Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

What I would wish to import into Mainstream Candian politics from the various Christian Democracy parties

In this article I shall present what social and economic platforms currently present in various Christian parties I wish to support becoming part of Mainstream Canadian Politics. Currently with the leadership that exists in our Canadian Parties I do not expect them to agree with all I will mention here, but, incrementally supporting some of it would be better than nothing.

  • Federal and state governments must enact constitutional and legal measures establishing the right to life from conception until natural death. These measures specifically include a constitutional amendment clarifying that there is no right to abortion, as well as laws that prohibit or restrict abortion. Because human life begins at conception, the intentional destruction of human embryos in any context must end.
  • Federal, state, and local governments must end taxpayer funding of organizations that provide, promote, or facilitate abortions, and of health-care plans that include abortion coverage. Such funding should be redirected to organizations that promote healthy pregnancies and prenatal care.
  • Federal and state governments must renew capital punishment in light of its being mandated by Christ himself for the most extreme crimes such as murder, sexual predators, rapists, acts of terrorism and things within general equity of those horrific crimes. I disagree with the official platform here when it asks to end capital punishment. This is also something that many non Christians also would like to see happen to people whom have committed such horrific crimes. 
  • I support efforts to help prevent the tragedy of suicide, including universal access to affordable mental-health care and the destigmatization of mental illness. Assisted suicide and euthanasia are a violation of disability rights, medical ethics, and human dignity, and must be prohibited in every state.
  • Federal and state governments should collaborate to guarantee universal healthcare by diverse means, including single-payer initiatives, direct subsidization of provider networks, subsidized education for medical professionals willing to work in rural areas, support for cost-sharing programs and mutual aid societies, home care grants, simplified regulation, and the easing of restrictions on the importation of prescription drugs.
  • Health policy must include protections for those with preexisting, chronic, and terminal conditions. We must include those who have no means to save for an emergency, people at every stage of life from prenatal care to hospice care, and people who find themselves in need of medical assistance while away from their home network.
  • The federal government needs to negotiate pricing to end corporate exploitation of the captive audience of patients.

The natural family, founded on the marriage of one man and one woman, is the fundamental unit and basis of every human society. Family breakdown is a key contributor to widespread social problems in this country. In order to promote stable families, it is in the interest of the state to support marriage recognized as the exclusive union of one man and one woman for life. At the same time, we recognize that the state must support the needs of people—especially children, as well as the elderly and disabled—in families of all kinds.

  • States should repeal policies that penalize couples for getting married or that encourage divorce. At the same time, such reforms should not come at the cost of helping single parents.
  • States must repeal no-fault divorce laws, which effectively undermine the permanence of marriage. At the same time, it is vital to continue efforts to prevent and prosecute domestic violence.
  • In opposition to the commodification of children and the reproductive process, gestational surrogacy contracts and sperm banks should be prohibited. Adoption and fostering should be encouraged as a redemptive alternative, but with the understanding that the separation of children from their biological parents is never the primary goal.
  • Federal and state governments should allow public funding for services that promote stable, healthy marriages and the flourishing of children, even when such services are provided by religious institutions with religious values.
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, and neonatal care should all be fully covered by all healthcare plans so that no family need worry about the expenses of bringing a child into the world.
  • Workplace accommodations for parents, including paid parental leave, flexible scheduling, and affordable child care should be available to as many families as possible. Further, no family should be forced to have two full-time incomes just to survive, and thus policies subsidizing child care by parents staying at home should be enacted. Funding and services should also be provided to encourage families to care for elderly and disabled family members at home without being impoverished by lost income. This could include preferential housing options, tax credits, and respite care.
  • We reject the idea that surgical or hormonal treatment to circumvent the natural, healthy development and function of the body is necessary health care. In particular, we vigorously defend the right of parents to protect their minor children from such treatment. We call for legislation prohibiting any form of gender reassignment surgery on children.
  • To create a more pro-family culture and strengthen the social fabric of neighborhoods, we favor efforts to make public spaces child-friendly, encourage outdoor play, and reform legal and administrative practices that unfairly penalize parents for giving children a reasonable degree of independence.
Education is vital to the formation of the human person and the good of society. 

