about "Reckless Love"


Mike Winger | Should We Be Concerned About Bethel's Worship Music?


Mike Winger: The Passion Translation, Bethel, Bill Johnson, and more


Flowers Determinism, and Open Theism


Bill Johnson's Theology and Movement Examined Biblically.


The Abortion Industry's Harm To Black Americans


Mark Hankins: All Glazed up and Giggling while Slapping The Masses Mugs!


Friday, October 29, 2021

Is It a Sin to Take the Vaccine? Review of "A Christian Response to Mandatory Cookies", Part 2


Three reasons God is a cessationist


John MacArthur explains Continuationist vs. Cessationist.


What Is Cessationism?


A "Cessationist" Responds To All "Continuationist's"....


Cessationism Debate


Debate: Have the New Testament Charismatic Gifts Ceased?


"Why I Am a Cessationist"


Millennial Views Examined PT2


Millennial Views Examined


Four Views of the Book of Revelation


Diminishment of the Gifts: Reformed and Charismatic


The nature of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Reformed and Charismatic PT. 5


Reformed and Charismatic 4: Gifts for Today


Reformed and Charismatic 3 (1 Cor. 13:8-12).


History and Theology of Calvinism (Total Depravity)


History and Theology of Calvinism PT 3


History and Theology of Calvinism PT. 2


History and Theology of Calvinism PT 1


Reformed and Charismatic PT. 2 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit


Calvin’s Critique of Charismatic Calvinists (Steve Lawson) (Selected Scriptures)


Reformed and Charismatic PT. 1 (Introduction)


Voddie Baucham - Calvinism: Why Evangelize? (1689 Confession, Ch. 3, P6)


Are continuationists heretics?


What Is Calvinism?


Reformed and Charismatic?


Justin Peters on Repentance, Calvinism, and the Charismatic Movement




Tell us about being a charismatic Calvinist.


20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 54)


But God... -- Ephesians 2:1-10


What would you say to someone who is not a Christian?


Apologia Lite: Government of The Godless


Confessio Lyric Video - Keith & Kristyn Getty


Pass the Promise - Keith & Kristyn Getty Ft. Sandra McCracken - Official Lyric Video


Can these Dry Bones Live? - Dr. David Mackereth


Would Jesus March in a Pride Parade?


The Church Confronts the World (Part 2 of 2) — 10/29/2021


Rise Up Conference 2021 - Presentation by Genesis Apologetics


Justin Peters Interview


Provoked: Faithfulness in All Seasons of Life w/ Rachel Zwayne


This Sunday is Reformation Day!

Reformation Day is memorialized on October 31 every year. Reformation Day started in the 15th century when a German monk, aggrieved by the activities of the Catholic Church, especially the sale of indulgences as penance, nailed his arguments, named “The 95 Theses” to the door of Wittenberg’s Castle Church.

While the rest of the world celebrates a spooky holiday, the vast majority of the Christian community celebrates Reformation Day. Martin Luther’s study of the scripture led him to a path he recognized as religious truth and salvation. He disagreed with the church’s teachings of the Bible, with the priests serving as intermediaries between the Bible and the laity. He also strongly disagreed with the sale of indulgences whose proceeds were used to rebuild the church.

Many opposed the movements of the church, but Martin Luther brought it to light and sought reformation within the church. His theses gave grounds for people to question the church; it was a time of large religious and social change. Luther preached reformation, but his thesis was warped for political, social, and economic reasons by various emerging leaders of the movement. This brought about a fractionalization in the Catholic Church and the emergence of the Protestant Reformation under the Protestant Church.

Reformation Day is recognized by a number of communities around the world, especially the Protestants. It is an official holiday in most German states and seeks to celebrate the significant religious reforms brought on by “The 95 Theses.” Reformation Day stands by truth and the Bible as the sole source of religious authority.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Whose Slave are You? (Part 2) | Tom Pennington | Romans 6:15-23


Van Tillian Thinker Podcast: Do Total Depravity & Limited Atonement Remove Salvific Assurance


Whoever finds Christ finds Life - Dr. David Mackereth Preaches from Wales


3 things Christians must do immediately!


