Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Friday, September 24, 2021

Capitalism IS Biblical, but, so is supporting your neigbours with Government financing.

The heart of capitalism is that the government should only take taxes to pay for the services of government officials and things that government should be doing. I disagree with those whom claim that does not mean providing Government financing to Citizens when needed.

It does not make you a Socialist to be in favor of government funding of things like education or assisting with the payments of your Health Care. Or providing some sort of safety net. I am in favor of property rights and the market. 

However, I admit that unless we started all living in a mutual aid based society where voluntary non governmental assistance to each other was the norm The State will be required to use taxation for assisting those in need. 

If I could have the guarantee that we could/would take care of the needs of our neighbors things would be a different story. Then I would love to live in a Nation with only Government funding for things like building roads, infrastructure, bridges, law enforcement and the military. 

I do not see anything so radical happening though and knowing human nature as I do I doubt such a Society will ever exist this side of the Return of Christ. More importantly if God Decreed for us to live in a Nation of Welfare without The State we would be one.