  • Responsibility for the education of children resides primarily in the family. Families should be free to home-school their children or send them to public or private schools.
  • We call for public support of both public and private schools, with a preferential option for economically disadvantaged students and an emphasis on making teaching a well-paying occupation.
  • Teachers should be free to design their own curricula within general parameters set by local authorities. Standardized testing should not be the most significant factor in measuring the success of students and schools.
  • Local school systems should reconsider the overuse of technology in the classroom.
  • Local school systems should undertake initiatives that expand education beyond reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts. Additional subjects should include virtue and citizenship, understanding of the natural world, agriculture, trades, life skills, and useful crafts.
  • State governments should increase public investment in higher education, resulting in a reduction of tuition at public institutions. To improve the consistent quality of higher education, for-profit educational enterprises must be more strictly regulated. The government should consider proposals for partial forgiveness of student loans, along with more opportunities to work off debt.
  • Sex education classes, when offered, should be required to include accurate information on prenatal development, the risks of hormonal contraceptives, and the scientific evidence that abortion takes a human life.

I call upon all levels of government to live out the God-given ideals of human dignity, equality, and fraternity. Stemming from these ideal include; the free exercise of religion, freedom of conscience and expression, a fair justice system, and equal protection under the law.

  • We advocate for laws that allow people of all faiths to practice their religion without intimidation, and we deplore secularism that seeks to remove religion from the public sphere. We are committed to the “free exercise of religion,” which should not be limited to “freedom of worship” that merely exists in private and within a house of worship. Faith is a public expression.
  • Federal and state governments must safeguard and where needed create laws that protect religious institutions, small businesses, and private individuals from civil or criminal liability for choosing to follow their conscience in matters regarding life, healthcare, morality, sexuality, and marriage.
  • Federal and state governments must safeguard conscience protections for employers and charities in health, education, and welfare that do not wish to participate in activities that contradict their sincerely-held convictions. In particular, we are in solidarity with religiously-affiliated institutions such as colleges, adoption agencies, and hospitals, which are facing pressure in some states to compromise on principles central to their doctrines.
  • The prohibitions against an establishment of a State religion does not require the eradication of religious symbols from community events and property. So long as nobody is compelled to endorse or participate in an activity, communities should have the freedom to celebrate religious events and express religious values, without artificial distinctions that force religious believers to check their faith at the public door.
  • All levels of government must defend the rights of public assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, understood through the tradition of ordered liberty.
  • We acknowledge discrimination based on religion, race, ethnicity, and sex, and support laws favoring equal access to the polls, the courts, housing, and education.
  • Government agencies working with the disabled must ensure that financial benefits are applied fairly and consistently. They must also make more efforts to incorporate the disabled into work or volunteer programs, depending on individual circumstances.
  • Unjust employment discrimination and poor working conditions hinder career advancement and financial stability. We insist on legal protection for occupational safety and compensation, good faith in hiring and retention, and paid leave for illness and child-rearing.
  • We oppose conscription into the armed services and other forms of compulsory government service, except in cases of clear and present necessity. We also oppose the mandatory registration of women in the Selective Service system.
Maintaining public peace and order is a fundamental responsibility of government.

  • We believe that preventing and punishing crime is an essential public service. We oppose the privatization of law-enforcement and penal institutions.
  • As public servants, law enforcement officers should be supported and held to the highest standards of professionalism.  We support strict accountability for the use of lethal force.
  • We believe that prisons are designed for dangerous criminals. We oppose the imprisonment of those who are simply mentally ill, homeless, or too poor to pay fines.
  • We believe that our prison system should be focused on restoring lawbreakers to their community.  We support increased funding of programs meant to prepare prisoners for life outside the prison.
  • We call for an end to the use of prisoners as slave labor.  Prisoners must be remunerated at the minimum wage for work performed
  • minimum wage for work performed
  • Drug addiction remains a social harm. It is vital to not remove laws against drugs.
  • Laws against prostitution should focus on removing those participating from the cycle of exploitation, mandating penalties primarily on those who buy sex or arrange for its purchase. Closely tied to this is the need to aggressively combat human trafficking. 
  • It is also vital to recognize the social costs of pornography, which is inseparable from human trafficking, the promotion of pedophilia, and rape. We therefore support laws which criminalize the production and sale of pornography and deny categorically that pornography is protected speech.