The Cure for Our Unhappiness: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul


How Can I Keep From Singing? - Keith & Kristyn Getty


3 Reasons You Don't Feel on Fire for God | Daily Disciple


Jesus Taught That Few Find Eternal Life (Matthew 7:13-14) - Tim Conway


The Government Reports on UFOs


Wednesday Evening Bible Study


Trinity ARP Church October 24, 2021


"Just Trust Me" Dr. Michael Brown and The New Apostolic Reformation


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

F4F | David Crank's Denial of Reality


Not Ashamed of The Gospel


Jimmy Needham - The Story (Lyric Video)


Archaeologist changes his mind: the earth is young


How Codes Reveal Creation


Our Inheritance in Jesus -- Ephesians 1:3-14


Daniel Didn't Play...


Protestant View of Justification: Luther and the Reformation with R.C. Sproul


The Church's Spiritual Calling: "Love the World, But Don't Become the World" - Lecture 1 Part 1


Biodiversity and the Godhead—Is There a Connection? - Dr. Kurt Wise, Devotional Biology


Watch this if you're doubting your salvation...


According to Plan


Are Humans Mere Puppets?


The Divine Fulcrum


Dr. Lisa Littman on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, the Teen Trans Trend, and Intellectual Rigor


Cultish: Mark Driscoll & The Cult Of Personality


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Amillennialism: the kingdom of heaven is at hand!

Don't Like Monsanto? Then You Should Be Pro-GMO, Not Anti. Here's Why.

This article comes from Forbes

GMO. It’s a term shrouded in mystery. A scapegoat for real and perceived agricultural and food system ills, the acronym conjures visions of monoculture, pesticides, chemicals, junk food, obesity, and the transformation of life forms into intellectual property. Perhaps the most common menace summoned when “GMO” is uttered:  Monsanto. Mentions of genetic engineering (GE) technology, seemingly without fail, result in “but Monsanto” protests, along with amalgamated concerns about food.

But scapegoats do the truth no favors; fighting bogeymen solves no problems. A scientifically irrelevant term, “GMO” or Genetically Modified Organism is used to describe crops created with modern molecular genetic engineering. Though some scientists dislike the term GMO because of how arbitrary, meaningless and misleading it is, it’s here to stay.

Injecting big bad Monsanto fears into public perception of GMO has been a brilliant tactic–the phenomenon is hardly a fluke. With non-GMO and organic industry bigwigs pushing the myth that GMO equals big corporations and bad food trends, it’s no accident that these memes are pervasive, from the blogosphere to mommy groups, and mainstream media to street protests. Take the Organic Consumers Association, an anti-GMO lobby group largely funded by the “natural food” and organic industries. With objectives that include increasing organic market share and achieving a “global moratorium on genetically engineered foods and crops,” it founded the “Millions Against Monsanto” campaign “to fight back against Monsanto and the other Biotech Bullies.”

As a result of such campaigns, speaking out in favor of genetic engineering automatically gets one labeled a Monsanto defender, even though any party can wield the technology. It’s an effective tactic for anti-GMO organizations to paint their opposition as corporate apologists rather than people who want the best technology used to meet challenges. 

A plant’s flavor profile, pest resistance, tolerance to drought, nutritional content and other traits are encoded in genes in a plant’s DNA, and genetic engineering is part of a continuum of ways in which humans have altered crops. Nearly all foods (with the exception of some wild herbs and game), including those labeled natural, organic, or even heirloom have had their genomes altered. This happens in wholly unnatural ways, in the field or in a lab, using methods that wouldn’t occur in nature.

Scientists use myriad methods to create new plant varieties. With radiation mutagenesis, for example, plants are bombarded with radiation in hopes that a desirable trait will result from random changes in the plant’s DNA. The technique has been used for decades, giving us common plant varieties like wheat used in breads and pastas, peppermint, and some kinds of pears and grapefruit. These plants can be grown and sold as organic, and are not considered GMOs. Other plant breeding tools include wide hybridization (which forces unrelated species or genera to breed), chemical mutagenesis and chromosome doubling. The results of all of these are considered non-GMO. If that sounds arbitrary, that’s because it is. 

