Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Same sexual activity is a crime against God's Creation.

One of the changes made in the world today is misunderstanding differences between civil magistrate enforced criminality and cosmic criminals. Cosmic criminality is Crimes against God and his Moral Law. The laws of the civil magistrate may or may not be enforcement of God's Moral Law depending on the law in view.

For examples of God's Moral Law being enforced we have murder, sexual crimes, theft, laws against slander and libel as that is lying, and so on. However, just because there is an acknowledgment of the difference between something be a Cosmic crime and enforcing it with the civil or federal magistrate does not remove its criminal or law breaking status or legality of it in terms or our Covenant as God's creation and our Creator.

Some people in recent Reformed denominational history have said that same sex sexuality should be recriminalized. As it's against God's Moral Law not, as misunderstood to be, ceremonial or cleanliness laws belonging to only the Israel of the Old Testament. Specifically I would refer you to two places. One being the Orthodox Christian Reformed Churches that broke off from the CRC decades ago. The other being the Theonomical government movement. 

I want to make sure that it is understood that I am not in favor of a theonomy form of government. What I am about to say may be misunderstood. I am not referencing enforcement by the civil magistrate against those with same sex attractions. I am not endorsing the recriminalization of homosexuality. 

However, any sexual activity outside of a Biblical Marriage between members of the complimentary sexes is against God's Law and is a breaking of the Cosmic law Code that Jesus maintained when asked about Marriage and its meaning/origins. Everyone that is engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage not just homosexual activity is breaking the Cosmic legal code. Is a cosmic traitor, committing open rebellion against their creator. Sex was created when humans were first created to be between a man and woman whom become one Flesh for life. 

Sexual sin is not something that does not matter like all sin it is a cosmic treason. Yes, all sin is cosmic treason. As decendents of Adam and Eve we are born in trespasses and sins. We are born in iniquity and we all are criminals in God's Court from the moment our life begins. Our default state is to be slaves to the sin the Devil put in our posterity when he deceived Adam and Eve in The Garden. 

As the Bible points out over and over again none is born Good in the eyes of God not one. We have all been born into a nature that is sin. We are not sinners because we sin we sin because we are all born sinners. Out default is not neutrality, but, enmity with God and our default destination without God's Grace is a cosmic eternal act of justice equal to being the cosmic criminals we are. IF God was Fair we would all deserve Justice and end up facing his Wrath in hell. 

However, God does show grace to those whom he Elected to be saved within time by the Atonement of Christ on the Cross. That does not mean God's Laws are not still in effect and that homosexul activity is not a Cosmic crime against a thrice Holy God whose Holiness is so beyond human ideas of what holy can mean that even the slightest imperfections are like filthy rags to him. While at the same time he is merciful and he is love. Which means he can choose to over look the imperfections for those whom Christ died. As well as provide a beneficent form of love that often is called a Common Grace.

Yet, I cannot affirm as good that which God's Law sees as evil and trample on the Cross of The Lord and True King Jesus. While I do not wish nor support any moves to recriminalize same sex activity in the realm of the civil magistrate. I must say that it was never legalized in the eyes of God and never will be. Instead we need to evangelize the LGBTQ community and if it is God's will they will be redeemed.