Political economy (economics) is a branch of political ethics, and while rejecting Command Economics I also reject models of economic behavior that undermine human dignity with greed and naked self-interest. I advocate for an economic system which focuses on creating a society of wide-spread ownership (sometimes referred to as “distributism”) rather than having the effect of degrading the human person as a cog in the machine.

  • Our goal is to create conditions which allow single-income families to support themselves with dignity.
  • We call for the repeal of corporate welfare policies, for shifting the tax system to target unearned income and reckless financiers, and for changing regulations to benefit small and locally-owned businesses rather than multinational corporations. Economic rentiers and speculators who produce nothing but only take from workers through gimmicks allowed by corrupt relationships with public power need to pay their fair share through taxes on land, capital gains, and financial transactions.
  • We will work to restore the requirement that corporations must serve a public good in order to be granted the benefit of limited liability. We support the prohibition of corporate bylaws and the repeal of state legislation requiring shareholder profit to trump considerations such as employee wellbeing and environmental protection.
  • To deprive workers of their wages is a “sin that cries out to heaven.”
  • We support mechanisms that allows space in the economy for workers whom wish to have organizations that share in the ownership and management of their production, such as trade guilds, cooperatives, and employee stock ownership programs. 
  • Industrial policy and economic incentives need to be re-ordered to place human dignity first and to recognize that the family is the basic unit of economic production. 
  • The bloated, “too big to fail,” multinational economic concerns which dominate the economic landscape need to be brought to heel and concerted antitrust action must be taken to break up the oligarchies that use their private power to corruptly influence public governance.
  • The monopolistic power of corporations, especially in the area of patent and copyright law, allows them to price-gouge workers and families. We call for a restructuring of intellectual property laws to encourage innovation rather than rent-seeking.
  • We support and encourage measures which allow local communities to limit the power of outside interests in managing their land. Tenant unions, community land trusts, and community-oriented development are to be supported in the effort to ensure the availability of affordable and inclusive housing. Allowing local communities more flexibility will allow for more diverse and innovative solutions to local problems rather than imposing them from a far-off central authority.
  • We advocate for social safety nets that adequately provide for the material needs of the most vulnerable in society. These programs need to also help the most vulnerable find a path out of poverty by providing them with the tools they need in order to fully participate in their communities with dignity, and not trap them as subsidized labor for private interests. 
  • Unemployment benefits need to include the option of allowing beneficiaries to take their benefits in the form of start-up capital to start or purchase businesses or create cooperative enterprises that help them to escape poverty on their own terms.
  • Natural monopolies and the common inheritance of the natural world need to be closely managed and protected by the public and not surrendered for a pittance to private greed. Our support of private property rights does not mean that we should surrender our common property into the hands of private oligarchs. Policies that deliver citizens their fair share of our common wealth and inheritance of natural resources are to be encouraged in the form of a citizen’s dividend and baby bonds.
  • Predatory practices which care more for stockholder value than human life must cease. We call for community-oriented lending practices and mutual aid organizations to replace predatory lending agents that target poor people and working-class communities. We must reject a financial system based on saddling workers with debt and interest payments that merely fuel consumerism and instead embrace one that encourages productive activity.
  • We call for student loans to be dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Challenging reforms are needed to make sure all citizens are represented in civic life. These changes are all the more urgent in an age of partisan gridlock and polarization fueled by new media. Citizens need more democratic election laws, more self-governance for local communities, and more safeguards against corporate dominance of government and common resources.