Genetic engineering is one of many plant breeding tools, resulting in targeted genetic changes or adding one or a few carefully chosen genes. Sometimes GE is the most desirable method because certain plants have long breeding cycles, some plants are sterile, or certain traits are otherwise difficult to achieve in other ways. Other times, it’s not the most desirable or efficient method. These are tools in an agricultural toolbox, and it makes sense to pick the best tool for a job.

In the public psyche, the term GMO has become synonymous with Monsanto and the evils the agricultural company symbolizes. While business practices of massive corporations can and should be questioned, much of why Monsanto is hated is based in myth (for example, the company doesn’t sue farmers for unintentional contamination). I will not defend Monsanto here, but it’s interesting to note that Whole Foods, leading seller of “non-GMO” fare, outdid Monsanto’s revenue in 2015 at just over $15 billion.

As for some of the earlier-mentioned agricultural and food system ills:

Monoculture isn’t as simple or awful as it seems. As cell biologist Iida Ruishalme writes on the Thoughtscapism blog in a post about monoculture: 

“Practicing monoculture means you grow (culture) only one (mono) crop. Monoculture can be defined in two aspects: time and space. That is, one crop is grown in a certain area for a certain amount of time. How big an area or for how long, however, are actually important details which the word tells us nothing about, nor does it give us any information on what would be optimal for the environment, the crop, or the farmer in each situation. That all depends.”

A necessary way to recoup research and development costs, the patenting of plants is common and not unique to GMOs nor to Monsanto. There are thousands of patented plants, many of which can be sold as non-GMO or organic. Like patents on drugs, machines, designs, and more, patents on GE products don’t last forever. 

Pesticide use isn’t unique, nor are they used solely on GMOs. Most people don’t realize that non-GMO and organic agriculture uses pesticides too, albeit different, and often naturally-derived ones. Whether a substance is naturally-occurring or synthetic has no bearing on its toxicity or environmental impact. Without pesticides (which include insecticides, herbicides and fungicides) as part of integrated approaches to pest management, farmers would suffer crop losses, food would cost more, certain foods would be in short supply, and the amount of resources used for food production would increase. 

Conflating “GMOs” with Monsanto creates a crude narrative and regulatory quagmire that stifles innovation

, discouraging smaller entities from developing and commercializing GE products. As a May 2016 Nature Biotechnology article states:

“Multinational corporate crop developers can bear these high regulatory costs for high value, huge-volume commodity crops, but only as long as global sales are large enough to justify the regulatory expenditures. With development costs so high, researchers in the public sector as well as those at nonprofit organizations and small startup companies rarely have sufficient resources to navigate the complex, expensive and uncertain regulatory approval process.

Under these circumstances, it is difficult to justify the expense of developing GE varieties of lower-market-value products, such as so-called specialty crops—fruits, nuts and vegetables—or (especially) the staple crops grown primarily by subsistence farmers in less developed countries.”

Non-browning Arctic Apples and Innate Potatoes, neither of which are Monsanto products, are poised to hit the market, and will reduce food waste due to brown spots and bruises. But these are the exception and not the rule, due to the burdensome regulatory atmosphere that misinformation and ideology have sown. Gluten-free wheat with the potential to help celiac disease patients, tear-free onions, and bananas resistant to xanthomonas wilt (which is threatening food security in Uganda and eastern Africa) are all among GE plants stuck in purgatory. Remember these the next time you have the urge to utter, “but Monsanto.”

Abigail Defuses a Conflict


I'll Fly Away


Encouraging the Faithful


Why Should We Think About Hell - Edward Donnelly


The Christian's Pursuit


A Case for Cessationism (Tom Pennington) (Selected Scriptures)


The Light of the Stars Proclaims His Glory


How Do We ‘Learn Christ’? Ephesians 4:17–24


The Pulpit: Its Powers and Pitfalls (Part 1 of 2) — 10/26/2021


Monday, October 25, 2021

Why The World Hates True Christianity | Paul Washer


2 Kings 4:38-44 "The Lord Shepherds in a Time of Famine"


Our Triune God - PM October 24, 2021


Are Spiritual Gifts For Today? | Theocast


20 Facts I Wish I Knew As a New Christian


5:30 Service


Evening Worship


Deuteronomy 30:1-10: God Will Circumcise Your Heart (Part 1) (Rev. Michael Grasso)


