Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Born Again Christian; Biblical Fundamentalist, Received Text-KJV, Dispensational

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Different Spheres as an alternative to either Godlessness or Theonomy.

I read two articles from Reformed  Conservative one was on Kyperian Justice and the other on the Political incorrectness of J. Gresham Machen

I found myself quite consoled by the fact that Kyper did not support the ideas that went onto become Theonomy. Instead he thought that different Spheres belonged to different groups. That Church and Civil Law were not the same sphere thus judicial actions based on Old Testament rules were not to operate in the Civil magistrate. 

In the meanwhile Machan was a fierce defender of Religious Liberty and for the Civil Authority to not push any view even our own. At the same time he was a fierce advocate for the Church and other Spheres outside the Justice System to be theologically and morally intolerant. I agree that Churches and other non Governmental entities should indeed have the right to be as theologically intolerant as God's Word needs for us to be. 

When I say intolerant I do not endorse Cults here or Cultish movements. I am referring to being able to live according to God's Word within Voluntary and noncoercive entities no matter if it offends those whom disagree or wishes it's members to follow the great Confessions and The Scripture itself. God's Word is filled with Truth in Love, but, is totally intolerant of so much that is tolerated within our broader society. 

Christ says to rally those around you whom are not yet professing Faith in Christ to come, repent, believe and acknowledge he is Lord. To become his Dulos (Slave) and to follow his rules which while loving are also intolerant of sinful depraved behaviors and ideas. A Dulos of Christ cannot and should not tolerate within the Church ongoing and unrepentant breaking of God's Law. While the Justice System of the Civil magistrate is not part of the Sphere of The Church and thus should not be governed by penalties written out in Scriptures. 

This is a good way of both maintaining Christian Sovereignty within the Sphere of the Church and faith related organizations and also avoiding the other extreme of Theonomy.