  • Access to impartial information on candidates and ballot initiatives should be easily available in public print and broadcast media.
  • Independent and minor-party candidates for public office shall have fair and equal access to ballots. This right shall not be infringed by burdens such as exorbitant voter signatures and filing fees.
  • We believe that local governments are most competent to solve community-based problems. In keeping with the principle of subsidiarity, there should be more autonomy of local governments from state governments wherever possible. There should be legal accountability of higher levels of government to lower levels.
  • Federal, state, and local governments should maintain a well-functioning and accessible public transportation system.
  • We desire zoning laws which favor small businesses and conservation over large-scale corporate investment and which disfavor vice businesses such as strip clubs and casinos.
  • High standards of accountability and frequent audits of local officials are needed to prevent corruption and maintain financial health.
  • We call for job programs to prevent “brain drain” from low-income areas.
  • We oppose “race to the bottom” tax credits that incentivize large companies to manipulate local economies.
  • Privatization of natural monopolies means that people who must use these services are left unrepresented. Public resources must remain public, including transportation services, toll roads and bridges, community policing and parking enforcement, prisons, and energy and water utilities.
  • We oppose the enclosure of science and culture through unduly restrictive intellectual property laws. Copyright and patents should be leased at their full market value, in order to lower prices on necessary resources such as medicine and educational materials for those who need them most. We support increased public funding for scientific research.
  • We call for greater legal responsibility on the part of creditors and vendors for vigilance against fraudulent activity, such as identity theft.
  • There should be federal antitrust legislation and enforcement to resist the formation of media conglomerates, and, if necessary, to break up those that already exist. There is special concern about big technology companies and social media providers.
  • Governments should not censor the media or the Internet or violate digital privacy itself. 
The federal government has the responsibility to implement safe, secure, and orderly borders.

  • We must all take personal and familial responsibility for stewardship of the environment. We must teach habits of conservation to our children both at home and in our schools, and we must put them into practice ourselves.
  • Local governments should consider the health of the environment along with human solidarity when considering business development strategies, housing strategies, and other key decisions. 
  • We must make every effort to ensure that no home lacks access to clean drinking water in the home and fresh foods in the neighborhood.
  • Even in urban settings, there is much we can do to build a healthier environment. We oppose neighborhood policies that forbid outdoor clotheslines. We oppose the use of street lights so bright that they disrupt natural circadian rhythms or migration patterns.
  • Strong regulations are required to conserve our nation’s great natural resources and to protect our land, air, and water from man-made pollution and degradation, including maintaining current laws meant for that purpose. We also insist on the direct accountability of illegal polluters to their victims in the courts.
  • We must do more than protect our current nature preserves; we must also actively rebuild the natural habitats necessary for a healthy environment. Federal government agencies should take all necessary measures to preserve and protect our environment per our mandate to keep and tend The Earth in the Creation of mankind by God.
  • The federal government should prioritize new distribution technologies for waste, with particular concern for the oceans which are vital to a healthy earth.

I support the following platform points of the Christian Heritage Party being being added to Mainstream Parties.