Evening Worship 10/24/21


Opposed to Darkness


Cloverdale URC Live Stream 10/31/21 PM Service


Monday Morning Devotion from Bethany Church, October 25, 2021


Behind Samson is the LORD


"The Restoration and the Response"


Sunday Service 10/24/21 Pm


10/24/2021 EVENINGWORSHIP John 13:31-35 See How They Love One Another! Pastor Michael J. Schout


Evening Service 10-24-21


Evening Worship, October 24, 2021


Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church Live Stream 10-24-2021 6 PM


The Goodness Of Christ's Lordship


URC of PEI | October 24, 2021 | Evening Worship Service


Is church membership necessary?


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sermon: Defending Essential Christian Truths


You'll Be Shocked by What Young People Think About Morality


2021-10-24 Rev Jonny McCollum Evening Service


Whose Slave are You? (Part 1) | Tom Pennington | Romans 6:15-23


Does God Speak Through Numbers?


God Provides for His Rescued People (Ezra 6:1-15) | SERMON


The Blind Man Who Could See


Sonship by Adoption


Morning Worship - October 24, 2021




Dornoch Free Church, Sunday Morning Service, 24 October 2021


URC of PEI | October 24, 2021 | Morning Worship Service


2021-10-24 Rev Jonny McCollum Morning Service


Charles Spurgeon: Beatitudes - Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit / Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven 2/8


Must a person forsake his sins before he can come to Christ?


Sanctification: The Believer’s Transformation, Part 1


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Video Marathon — For the Whole Family!


The 'Son of God' Movie: Romanism, Jesuit Mysticism and Blasphemy


The Person and Ministry of The Holy Spirit - Jared Longshore, Sergio Ruiz, David Gardner | Day 6


No Tears in Heaven! - Charles Spurgeon Sermon


Halloween Unmasked | 2020


Halloween Unmasked | 2018


Zeitgeist (Copycat Christ Theory) Exposed


HELL'S BELLS: Dangers of Rock 'N Roll (Original Classic)


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Full Movie)


Historical Evidence That Jesus Existed


HELL'S BELLS 2: The Toll Continues


Bart Ehrman DEBUNKED | Answering the Fool


Joe Rogan DEBUNKED | Answering the Fool


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


HERETIC | Joel Osteen Exposed


Exposing the Mormon Cult


7th Day Adventism Exposed


False Prophets Exposed by the Election


Can Christians Be Gay?


The Sacred Name Movement Debunked


ATHEISTS DON'T EXIST | How to Correctly Argue for God


Dragons & Dinosaurs


Are Things Like Harry Potter Okay for Christians?


The Atheist Illusion


Christ the Conqueror


The New Age Fully Exposed (UPDATED)


Roman Catholicism Fully Refuted


Word of Faith Cult Roots


The Shack & 5 Other "Christian" Books Exposed


The Word of Faith Movement Exposed


Come Home


PORN | The Prison of Iniquity


Exposing the Prosperity Gospel


Banned Cartoon Exposes Jehovah's Witnesses


Proof the Trinity Wasn't Invented by Christians


History of Christian Persecution


Demonic Reincarnation Exposed


Ancient Aliens Debunked - (Full Movie)


The Ultimate Proof for God


Debunking Council of Nicea Myths


Jonathan Kleck Exposed


The Bible vs. Nag Hammadi Gnostic Gospels


Archaeology is confirming Bible Characters and Places


Culture Crumbles Without Christianity


Everlasting Arms - Animation


Refuting "Contradictions" In the Gospels


Halloween Unmasked | 2019


ATHEISTS DON'T EXIST | The Irrefutable Argument Against Unbelief


The Invincibility of God's Gospel




Former Seventh-day Adventist Pastor for 13 Years Gives His Testimony Why Adventism is Wrong


The Crown of Righteousness (Part 2 of 2) — 10/23/2021


What Happens to Desires Without God? Ephesians 4:17–24


Maintaining Good Works - Dr. David Mackereth


Worldview and a Christian Philosophy of History – Part 2


Word of Faith and Longevity


The Children of Abraham and the Modern State of Israel | MEGIDDO TV


Calvinism Vs Arminianism


Friday, October 22, 2021

Favorite old hymns l Hymns Beautiful , Relaxing


New American Magazine on the Deep State behind The Deep State

20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 53)


Is Atheism Dead? A Conversation with Eric Metaxas.


