Now that O'Toole lost the media loves him because he was and is Liberal Lite in a Conservative suite. They say he needs to keep to the left or centre and wants O'Toole to keep being their leader because of this. Truth is one of the leading factor of his losing the minority Government is throwing actual conservatives under the bus.
Conservatives are supposed to be the party that is an alliance between social conservatives, fiscal hawks and the less fringe of the broader libertarianally leaning base of Canada. In the past The Conservative Party of Canada has had platforms that would not silence the voices of any part of their base even if they did not win internal votes.
As a social conservative, with Biblical (Pro Government Assistance and Welfare) Capitalism economic views. We as a major classic base have not been allowed a voice and thrown underneath the CPC bus under O'Toole. The current leader is not whom he ran claiming to be. He ran as a True Blue Tory and he is anything of the kind. The party lost because people in the base were fed up and voted for the PPC or abstained from voting at all.
I voted for the Party as a Strategic vote to get Trudeau and The Liberals out of Office. Obviously that strategy was for naught as The Liberals got back in. I also found other parties to be filled with COVID-19 Conspiracies and to be courted by Vaccine Hysteria. However, the Social conservatives, limited government fiscal hawks and libertarianally leaning reasonable people all disagreed wholeheartedly with Canada's Recovery Plan in their own way with their voices and votes being shut out.
Pro lifers for example were thrown under the bus from the get go of the process. As well as those whom were against the Push for a gender confused population by embracing the Gender Identity ideology about being born in the wrong body. People whom were Christian or even rational Naturalists whom understand that Climate Change is governed by natural or Supernatural phenomenon not C02 Concentration were not given the time of day. Despite having 1000s of actual Earth Science experts that will back up that fact. As well as throwing any one with traditional, I would say Godly, Family values under the bus. By wanting to Ban therapy for Unwanted Same Sex attractions under the nedulas term Conversion Therapy which lumps non harmful talk therapy and prayer ministry in with old fashioned harmful practices from long ago.
They threw the libertatianally leaning wing under the bus by not even giving them sensible cutting of regulations when possible by cutting regulatory red tape. This crosses over to the fiscal hawks as well. They did not even compromise a bit and despite saying they were against the deficit did not say what if any overspending would be cut off to deal with the economic future of Canada.
Overall, Conservatives as a Party are forgetting what made them conservatives to begin with and leaving behind valuable voters that could have voted for them. The party is stopping being Conservatives at all.