    1. CO2 is not pollution; it is a beneficial natural gas needed by all plants
    2. Carbon taxes are just a tax grab
    3. The PM cannot legally force the provinces to collect taxes
    4. A carbon tax will do nothing for the environment; the CHP would rescind any federal carbon tax imposed by a previous government
  2. CBC
    1. CBC costs taxpayers $1.6 billion every year
    2. CBC has pushed and continues to push abortion, gender confusion and assisted suicide
    3. CBC must be defunded / privatized
    1. The Canadian Government MUST protect Canadian citizens
    2. Canada's border MUST be respected and entry must be restricted to those
      coming in legally through official ports of entry
    3. All immigrants MUST demonstrate their loyalty to Canada and to Canadian values
    4. ONLY Canadian citizens should be allowed to vote or hold office
    1. National debt is over $1.083 trillion
    2. Interest on the national debt costs taxpayers over $67 million EVERY SINGLE DAY
    3. We MUST stop stealing our children’s future prosperity
    4. Pay off the national debt and introduce mandatory balanced budgets
  5. Public education is provincial jurisdiction . . . BUT
    1. The federal government MUST protect children from harmful ideologies being imposed on children such as misguided theories such as gender fluidity, unproven CO2 / climate change, economic socialism, etc.
    2. Parents are the first and primary educators of their own children and their right to guide their children re. morality and worldview must not be usurped by provincial education establishments
    1. Stop giving tax-payers’ money to political parties OR distribute to ALL parties fairly
    2. Ensure that all candidates and all parties are included in debates and taxpayer-funded media info
    3. Review our First Past the Post electoral system and hold a referendum to allow voters to change the system
    1. recognizes our responsibility to steward and care for the natural environment
    2.  will protect Canada’s air, soil and water from destructive contamination of man-made chemicals
    3. CO2 is a natural beneficial gas, not a pollutant; CO2 as the cause of climate change is an unproven theory. I oppose all carbon taxes, cap-and-trade, carbon credits
    1. Killing innocent people is always wrong; work to restore protection from assisted suicide and euthanasia
    2. We want to kill the pain, not the patient; we support better access to palliative comfort care
    3. Every human life has intrinsic value; there is no such thing as a life not worth living
    4. Health care professionals need conscience protection; no Canadian should be forced to violate his or her conscience
    1. Canada is recognized as a world leader; we must act responsibly to maintain that reputation
    2. Let’s lead in good things: clean water, energy and justice, NOT abortion, gender confusion and debt
    3. Canada must defend freedom around the world, beginning at home
    1. Second most important human right, next to the right to life
    2. Without Freedom of Speech, we can’t defend any human rights
    3. Use your voice and your freedom to defend your freedom; use it or lose it!
    1. There are two biological genders: male and female
    2. Biological gender is encoded in the chromosomes and cannot be changed by surgery or chemicals
    3. Children must be protected from the LGBTQ “gender agenda” which ignores biological reality
    4. Parents’ rights to guide their children’s social development must be protected from indoctrination in the school system
    5. Taxpayers should not have to pay for “gender reassignment surgery”, hormone blockers or other attempts to artificially change an individual’s gender
    1. All government expenditures should be open to public scrutiny
    2. All government salaries over $100,000 should be listed for the public; this number to be adjusted for inflation
    3. All politicians and high-level bureaucrats should be subject to recall for crimes in office
    1. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns
    2. Violent crime is the problem, not firearms
    3. I support the right of peaceful, law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms for hunting, sport and self-defence.
    1. The right to life is the first human right
    2. Freedom of Speech is the second and is essential if we are to defend any human rights
    3. All Canadians deserve equal treatment under the law
    1. Canada’s first responsibility is to citizen safety
    2. Immigration is a privilege, not a right
    3. Our borders must be secure; refugees must not cross our borders without permission
    4. All refugees and future citizens must be thoroughly vetted and must declare their loyalty to Canada
  16. ISLAM
    1. Radical Islam has proven to be a threat to Western democracy
    2. Sharia Law is incompatible with Canada’s culture and heritage and with Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    3. CHP rejects Islamic cultural practices such as “honour-killings”, FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), forced marriages and forced conversion
  17. ISRAEL
    1. Israel occupies a unique place in history and in current world affairs
    2. Israel stands alone in the Middle East as a democratic nation, surrounded by hostile nations
    3. CHP Canada stands with Israel and supports her right to exist and to defend herself
    1. In the constitutional division of powers, courts and judges were NOT given the authority to write laws, only to apply and enforce the law AS IT IS WRITTEN
    2. The courts have usurped the authority of Parliament and provincial legislatures; judicial activism has resulted in abortion-on-demand, same-sex marriage and assisted suicide
    3. The courts have misused their power to limit free speech, a Charter Right which they should be protecting
    4. The CHP would use Section 33 of the Charter (the Notwithstanding Clause) to protect freedom of speech and Canada’s moral foundations
    1. Canadians deserve a justice system designed to protect their lives and property
    2. All Canadians deserve equal treatment under the law
    3. Justice delayed is justice denied; it is essential that justice be applied as quickly as possible to save costs and to deter wrongdoing
    4. CHP’s justice platform stands on two pillars: Restitution and Public Safety
    1. Marijuana is a gateway drug, impairs judgment and contributes to traffic fatalities
    2. Pregnant mothers pass THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) to their pre-born children
    3. CHP would eliminate “drug injection sites” and re-criminalize the possession and sale of recreational marijuana