The Rapture: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul


He Reminds Ray Comfort of Himself...


Free Speech: A Video Marathon


Ex-Porn Star Becomes a Pastor: The Story of Joshua Broome


The end time, the antichrist, and the rapture. Eschatology with Sam Storms




Politics Is a Moral Enterprise | Stand to Reason Podcast with Greg Koukl


Best old Hymns - Please pray for children #GHK#JESUS#HYMNS


The Rise of American Satanism


Biblical Apologetics


Tortured for Christ (Full Movie)


Exposing the Real Cost of COVID: Debra Soh, Elisha Krauss, Jedediah Bila | ROUNDTABLE | Rubin Report


How the Media Pushed January 6th Lies to Target Me (Pt. 3)| Lauren Boebert | POLITICS | Rubin Report


"I Was Raised by THREE Gay I'm a Preacher!" | Caleb Kaltenbach Testimony


Creeping Things | Episode 3 | California Creepers


Being Politically Incorrect to be Correct: Men Are Awesome and Demi Lovato is Still a Woman


A Useful Vessel | Dr. David Doran | 2 Timothy 2:23-26


Does God Give Provisional Grace Or Efficacious grace?


Is Stress Making Me More Holy or More Sinful?


Since Abraham was circumcised after having faith, why do we baptize infants before they show faith?


Training Children in Wisdom - Voddie Baucham


Sufficiency of the Word (Part 1 of 2) — 10/22/2021


Halloween: The love of Death - Dr. David Mackereth


Abortion activist , Laurie Penny gets owned by Dave from March for Life


The Reformed View: The Ordo Salutis & Historia Salutis


What Most Christians Get Wrong about the Old Testament! #shorts


Day 4 - The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit #srlseminary


Why Every Christian Needs to Prepare For Tribulation! (The TRUTH about the RAPTURE, 7 of 7)


Is a Rapture INCONSISTENT With This Biblical Teaching? (The TRUTH about the RAPTURE, 6 of 7)


Apostle Paul was NOT expecting Christians to be Raptured! (The TRUTH about the RAPTURE, 5 of 7)


Jesus told us The Antichrist Will Come BEFORE He Does! (The TRUTH about the RAPTURE, 7 of 7)


Premillennialism & Dispensationalism Explained Clearly Quickly (The TRUTH about the RAPTURE, 2 of 7)


Why Rapture, Tribulation, End Times MATTERS NOW - Introduction (The TRUTH about the RAPTURE, 1 of 7)


An Evening of Eschatology – Premillennialism, Amillennialism, Postmillennialism


Who is True Israel? (Part 3) - Tim Conway


This Age and The Age to Come (Part 2) - Tim Conway


5 Reasons an Amillennialist Should Preach on Eschatology (Part 1)


3 Views Of The End Times: Premillennialism, Amillennialism, & Postmillennialism


Premillennialism, Amillennialism, and Postmillennialism - How Important Is Eschatology?


Amillennialism & Postmillennialism Explained Quickly Clearly


What is the Millennial Reign of Christ in Revelation 20? Amil, Premil or Postmil?


Different Christian Views of Revelation Explained


What Does the Bible Teach about the Rapture?


Eternal old Praise songs - 2 Hours Non Stop - Best Worship Songs All Time


Baptism, Covenant, and Election


The Holes in Theistic Evolution


This Open Air Event Got a Little Bit Zesty | WRETCHED RADIO


Does feminism have a place in Christian beliefs?


Is It a Sin to Take the Vaccine? No but...


Thursday, October 21, 2021

CPA Says John Oliver is Wrong On Trade: A New Light on Trade


The Globalists Are Monopoly Capitalists.


