Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Our World DOES Belongs to God

I do believe in God's Law or Biblical Justice being something we get back to following in our lives. I am not a Theonomist, however, which might confuse some people.

The reason I cannot support the Theonomist idea is that it wishes for all penalties for breaking the Law Code in the Bible should follow the penalties listed in the Torah. I agree with theonomy that the Moral Law from the Bible is still in effect for God. However, I disagree with making the entirety of the Law code backed by the force of our modern Justice system. 

For example, I have no problem with Capital Punishment by the government against thou whom shall murder. Which matches the penalty of murders being killed by the government under Theocracy in the Old Testament.

I believe restitution for theft is legitimate as a form of punishment for theft which is the penalty in the Bible for thou shall not steal. 

I would support a sexual predator also being given Capital punishment by the government as well. Which matches the idea that governments job is to vanquish evil and enforce the good.

Parts of the Moral Law that consist of laws against harming others or their property absolutely are enforceable, but, that does not mean it is possible or even plausible to enforce with law everything in the moral code. 

I do not support becoming a Theocracy which does things like giving the death penalty for adulatory. However, people whom do such a thing are absolutely breaking God's Law and if not saved by Grace through Faith in Christ will have an eternal home in the depths of hell. The answer is to evangelize them and not to use Theocratic means to that end. Much as Jesus did with the woman caught in adulatory tell them to repent, and go sin no more not stone them with the law

I also think, however, going to the other extreme of saying God has no moral or immoral behaviour in his sight is also not biblical. For example; I am against Sodomy laws, but, homosexual sexual activity is still against the moral code section of God's laws. I am not going to condone said activity, but, I do think that it should be legal to act in such a manor. It clearly lists sexually active homosexuals as not inheriting the kingdom of God in Corinthians. Which means we should tell the truth in love to our LGBTQ friends and not hide the truth from them. We should evangelize said individuals and get them saved in love and with compassion for their struggle in Jesus Holy Name. 

If everything that was something that is listed as sending people to hell was illegal we would be living in an Authoritarian Nightmare which I am not prepared to support in anyway. 

One of the other places I disagreed with some of my Beloved in Christ is thinking that Biblical Justice excludes the existence of a Social Safety net and any Government assistance to the needy. This is a symptom of the Libertarian movement on Christians in the United States. A movement which is totally incompatible with the need for government involvement at any level in the market. It is not solidly Biblical, but, a left over from the old Fusionist days when the two movements fused together at a certain level up against Communism in the Cold War. 

However, taxation is not only talked about by Christ himself, but, also by the Apostles. Everyone of the mentions tells us that we are to give to the government what they are due and to be good citizens. We are to realize that God is in charge of the existence of the government we are living under and not to engage in trying to hold back taxes from those to whom it is owed. Therefore nowhere does the Bible talk about being against using the taxation for assistance to the needy and in defense of Libertarian economics.

I am not against government stepping into help those in need of assistance where the private institutions in society are unable to provide assistance. Nor am I in favor of big government socialism either. I am fiscally conservative, but, economic conservatism is NOT economically libertarian. I am not in favor of unregulated and unfettered let her rip Captialism. I am in favor of free markets in general, but, free markets and unregulated markets are not the same thing. 

I find that lassiez-faire Capitalism is totally Unbiblical and incompatible with the idea that True Religion to God includes taking care of the needs of the least of these. I consider several members of the US Religious Right to be inconsistent when it comes to their Libertarianism within their economic ideas. Note I said several and not all. There are lots of Christian Conservatives in the US that push back against the lassiez-faire idea as untenable and inhumane. 

I am an unashamed member of the Christian Values movement in Canada and I think that anyone that has been seduced by the Libertarian view of economics needs to rethink their presuppositions. Their current ones are not compatible with Christian/Biblical based fiscal policy in anyway. 

The main place I agree with Theonomy on is that the World does Belong to God. However, at the end of the day God is in solid control of this World and His decrees will come to pass no matter how much this world fights against Him. All we can do is to work to be his means to that end.