    1. Marriage—the exclusive union of one man and one woman—is the most basic of human relationships and the foundational building block of society
    2. The marriage commitment between a husband and a wife provides the most stable environment for the raising of children
    3. CHP would restore the legal definition of marriage as between one man and one woman and would rescind government support for “same-sex marriage”
    1. Most major media in Canada—including state-funded CBC—are biased against a Christian worldview and policies
    2. CBC receives over $1.5 billion directly from the government annually
    3. Justin Trudeau has given $595 million in subsidies directed only to those media outlets which support his policies, further influencing public opinion against a Christian worldview
    4. CHP would defund or privatize CBC and would confront the issue of unfair media bias.
  23. MINING
    1. The extraction of minerals, precious metals and energy resources is a legitimate and vital industry, beneficial to Canada’s economy and essential for the provision of materials for manufacturing
    2. Of course, care must be taken to protect the environment and to make efficient use of non-renewable resources.
    3. The use of coal as an energy source should be re-evaluated in the light of new technology. Coal can again become a useful part of our mining and energy network of industries with the use of updated technology
    1. Canada must have armed forces capable of defending our borders and national interests.
    2. Our armed forces must be properly trained and equipped.
    3. Our veterans deserve our gratitude and our duty of care, especially those who have been injured and the families of veterans who have lost loved ones in service to our country.
    1. Parents are the primary caregivers and educators of their children
    2. Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught in school
    3. Public schools have no mandate to teach children things that are contrary to the beliefs of their parents
    4. The state must refrain from incursions into matters of parental jurisdiction, particularly: religious, medical, moral issues
    5. The state must not interfere in family matters except in cases of obvious and provable child abuse.
    1. All Canadians must be free to practice their religion as long as it does not harm others.
    2. Freedom of Religion does not protect FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), “honour killings”, forced child marriages, multiple wives, etc.
    1. Natural resources are given by God for the benefit of mankind
    2. Human beings are stewards (caretakers) of these resources and have the responsibility to manage and preserve them for the benefit of future generations
    3. Resources—whether renewable or non-renewable—must be harvested or extracted in a responsible manner, with a view to the future and to ensuring maximum lasting value for all Canadians
  28. SENATE
    1. The Senate was originally created to be a chamber of “sober second thought”, not a partisan rubber-stamp for the government in power
    2. Senators should be elected by the provinces in which they reside, not by the whim of the Prime Minister
    3. For better representation of the provinces, an equal number of Senators should be allocated to each province, not to “regions”
  29. SEX-ED
    1. Schools must not promote early childhood sexual activity or sexual behaviours known to be harmful
    2. Basic information on biology may be taught in the higher grades but without reference to sexual orientation or gender identity ideology. Parents must be informed and/or consulted when sensitive topics are to be discussed in the classroom.
    1. The Supply Management system for Canadian dairy, egg and poultry producers and the marketing boards which regulate the system were designed to protect essential agricultural producers from crippling market fluctuations and unfair “dumping” of lower-cost foreign products.
    2. Supply Management is not perfect but is essential in order to ensure Canadian producers of these products are able to continue to exist and to provide Canadians with a consistent supply of high-quality food products
    3. CHP will review existing marketing boards on a case-by-case basis to ensure they are still meeting the needs of the producers they represent as well as Canadian consumers
    4. Where possible, provision should be made for small-scale independent producers to serve niche markets without undermining the quota system.
    1. Tariffs are taxes imposed on imported commodities or products, usually intended to protect domestic producers from unfair foreign competition.
    2. Unless bound by contracts, treaties and trade agreements which they have voluntarily signed, all nations have the right to restrict imports or to apply tariffs which may have the effect of restricting imports.
    3. For the purpose of mutual growth and cooperative enterprise, allied nations, particularly nations sharing a border, should seek to avoid unnecessary tariffs and trade restrictions between them.
    4. Careless or punitive use of tariffs often result in trade wars which may harm producers in both countries and should be avoided if possible.
    1. Governments must use some form of taxation to generate revenues to cover the cost of basic services.
    2. The Income Tax—especially the Progressive Income Tax—is unfair. Your earnings are your private property. The government should not take what you earn and it should not take a bigger share when you work harder.
    3. The CHP would replace the unfair federal income tax with a Fair Tax on purchases; this would be a flat rate applied to all purchases of finished products.
    4. The Fair Tax would leave all citizens with more money to spend, save and invest.
    1. Terrorism is the use of violence and fear to achieve geopolitical, military, financial or ideological ends.
    2. Canada must stand firmly against terrorism at home and abroad.
    3. Canadians who participate in terrorism must not be allowed to return to Canada OR they must face criminal terrorist charges. They must not be allowed to become public martyrs for their cause.
    4. The $10 million award to Omar Khadr was an insult to our soldiers, our allies and all Canadian taxpayers.
I also support Reinstating Laws against Sunday Shopping (both for Christian reasons and to give workers a day of rest.)

Remove any taxation funding for Pride Events and organizations. We should not need to financially support the LGBTQ agenda. 

Pride should not be allowed to hold Parades if they will contain nudity or other flaunting of sex such as the public displays of sexual depravity that children could oversee.