Rachel Levine & The Trans Patriarchy


The Quigley Formula - G. Edward Griffin lecture


Modern Money Theory


The New Right, the Alt Right, and the Evangelical Left | Guest: Michael Malice


Edmund Burke and Classical Conservatism


Conservatism Vs Classical Liberalism


Conservatism tensions and debates


Traditional Conservatism - A level Politics


Traditional Conservatism


The Old vs New Right Conservatives and Libertarians


Classical Liberalism & Classical Conservatism


Conservatism - the role of tradition


Hasn't Christianity Always Opposed Capitalism?


Population Control Isn't the Answer to Climate Change.


'Reluctant capitalist' – Roger Scruton explains how to be a conservative




Why Self-Esteem Is Self-Defeating


Hitler's Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments


Charles Johnson on Left Wing Market Anarchism


James Tuttle - C4SS and Freed Market Anti-Capitalism - New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2013




This is what living a Radical Life for Jesus looks like... #shorts


Progressive "pastor" says to NOT Trust the Bible... | Daily Disciple


Tea Dance: 1920s, 30s, 40s Vintage Tea Party (Past Perfect)


Dornoch Free Church, Sunday Morning Service, 10 October 2021


Tim Conway - Key To the Renewed Mind! (Sermon Jam)


Who’s Teaching Our Children?


Act Like Men: Standing Firm In The Faith and Conduct - Nick Hendrix


10 Fun Ways to Teach Children Effective Communication Skills (Article Podcast)


School Choice Activists Roundtable


2 Peter Lesson 5 – Dangerous, Deceptive Doctrines Which Leads to Denial of Despot and Destruction


Pray Vote Stand: Biden's Anti-Family Budget Buster


The fact I am considered more right then our mainstream centre-right or right-wing is an indication of the degrading affect of liberalism on society.

Anyone whom has traditionally conservative views is considered the most hard right on the spectrum. This is because our current conservative movement has been taken over by liberals that were robbed of some of their economic views or the "socially progressive" Conservatives. 

Now anyone for a Strong Canadian Nation with controls over its sovereignty and borders is called pejorative names. People whom thinks our Government needs to do a better job taking care of our own citizens and are against schemes of Globalism and job killing so called Free Trade are called Nativist. People that stand against Canada's Sovereignty being usurped my Global Government schemes are thrown in with Illuminati World Order Conspiracy theorists. Anyone for restoring to the Government the true definition of marriage or wish to eliminate abortion are considered Christian Extremists.

However, all of these are simply classical traditional Tory stances on issues of societal morality and the proper role of Markets. Not too mention the stances of the majority of faithful and solid Christians throughout our great land. 
As well as a major base of the Conservative Party of Canada. All of whom have been thrown under the bus by the twin evils of Economic/Governmental Globalism via the Neo-Liberal agenda and authoritarian leftist "social progressivism." 

There has been a hostile takeover of our Conservative Party by these forces. Truly they have been hiding in the wings of the libertarian/Neo-liberal caucuses of the Party for some time now. A Lassiez faire force which aimed and aims to undo all social morality in the name of freedom at the expense of any moral objectivity. Which aims to remove the Godly influence of traditional institutions for a world where everyone is a consumer in a materialist and consumption driven One World Market. Where States are gutted of any and all authority over how markets run. All while Worshipping at the alter of Manna aka "profits and Mah Faux freedom." 

However, Christians need to remember that God is sovereign over this as well and that we have already won. The Global Market Order pushers if they are not in God's elect will go to eternal destruction. Those whom are in Christ and deceived will see the folly of their ways when they reach Heaven. 

Is Social Media DESTROYING Us? AND Robert Kiyosaki Interview - Will & Amala LIVE


Gay Actor Shares His Heart and John MacArthur Shares The Gospel (Larry King Live | Gavin Newsom)


Voddie Baucham: “You can’t use that verse to justify dancing in church "


Demonic Tongues and Spirit Impartation - All Christians MUST LISTEN | John MacArthur Explains


How Leighton Flowers Teaches Church history


False prophet Dayna Muldoon exposed by Calvary Chapel Pastor


Practicing Discernment as a Charismatic w/Josh Lewis


The African Import of Charismatic Chaos (Conrad Mbewe) (Selected Scriptures)


Testing the Spirits (John MacArthur) (Selected Scriptures)