Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Where do I agree with the People's Party of Canada?

I have been contemplating voting for our local PPC candidate as a means of showing the disagreements between the Conservatives social conservative base and their official plans for the Country. I decided to lay down and go over their platform in more detail to see if I could get behind their platform.

The first thing I wish to point out and that is that PPC is somewhat libertarianally minded. Which means on economics they are going to support somethings I disagree with. The main issue I have with the PPC platform is a lack of any presentation of social issues. Having researched more the PPC is very much not in the social issues world. The platform is largely about limiting the Federal government and they refuse to take an official position on any social issues.

While they support repealing Federal legislation that would stop people from stating a point of view on social issues. They allow their members and candidates to hold views on either side of the social conservative concerns. This means I am left with what is in their platform. I am going to go over what I can agree with and where I have issues with their platform.

There is support for internal free trade among the Provinces. This is something I can get behind. PPC is in favor of altering the equalization program and as an Islander I do not support starving us and the rest of Atlantic Canada of needed Federal funds. Their views against Supply Management and the Agricultural Industry is not something I support and will lead to serious unintended consequences. 

They are not only against mandatory vaccines or vaccine passports, but, also against Rapid Testing of public sector workers. This is very dangerous when we are still dealing with the pandemic winding down. They also are against all Government quarantine rules. Which is also very dangerous and I do not support this at all.

I support their views on refugees and immigration. As well as their views on protecting the borders and securing them. I support freedom of speech and their freedom of expression platform is on point here. Their failures to take on social issues means they have no official opinion on so called Conversion Therapy bans. Which means a Provincial Government could still pass such legislation and the platform is silent on the gender agenda. 

I find this very disturbing and leaves social conservatives with Christian Biblical values without nessecarely having a solid place with Maxime Berniers party either.